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Yellowfin Tuna

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Description: Most people confuse BFT with YFT because of the small yellow fins between the tail and the dorsal fin...'s what a real YFT looks like and for those that are sceptic about real YFT in our seas (i used to be one of them)...this one was caught in our seas by a professional longliner...
So after all someone sighting a big marlin chasing albacore tuna might not be crazy after all  ;D
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Keywords: Yellowfin Tuna 
Posted by: ganni at July 24, 2012, 07:56:34 CET

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Comments (6)

July 25, 2012, 07:42:59 CET
ma tafx li nemmenk jien ;) jekk attli rajt marlin, marlin kien :)
July 24, 2012, 17:53:18 CET
Ghalijja qed tghid Gann. Jien naf x rajt imma ma nghid xejn ghax tahsibni mignun. Insomma snin ilu hadd m emminni li kont rajt barracuda u tghidx kemm ghajjruni, u llum invazat bihom.
July 24, 2012, 13:36:44 CET
Thanks for the pic Ganni

It's a good sign, because if we start getting Yellowfin in our waters, they spawn and grow equally rapidly, plus their meat is lighter than BFT if I'm not mistaken.

Hope we start seeing more around Maltese waters...
July 24, 2012, 12:32:12 CET
A 100% genuine yellowfin (I've seen pictures of blue fin tuna wrongly described as yellowfin)  

I have an Italian book about the fish found in Italian waters (Atalante dei Pesci dei Mari Italiani) which states that this fish (Its scientific name is Thunnus albacares) is present in Italian waters but is rather rare.

According to this book it can grow pretty huge - it gives maximum length as 3 m and weight up to 600 kg! Again according to my book, Italian fishermen who have caught this fish say that it is actually a harder fighter than the blue fin!

Dan dejjem skond il-ktieb li ghandi (Jien ghal xi mulett jew ghal tal-qiegh immur u mhux ghat tonn!)
Pauline Tuna
July 24, 2012, 08:49:19 CET
Heyy Gaffer and Ganni......yes that is the Yellow Fin Tuna.  Alot of Maltese fisherman always say that they caught a yellofin, tough it would be an albacore.....the fish that we catch by our lures in alongi season are the albacore (alalunga), and the Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna.  The pic shows clearly how a yellow fin tuna looks like.  There are more different species of tuna wich one can look at, such as the Southern Blue Fin Tuna, The Big Eye Tuna...interesting to search and to see how they look chance these fish enters the meditteranean as for the conditions of the sea temp.  At the Moment The Tuna we know 85 % is at the area of Boston, were is caught and sold to Japan Market, wich brings alot of money since it is nearer to the markets then have to export it from Malta to Japan by air.
July 24, 2012, 08:14:10 CET
yes, definitely a yellow fin Tuna!!!

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