Hi guys,
Are there any of you who are going out spinning from shore lately?
Honestly.... any good results?
Hi J_Z, due to other commitments i am not spinning a lot lately, maybe just once a week, but in all honesty I did have good results. Last session i caught 2 barracudas.
If you are having trouble, we can always meet up, maybe i can give you a few tips.
Quote from: clutch_kick on January 20, 2011, 12:32:28 CET
Hi J_Z, due to other commitments i am not spinning a lot lately, maybe just once a week, but in all honesty I did have good results. Last session i caught 2 barracudas.
If you are having trouble, we can always meet up, maybe i can give you a few tips.
Hi clutch_kick, i can't refuse such an offer :D
Just let me know by pm when it is ok for you.
This weekend is out of the question! Too busy with work, send me a Pm when you can usually meet up.
Quote from: clutch_kick on January 20, 2011, 15:35:20 CET
This weekend is out of the question! Too busy with work, send me a Pm when you can usually meet up.
pm sent
guyss.... no one's spinning on this board?????
I am every now and then .....
Haven't been fishing for a few days. Although I had reports of some very nice catches these past 2 weeks.
By the way ... shall we meet up this Saturday morning?
Quote from: clutch_kick on January 27, 2011, 15:22:48 CET
Haven't been fishing for a few days. Although I had reports of some very nice catches these past 2 weeks.
By the way ... shall we meet up this Saturday morning?
Saturday morning is fine for me....
Hi, also new at fishing here in Malta. Just had a few hours of free spinning in and around balutta, by Fortizza and also Portomaso. No Cudas yet, but starting to get the feel for it. Any advice? Any hot-spots around here (Balutta)?
All the best// The ´ol toker
Well in all Honesty barracuds will be alittle bit on decline at the moment. I have seen quite a bit of the smaller ones, barely as big as the lure. The only peice of advice i can give you is, fish after sunset, and use BIG lures.
During a fishing get-together last Sunday morning at Armier, one of the guys netted a 1.4kg Barracuda with his first cast at around 5am. Than nothing else till we finished at 11am.
Quote from: clutch_kick on June 09, 2011, 22:55:56 CET
Well in all Honesty barracuds will be alittle bit on decline at the moment. I have seen quite a bit of the smaller ones, barely as big as the lure. The only peice of advice i can give you is, fish after sunset, and use BIG lures.
Clutch_kick, i know of people who are catching 2-3 barracuda's everday before going to work. The sizes range from .7kgs to 2.8kgs.
the hint is location location location the lure does not matter believe me they fish with some cheap china lures who do not even swim well.
Quote from: Granitu on June 10, 2011, 11:41:28 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on June 09, 2011, 22:55:56 CET
Well in all Honesty barracuds will be alittle bit on decline at the moment. I have seen quite a bit of the smaller ones, barely as big as the lure. The only peice of advice i can give you is, fish after sunset, and use BIG lures.
Clutch_kick, i know of people who are catching 2-3 barracuda's everday before going to work. The sizes range from .7kgs to 2.8kgs.
the hint is location location location the lure does not matter believe me they fish with some cheap china lures who do not even swim well.
In some areas cudas are biting in others not.... and again some are under the 1kg, most of them, other are over, well over, however these are harder to hook.
A couple of winter cuda hot spots I had, are deserted now. Not even worth trying :(
As for lures..... I fully agree with Granitu.... We hook cudas on super expensive lures as well as on cheap unbranded chin-chon ones.
I can't catch a barracuda, they follow the lure and don't bite.
retreive the lure faster and give it uneven jerks...... ex. tick tick and reel.....tick tick and reel .... tick tick and reel ........ every 'tick' is a light jerk to the tip of the rod..... thus your lure darts up down left right as though its a fish under distress trying to escape ;)
Here is something u can try, when u go spinning take 2 rods, a hand line with a splitshot and a size 14 hook, 2 slices bread, some groundbait for mullets.
