What is this fish?

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Description: This is baitfish which alongi were feeding on. I found it when gutting a fish. What species is this?
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Keywords: Baitfish 
Posted by: Jonathan at July 03, 2012, 14:31:58 CET

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Comments (9)

July 04, 2012, 10:31:13 CET
Last Friday we got a huge pot-bellied alunga, it was full of sand/mud from mouth to bum hole. Don`t ever remember having a kaplat that full. I wondered if it used to chase prawns on the seabed.
July 04, 2012, 09:23:01 CET
@Steve - Finding rock crayfish is impressive - Min jaf whether the alongi were swimming to the bottom to feed on them or whether such crayfish were drifting in the water column?
July 03, 2012, 23:00:04 CET
Sawrella dik mhux kavall - rasha akbar u jidher sew dak ix-xewk fuq barra li jkollha s-sawrella
July 03, 2012, 21:06:44 CET
Jonathan i also gutted two alungi and looked into there stomach....I found two fish like in the photo ezactly and also a few small rock crayfish.....
Kevin G
July 03, 2012, 19:16:37 CET
min kif inhu denba aktar qisa kaval.
July 03, 2012, 19:03:26 CET
Yep you're spot on Clayton, it was 7cm
July 03, 2012, 15:38:33 CET
Its a Horse Mackerel (Trachurus spp.), but in that state is not easy to tell which of the two, especially from a photo. What size?
July 03, 2012, 14:42:59 CET
sawrell / kavall
July 03, 2012, 14:41:52 CET
It looks like mediterranean horse mackerel. From the picture it looks like the bait fish was about 7 cm long.

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