Nice Catch by Team Malta

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Description: Here is nice catch by Team Malta during the 2013 European Float Fishing Championships held in Cadiz, Spain
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Keywords: Float Fishing Championships 
Posted by: simplefishingtips at October 13, 2013, 22:33:26 CET

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Comments (8)

October 19, 2013, 11:02:28 CET
that says it all then... the fish had already been used to the fishing technique, otherwise it wouldn't have been a problem for the mulett to bite, even on 0.25mm line
October 18, 2013, 09:27:55 CET
that was our first idea .... even when we were doing our homework before we left we knew the sea in the place was murky and thick lines would help .... but actually we discovered you would not get a bite on the surface unless you're on 0.12mm .... by the end of the tournament we had to even go down to 0.08mm ..... eventually the place was a non fishing zone but the spaniards have been training in the area for 4 months before the tournament
October 17, 2013, 23:25:40 CET
since the place is only fished in special competitions and fish were biting well when you adapted the technique... couldn't you go to say 0.18mm to speed up the fishing?
October 16, 2013, 22:33:16 CET
it took us around 3 hours until we realized what was exactly happening .... however the Spaniards had some kind of magic throughout the tournament and we could never match them fishing their own grounds. We then realized that bottom of the port we were fishing was totally out of question as there was some kind of substance in the bottom and no fish was present. from time to time fish came to the surface to bite and indeed it was big fish .... i personally hooked 3 in a row taking me around 10 minutes each to land 3 big mullets on 0.08mm line ..... it was indeed a great experience with our national team also fielding the very first lady in such a prestigious european tournament .... fingers crossed for next year as we will be competing in Italy (San Benedetto del Tronto). It will be more like fishing home grounds ... but we'll see when the time comes as we always encounter different situations when fishing abroad ..... with some kind of help from the authorities (mainly a good fishing venue) we will one day organise this tournament at home as all the present nations are begging Malta to host the tournament in near future :)
October 16, 2013, 20:46:28 CET
It is strange indeed - fishing so shallow in a local harbours would give us voparella, cawl and perhaps some bobin

I guess it must initially have been somewhat difficult for the local team to adapt - I suppose that even the type of fight put up by a sargu/awrata hooked so close to the surface will be different to what we are used to
October 16, 2013, 13:38:37 CET
it has nothing to do and compare with shore float fishing in Malta ..... fish behave very strange ..... place was 9 mtrs deep but for some reason mullet, awrat and sargi kept on striking in less than 1mtr depth .... sea was very murky .... conclusion: fish behave differently in different parts of the world :)
October 14, 2013, 21:30:04 CET
Actually not much float fishing is practiced in the area, but perhaps that it why it is so fruitful. Fish feed on the surface. Not more then 1m depth. This meant that the fish needed a continuous flow of groundbait as the fish never stay in one place for long but there are plenty of fish. The venue was actually a no fishing zone only used for special competitions. Such a venue would be sports anglers paradise.
October 14, 2013, 12:25:49 CET
A very nice catch indeed! From your experience, How does float  fishing there compare to float fishing in Maltese harbors?

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