When u arrive on the spot trow some of the mullet mix next to the jetty or wherever your fishing, wet the bread and work it out, use it as bait for the hand line, by this time there should be some small fish swimming next to you searching for more food, usually either vopi, bubin or griewel around 5cm, catch a couple and keep them alive, set 1 of the rods with a 1mtr .25 fluoro and a not very big hook ( I like to use a size 2 owner cutting point ) add one of those floats that fill up with water and fill it up so it will be a bit heavy and the fish will not swim around with it. When you hook the bait fish it is important that you hook it from the rear (just behind the tail) for some reason this will make it swim downwords most of the time. Now here is where the spinning part comes in, spin as usual and get the lure to pass near the live bait. The cudas that will follow the lure will mark the live fish from 2 mtrs away and sprint to it like maniacs, if the fish are small enough they will not bother to bite it they will just swollow it whole. I guarantee that from every 2 followups u'll have 1 of them that will take the bait without thinking twice about it.
Quote from: Freeman on June 10, 2011, 14:41:15 CET
Here is something u can try, when u go spinning take 2 rods, a hand line with a splitshot and a size 14 hook, 2 slices bread, some groundbait for mullets.
When u arrive on the spot trow some of the mullet mix next to the jetty or wherever your fishing, wet the bread and work it out, use it as bait for the hand line, by this time there should be some small fish swimming next to you searching for more food, usually either vopi, bubin or griewel around 5cm, catch a couple and keep them alive, set 1 of the rods with a 1mtr .25 fluoro and a not very big hook ( I like to use a size 2 owner cutting point ) add one of those floats that fill up with water and fill it up so it will be a bit heavy and the fish will not swim around with it. When you hook the bait fish it is important that you hook it from the rear (just behind the tail) for some reason this will make it swim downwords most of the time. Now here is where the spinning part comes in, spin as usual and get the lure to pass near the live bait. The cudas that will follow the lure will mark the live fish from 2 mtrs away and sprint to it like maniacs, if the fish are small enough they will not bother to bite it they will just swollow it whole. I guarantee that from every 2 followups u'll have 1 of them that will take the bait without thinking twice about it.
spinning as a decoy.... hehehehehe
Quote from: FREEDIVE on June 10, 2011, 15:17:52 CET
Fish dont really care where the lure is made or the price, but the moment of truth comes when you hook a fish of a lifetime and end up only landing the front-ring. In my case the lure had come apart :(
some more details ejjaa.... seems like an interesting story!!
Quote from: FREEDIVE on June 10, 2011, 15:17:52 CET
Fish dont really care where the lure is made or the price, but the moment of truth comes when you hook a fish of a lifetime and end up only landing the front-ring. In my case the lure had come apart :(
you surely did not hook a barracuda :P I know the type of fish that can break a ring, but they can break anything believe me, this winter i broke an overhead reel from the butt (yes i tightened the drag but I had to)... however i got it replaced (under warranty) :P
it really depends what you buy, yes, but it is really not necessary to spend a fortune on lures that in the best cases will be scratched from bites or lost during fights :)
I just started spinning and I've been going for a week now. tried some different places in the northern area but no bites and no follow ups. maybe its the wind or the time of year. I'll keep trying maybe one day I'll be lucky :D
I've been going frequent not in windy days, 10+ follow ups 0 bites,
Still getting a few respectable hits down south. Kevin what lures are you using? Lots of follow ups and no hits means there is some small detail which is wrong.
line? Leader? Swivles? Lures? what are you using?
Maria, Yo-Zuri, Redhead deep diver rapala as lures amongst others but no follow ups. got a new 30lb braid now, floro carbon, a small swivel.
i have to ask this so that i can confirm if a lure that i am going to use is good. i found a black rapala lure in one of my dads fishing boxes which is jointed and has a metal part in front. i tried to see how it swims, when you retrieve it, it swims downwards but its not weighted. is good for spinning from shore? i'm asking because my dad fishes on his boat with it.
what you have is probably a split magnum rapala...... do not use it in shallow places.......... as you said it is ideally used on a boat mate. it would be good at places like qbajjar in gozo or wied iz zurrieq etc.......
