Description: This is the Biggest fish caught in the ORIS National Big Game Tournament 2011....a Blue fin Tuna. Plse notice the Government stamp on its fins re-the quota allocated to us at same day of the tournament....believe me I got several calls later for surveying and monitoring of this such event I had to state by writing re-this catch to the government...waht a shame we are into......
Picture Stats: Views: 2095 Filesize: 70.33kB Height: 213 Width: 160 Keywords: Yanes Desira - Pauline Tuna Posted by: Pauline Tuna at January 11, 2012, 10:37:40 CET Image Linking Codes
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caldaland Posts:1584 | February 02, 2012, 20:59:38 CET taboooooooooooooooooo |
shanook Posts:3007 | February 02, 2012, 10:20:45 CET @ Ganni: Are u living in this country or in a world of your own. What political debate? this gov is making these regulations so who the Heck are we supposed to critise our next door neighbour? the Gov is making them so we critise the goverment!!! Now if u are so affectionate with this gov that you cannot take critisism then its your problem..... Who is giving quota to our Gov to be used for fishing tuna is it again your next doors? its the EU. So we should just shut up and take it..nice attitude especially from a young kid like should be in the forefront to fight for your rights...... |
ganni Posts:685 | January 19, 2012, 17:20:22 CET @ Pauline tuna, this wasn't addressed to you but to whom tried to turn this into a political debate...i can understand your worries because i'm a fishing enthusiast as much as you are but to no extent can this be turned into a political debate about the eu. in fact this isn't an EU law but a Maltese law, the EU doesn't impose on the member countries to exclude tuna fishing amongst sport fishers. and well done for the catch...wish i have that fish finder on my boat :p |
Pauline Tuna Posts:65 | January 19, 2012, 09:05:54 CET Qed nitkellem bhala delletant muguh hafna meta nara illi ghalina id delizzju wasal f'xifer li ma nafx ghalfejn jghati tikkunsidra dan kollu.....Ghadek ma tafx min xiex ghaddejt jien anka sal guranta tal lum ghadni nircevi telfonati mid dipartiment biex jaraw xgara fuq it tonn li qbadt 8 xhur ilu.....temmen illi biex kellna cans naqbdu tonn kelna SPONSOR biex naqbduh - ara fejn wasalna |
Pauline Tuna Posts:65 | January 19, 2012, 09:01:23 CET Hello Ganni, Mghandix idea jekk joghgbok tinfurmani ghal xiex tmur tistad inti....u ghintix intis fil ligijiet kemm Maltin u internazzjonali fuq is-sajd ghawn Malta...jekk tkun taf tifhem ghalxiex nkun qed nirreferi....ilni nistad diversi snin tista tghid twelidt nistad...hut qbadt u dejjem mort ghal xiex ridt...dejjem qistu bhala hobby u kultant ippermettili bhala xoghol....pero illum il gurnata qed nikkunsidraw jekk nistawx immoru aktar il barra kemm bil-ligijiet u kemm bl-ispejjez li dejjem jikbru fil nafx intis ukoll illi meta thares lejn sajjieda fulltime, dawn jiehdu il fuel bis susisdju u kullhadd ghandu kwota, sahansitra onka kwota ta kontingenza min ghand il gvern malta li ahna ma ghanniex - kuntrast li jekk inti taqbad Tonn ta liema daqs tigi mharrek u thallas ta emilek. Bir rispett kollu lejk habib tieghi ikolli nghidlek li minitiex nfurmat xinhu jigri madwarek fuq aspett ta ligijiet ax kieku ma titkelimx ekk.....Ma nahsibx illi il hut li taqbad izzommu kollu ghalik ux inti.....heq |
ganni Posts:685 | January 18, 2012, 15:13:56 CET please keep political arguments away from fishing forums |
baghira Posts:1821 | January 14, 2012, 20:53:53 CET Nice mate... I saw it live.... wow |
shanook Posts:3007 | January 12, 2012, 17:50:28 CET well the Maltese people got what they voted for..........A government who takes good care of us and a European union that imposes laws that do not apply to our small country.............Now we have to live with what we've got. |
Guest | January 11, 2012, 21:53:46 CET At least I`m sure it was worth all the hassel, after all you you did get the nicest prize. Prosit! |
L-Ghaxqi Posts:136 | January 11, 2012, 14:38:27 CET welcome to malta nice tuna...and hope you had fun in this memorable event |