Quote from: il-bubli on June 15, 2011, 21:36:44 CET
i have to ask this so that i can confirm if a lure that i am going to use is good. i found a black rapala lure in one of my dads fishing boxes which is jointed and has a metal part in front. i tried to see how it swims, when you retrieve it, it swims downwards but its not weighted. is good for spinning from shore? i'm asking because my dad fishes on his boat with it.
I would instead use something slender, that is one piece. That's what most of the catches are being reported on. Obviously I would recommend a Mommotti or a Finder Jerk :D but I am kind of biased hehehe ... there are other very good lures on the Market, the Daiwa Shoreline Shiner SL17, or the Maria Chase SW just to mention 2 others.
@KevinG .... yeah that setup sounds fine, give the baits lots of jerking motions it gets the fish excited, and rotate lures. Select 3 lures that have the same sort of action but different colour, then just swap them every 5 or 8 casts .... it will send the Barracuda crazy at one point, but jerk them like a mad man, don't just retrieve.
today I was on the place at about 5.15am at aroud 6.30am 3 sawrell imperjal came chasing the maria Case SW (yellow) but no attack, till 8.00 no follow ups or attack , than came 3 cudas after a while one of them bit the yo-zuri one but spit it out (f**k Him) loads of currents but.
When swimming in the marfa region last weekend and i spotted two lone barracudas stalking the area with my goggles( bil-maskra). HAs anyone ever caught any decent barracuda there, cause come summer and the end of exams will be spending most of my time at marfa. I'm interested in spinning and would like to know my chances at spinning at mtarfa. Has anyone caught anything decent spinning at mtarfa?
I never tried because i am from the other side of the island. It doesn't hurt to try, so give it a go. After dark bigger fish might come closer to shore.
good luck,
never had luck with marfa (qas mess) went several times. BUT i know a few who caught a cuda from there
i got some just under the ramla bay resort but that was 2 years ago in April while camping the area.
il gimgha l ohra qbadt 2 mic cirkewwa u wihed minhom kien 2kgs izda dil gimgha ergajt mort u xejn anqas haq it triq...Wied iz zurrieq brodu ukoll hadt mu jaqbad xejn.
jien bhalissa tellajt xi zewg lizzijiet minn hemm u minn hawn. Imma xejn kbir :)
Smajt li qed jinqabad partita cervjol u anke xi accola wkoll.
last sunday from Zonqor I caught my first ever cuda, but only 600grams(6am-7.30am). went again on wednesday and no sign of anything (5.15am-9am).
At this time of the year, I would concentrate less on spinning for Barracuda, and more on spinning for Trevallies. Summer is also a good period to give Shore jigging a go, the ideal target fish are the Small AmberJacks and Dentex.
yes there are travellies this time of the year but they bite at mid july mostly from spinning and trolling.
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 02, 2011, 00:41:58 CET
At this time of the year, I would concentrate less on spinning for Barracuda, and more on spinning for Trevallies. Summer is also a good period to give Shore jigging a go, the ideal target fish are the Small AmberJacks and Dentex.
When u say trevallies, i guess u're refering to sawrell who come from the trevally family or....? Watching fishing shows on national geographic I always hear about the big GT the giant trevally and how its a well sought out sports fish... we don't have GT in Malta ..... do we?
Quote from: greenhorn 94 on July 02, 2011, 10:29:19 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 02, 2011, 00:41:58 CET
At this time of the year, I would concentrate less on spinning for Barracuda, and more on spinning for Trevallies. Summer is also a good period to give Shore jigging a go, the ideal target fish are the Small AmberJacks and Dentex.
When u say trevallies, i guess u're refering to sawrell who come from the trevally family or....? Watching fishing shows on national geographic I always hear about the big GT the giant trevally and how its a well sought out sports fish... we don't have GT in Malta ..... do we?
unfortunately no :( no Giant Trevallies in Malta
Actually the bigger sawrell we have locally are called Blue Runners and not Trevallies.
And believe me, they are not called Blue RUNNERS for nothing.... they can and will run when caught ;)
thought so. I would like to start spinning seriously this summer but I am in the dark as to what lures I could use to target specific fish. Last summer I bought a redhead yo-zuri crystal minnow sinking for barracuda but I didn't manage to catch anything. I guess it's the places i go that effect overall the chances , I don't own a car still to young and must travel by bus to everywhere. I've been to cirkewwa,next to the pixkerija, msida and ghar lapsi but no hits what so ever! Could anyone point out good lures for specific fish such as sawrell , amberjack and barracuda for land based fishing please and I know no one gives up their secret spots for fishing but could someone just at least point out a region like example towards the harbour regions or to the north west, where land based spinning is successful?
TY Greenhorn :) :)
Yes i intented for blue runners yes they run, last summer i hooked a big one we think about 2kgs but the line snapped because i was with 0.20mm, it was a really nice fish.Spinning for blue runners, i found that metallas are good and not much big like 8cm max. Tommorow i going for them but not spinning with bait because they more bite on bait because they are piggys (eat many).I like to use cuttlefish or tumbrell for them.
So ... GT's do not exist in Malta, although I fantasise about it. The Blue Runners are from the trevally family, there are also the White trevally which can be caught locally.
As for them biting in mid-July ... well ... they've been biting from mid-June :)
Quote from: greenhorn 94 on July 02, 2011, 10:56:54 CET
thought so. I would like to start spinning seriously this summer but I am in the dark as to what lures I could use to target specific fish. Last summer I bought a redhead yo-zuri crystal minnow sinking for barracuda but I didn't manage to catch anything. I guess it's the places i go that effect overall the chances , I don't own a car still to young and must travel by bus to everywhere. I've been to cirkewwa,next to the pixkerija, msida and ghar lapsi but no hits what so ever! Could anyone point out good lures for specific fish such as sawrell , amberjack and barracuda for land based fishing please and I know no one gives up their secret spots for fishing but could someone just at least point out a region like example towards the harbour regions or to the north west, where land based spinning is successful?
TY Greenhorn :) :)
true... nobody likes to give up good spots, but honestly, the places you mentioned are quite known to be good especially Lapsi and Cirkewwa IMHO!
Thing is, you have also to know the when not just the where. Try different periods of the day, early morning, evening, night until yuo find out which period of the day makes that spot better.
And don't be static move around, this shouldn't be difficult to do when spinning.
Quote from: Robby9 on July 02, 2011, 12:08:59 CET
Yes i intented for blue runners yes they run, last summer i hooked a big one we think about 2kgs but the line snapped because i was with 0.20mm, it was a really nice fish.Spinning for blue runners, i found that metallas are good and not much big like 8cm max. Tommorow i going for them but not spinning with bait because they more bite on bait because they are piggys (eat many).I like to use cuttlefish or tumbrell for them.
Everyone seems to catch blue runners on metalli, except me :S
All the blue runners I caught this season (30+) where caught on lures except two, one caught on a metalla (shakespeare) and the other with a jig.
And yes I agree, when thay settle in a spot, they tend to start ignoring lures and bite more often on bait.
nothing today but a fish bite and was a big bite that rod was going in the water(al tikka haditli il qazba il bahar imma ilhaqt qbadtha messa kbira u qatatli il xlief)and after 5secs taking drag it cut the line the line was 0.30mm hook size7.I dont know what fish was but i think was a dentex or something with teeth.there were blue runners but no bites
Caught a cud a this morning, no action apart from that.
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 02, 2011, 00:41:58 CET
At this time of the year, I would concentrate less on spinning for Barracuda, and more on spinning for Trevallies. Summer is also a good period to give Shore jigging a go, the ideal target fish are the Small AmberJacks and Dentex.
Thanks for the advice 'clutch kick'. I went again last sunday and nothing. I also noticed another two spinning near by and no results as well. I might try for trevallies as you suggested. But just for the info- when is the best period of the year to spin for cudas?
And what lures are used for trevallies? Sry for asking to much but I'm still new to fishing especially spinning.
Quote from: Rush on July 04, 2011, 20:48:52 CET
And what lures are used for trevallies? Sry for asking to much but I'm still new to fishing especially spinning.
Well, haven't caught White Trevallies (sawrell tal-imperjal) yet this year, but I've caught Blue Runners (sawrell tal-imperjal ta' dembhom iswed) on lures mainly. Some anglers however are having good results with spinners (metalli).
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
So ,correct me if I'm mistaken please, lure have to be some what long and slender ? And is the area around the pixkerija good for spinning for sawrell? TY I would really appreciate the help cause I have no experience what so ever!
Long slender lures have given the best results by far, lately. They are known as Long Jerk Minnows. their length usually varies from 120mm to 190mm, depending on what you are looking for. I wouldn't go below 140mm, unless you're going to fish with light or ultralight gear.
I am not a fan of ports, maybe that's the reason why i don't catch a lot of fish. :D However, I fished the area near the pixkerija once and although I did not catch anything that day, I did have follow ups. In all honesty this time of the year is probably the leanest period for spinning, so you need to persevere a little bit and not give up. Wait for Autumn to start and you'll see that catches will improve.
You should also team up with others who have a bit more experience in spinning, that way you can learn the techniques quickly.
ty clutch_kick. Waiting for autumn is not much of an option I have my a-levels next year and must focus on my studies if I'm to to do well so I must take advantage of this summer. Thanks for the advice I have the spinning technique down I have been practising regularly so know that I have equipped myself with sufficient information from the forum it's time to do some hardcore spinning :) Thanks for all the information guys! Imnalla al forum :)
Quote from: greenhorn 94 on July 05, 2011, 08:48:32 CET
So ,correct me if I'm mistaken please, lure have to be some what long and slender ? And is the area around the pixkerija good for spinning for sawrell? TY I would really appreciate the help cause I have no experience what so ever!
It seems that sawrell are common almost everywhere this summer. Their will to bite artificial lures is another story.
As for Pixkerija area, it was always a good spot for almost anything. And from reports on this forum from last year, sawrell were a common catch from there.
Quote from: J_Z on July 04, 2011, 23:45:50 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 04, 2011, 20:48:52 CET
And what lures are used for trevallies? Sry for asking to much but I'm still new to fishing especially spinning.
Well, haven't caught White Trevallies (sawrell tal-imperjal) yet this year, but I've caught Blue Runners (sawrell tal-imperjal ta' dembhom iswed) on lures mainly. Some anglers however are having good results with spinners (metalli).
Thanks a lot J_Z.
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
This year near pixkerija is not very good i think because there is a barkun ihamel and the bottom is all sand now(gabuh kollu ramel minhabba il cruiseliners nahseb xejn naqra bahar fottewh)
Quote from: Rush on July 05, 2011, 18:50:54 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
did you say that you spooled totally with fluorocarbon???? :o
Quote from: Rush on July 05, 2011, 18:50:54 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
that is the worst thing to do! fluoro carbon - (I may think its is fluoro coated line) is expensive and most of very stiff. It will not guarantee the excellent casts multifibre can deliver due to its lightweight and lowered friction.
ideally use a fluoro coated leader 2-3m long and its enough (you may use more but if you use a 7-8 metre long or a jointed leader, but it will impede on the maximum cast
For spinning you do not need more than a 1m long leader.
There are specific lines that are fluorocoated for spinning, but they tend to be expensive. Best if you switch over to a braided line. No more than a 25-30lb braid for spinning, depending on your setup. The lighter the better.
Quote from: J_Z on July 06, 2011, 09:27:07 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 05, 2011, 18:50:54 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
did you say that you spooled totally with fluorocarbon???? :o
Yes i spooled all of it. 100m to be honest. the brand is P LINE and it cost 17.80 euros.
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 18:57:40 CET
Quote from: J_Z on July 06, 2011, 09:27:07 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 05, 2011, 18:50:54 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
did you say that you spooled totally with fluorocarbon???? :o
Yes i spooled all of it. 100m to be honest. the brand is P LINE and it cost 17.80 euros.
ermmm...... you did totally the wrong thing! :(
Mela to start with, unspool the fluoro coated you have spooled back to its original reel.
Go buy a good quality braid, see what's good for you and your pocket, spool the braid onto your reel and fix 1 metre of fluoro coated pline to the braid.
OK then I will do just that. but is it true that braided lines can ruin the fishing rod? I have a Shimano Alivio rod and a Shimano Nexave reel that has an aluminium spool which I understand is good for braided lines.
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 19:08:57 CET
OK then I will do just that. but is it true that braided lines can ruin the fishing rod? I have a Shimano Alivio rod and a Shimano Nexave reel that has an aluminium spool which I understand is good for braided lines.
yes, braid can go through guides.
What alivio you have?
Quote from: J_Z on July 06, 2011, 19:12:33 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 19:08:57 CET
OK then I will do just that. but is it true that braided lines can ruin the fishing rod? I have a Shimano Alivio rod and a Shimano Nexave reel that has an aluminium spool which I understand is good for braided lines.
yes, braid can go through guides.
What alivio you have?
I'm not sure which numbers are used for identification so herae are all of them:
BX 300H
Can I use a normal line with a fluoro carbon leader as I dont wish to ruin the guides.? SRY for the hassle but I'm still new to all of this.
Quote from: Granitu on July 06, 2011, 09:53:30 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 05, 2011, 18:50:54 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 05, 2011, 00:36:12 CET
Rush, from the stuff that I sell, the highest catches were reported on the Mommotti 140, the Finder Jerk and the Jugulo 20g and 40g. Yesterday however I was emailed a few pics of some catches on a topwater lure the Proteus 90. So basically, those lures and anything similar to them will work. Make sure that you use Fluorocarbon Leader on the lures if you fish with braid. Trevallies have good sight, they'll follow the lure but become suspicious. The lure movement is also very important, don't give the fish time to react to the lures, but make them attack out of instinct instead. DO this by utilising a retrive that mimics a paniced or scared fish. So lots of jerks and fast retrieve.
Thanks for the interesting info 'clutch kick'. I have my reel full of flouro carbon, is that bad in any way? So you sell fishing stuff? Shop or on the internet?
that is the worst thing to do! fluoro carbon - (I may think its is fluoro coated line) is expensive and most of very stiff. It will not guarantee the excellent casts multifibre can deliver due to its lightweight and lowered friction.
ideally use a fluoro coated leader 2-3m long and its enough (you may use more but if you use a 7-8 metre long or a jointed leader, but it will impede on the maximum cast
Thanks granitu.. you are all very helpful.
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 06, 2011, 15:54:38 CET
For spinning you do not need more than a 1m long leader.
There are specific lines that are fluorocoated for spinning, but they tend to be expensive. Best if you switch over to a braided line. No more than a 25-30lb braid for spinning, depending on your setup. The lighter the better.
As I was telling J_Z the fluoro carbon(P Line) cost me 17.80euros. but if it's not good I will unspool it back. I'm only afraid to ruin the guides if I use a braided line.Thanks again clutch kick.
generally modern spinning rods are good for braid rush and the alivio u have the guides are made of sic so they are good
I can assure you the Alivio guides are not SiC. It would cost at least 2 - 3 times more. Anyway it's beside's the point, it probably has a form of Aluminium Oxide guides that are good enough for braid.
In all honesty that rod is far too heavy to enjoy spinning, it is a 20-50g rod, where most of the best lures for Barracuda, trevallies, etc are in the 15 to 26g range. The problem here in Malta is that we go for heavy tackle for some reason or another, and it is the wrong approach to spinning. In my opinion the best setup for local spinning is a 10-30g, graphite rod, that is around 7 to 9 feet long, and a 4000 reel. If you're into spinning with metal lures then maybe you might opt for a 42g casting weight rod, like the popular american 8'6" salmon rods.
15lb braid on the 10 to 30g rod, and 25lb braid on the 14 to 42g rods.
Personaly I found the alivio very comfortable for spinning. Could be maybe because first time I had a go at spinning was with an cw100g with a flexible tip and that one really tired me out, but now I feel much better with the alivio. So the alivio is safe for braided lines?
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 23:25:24 CET
Personaly I found the alivio very comfortable for spinning. Could be maybe because first time I had a go at spinning was with an cw100g with a flexible tip and that one really tired me out, but now I feel much better with the alivio. So the alivio is safe for braided lines?
I personally wouldn't hesitate to go for braid. The alivio is man enough to handle it.
What series is the Nexave you have?
Now go get some braid. Maybe check the specs on the fluoro coated line you have so that you can correctly match the braid and the fluoro coated.
I would go for a 30lbs braid.
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 19:33:31 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 06, 2011, 15:54:38 CET
For spinning you do not need more than a 1m long leader.
There are specific lines that are fluorocoated for spinning, but they tend to be expensive. Best if you switch over to a braided line. No more than a 25-30lb braid for spinning, depending on your setup. The lighter the better.
As I was telling J_Z the fluoro carbon(P Line) cost me 17.80euros. but if it's not good I will unspool it back. I'm only afraid to ruin the guides if I use a braided line.Thanks again clutch kick.
use it as a leader material. P line have a good range of fluoro carbon but at that price i am assuming you bought a fluoro coated line which is good. I use their lines really good linrs but a little too stiff
i just bought seguar Soft 100% Flourcarbon .31...cost me 14 Euro. anyone uses this type of line?
Quote from: Granitu on July 07, 2011, 10:28:25 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 19:33:31 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 06, 2011, 15:54:38 CET
For spinning you do not need more than a 1m long leader.
There are specific lines that are fluorocoated for spinning, but they tend to be expensive. Best if you switch over to a braided line. No more than a 25-30lb braid for spinning, depending on your setup. The lighter the better.
As I was telling J_Z the fluoro carbon(P Line) cost me 17.80euros. but if it's not good I will unspool it back. I'm only afraid to ruin the guides if I use a braided line.Thanks again clutch kick.
use it as a leader material. P line have a good range of fluoro carbon but at that price i am assuming you bought a fluoro coated line which is good. I use their lines really good linrs but a little too stiff
I agree.
I also use P-Line fluoro coated and is very good. But I mainly use it for bottom fishing especially for Awrat.
Haven't used it for spinning though. But the .22 fluoro coated P-Line was man enough to handle 2kgs + awrat regularly.
Quote from: Kenken on July 07, 2011, 12:32:09 CET
i just bought seguar Soft 100% Flourcarbon .31...cost me 14 Euro. anyone uses this type of line?
Seaguar is an excellent brand. What test poundage does it have?
do not get into much detail since you're a beginner ....... alivio rod and a nexave reel is a good combination my friend .... just find time and explore fishing grounds that would be more important than just discussing tackle.
Get hold of some 30 - 50 gms metal jigs to cast as far as possible and let go for sawrell at this time of year.
Try jigging them out instead of making simple retreive ... good luck although it's not the very ideal weather for spinning
Harbours prove excellent at this time of year for sawrell
Quote from: Granitu on July 07, 2011, 10:28:25 CET
Quote from: Rush on July 06, 2011, 19:33:31 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 06, 2011, 15:54:38 CET
For spinning you do not need more than a 1m long leader.
There are specific lines that are fluorocoated for spinning, but they tend to be expensive. Best if you switch over to a braided line. No more than a 25-30lb braid for spinning, depending on your setup. The lighter the better.
As I was telling J_Z the fluoro carbon(P Line) cost me 17.80euros. but if it's not good I will unspool it back. I'm only afraid to ruin the guides if I use a braided line.Thanks again clutch kick.
use it as a leader material. P line have a good range of fluoro carbon but at that price i am assuming you bought a fluoro coated line which is good. I use their lines really good linrs but a little too stiff
No it's actually 100% pure fluorocarbon unless they lied on the package :). But what you said is true, it really is stiff.
Quote from: J_Z on July 07, 2011, 14:21:27 CET
Quote from: Kenken on July 07, 2011, 12:32:09 CET
i just bought seguar Soft 100% Flourcarbon .31...cost me 14 Euro. anyone uses this type of line?
Seaguar is an excellent brand. What test poundage does it have?
The P Line is 12lb.on a 0.29 diameter.
Quote from: placebo on July 07, 2011, 18:08:44 CET
do not get into much detail since you're a beginner ....... alivio rod and a nexave reel is a good combination my friend .... just find time and explore fishing grounds that would be more important than just discussing tackle.
Get hold of some 30 - 50 gms metal jigs to cast as far as possible and let go for sawrell at this time of year.
Try jigging them out instead of making simple retreive ... good luck although it's not the very ideal weather for spinning
Harbours prove excellent at this time of year for sawrell
Thanks Placebo. In fact I was trying to find some good places to go spinning, I just wanted to know if I have the right equipment. THANKS to ALL for the helpful advice. Maybe someday I'll have the chance to thank you personally.
One last thing. which is the best knot used to tie fluorocarbon to braid?
Thanks again my friend!
Quote from: Rush on July 07, 2011, 18:58:58 CET
Quote from: J_Z on July 07, 2011, 14:21:27 CET
Quote from: Kenken on July 07, 2011, 12:32:09 CET
i just bought seguar Soft 100% Flourcarbon .31...cost me 14 Euro. anyone uses this type of line?
Seaguar is an excellent brand. What test poundage does it have?
The P Line is 12lb.on a 0.29 diameter.
Good specs to start with.
Get the braid, tie the leader and go spinning!!!!
I have just bought a strike pro lures which is around 12 cm is slender and the colour mimicking that of a mackerel , does anybody own a similar lure ? and if so is it any good for barracudas,accol,insomma anything decent that might pass close to the shore?
Quote from: greenhorn 94 on July 16, 2011, 10:24:37 CET
I have just bought a strike pro lures which is around 12 cm is slender and the colour mimicking that of a mackerel , does anybody own a similar lure ? and if so is it any good for barracudas,accol,insomma anything decent that might pass close to the shore?
It's not just the lure.... you have to learn how to animate it properly... every lure has its movement and you have to recognise the technique which suites better that particular lure. Which will make it irresistable to the predators you will be fishing for.
tried a new place yesterday and was rewarded on the first cast..... nothing spetacular, just a serra of c. 300g caught on a popper which was obviously released to fight another day...... but, the way it happened was just like in tv programs, 1. find and try new place , 2. cast lure, 3. retrieve in a popping motion, 4, after moving the lure some 2-4m, bam, fish on...... ps, was using a 2.7 maver rod with an action of 5-25g and a 1500 baracuda reel bought from fishin fever in Rabat (ta Spitec) and 0.18mm mono direct to popper.
Must have been a really nice fight on such light tackle.
yes it was and i'm hoping to go abit today as well, my only concern is the wind as the popping effect will be close to nothing..... yesterday, the sea was very calm(zejt bil malti) , issa naraw.
Quote from: robby017 on July 20, 2011, 15:06:57 CET
yes it was and i'm hoping to go abit today as well, my only concern is the wind as the popping effect will be close to nothing..... yesterday, the sea was very calm(zejt bil malti) , issa naraw.
Very true, yesterday was excellent for poppers. Today day-off for poppers for me, the long jerk minnows will get full attention.
not when you're spinning in 2-3 feet of water ;)
might go find a calm inlet for some ultra light spinning this evening..... probably poppers and small minnows with 0.16mm and 0.18mm mono line ......
Quote from: robby017 on July 21, 2011, 11:15:56 CET
might go find a calm inlet for some ultra light spinning this evening..... probably poppers and small minnows with 0.16mm and 0.18mm mono line ......
did you have a try yesterday?
nope....... had loads of work to finish off....... even today is a maybe, but i'll try make it
Quote from: robby017 on July 21, 2011, 13:02:28 CET
nope....... had loads of work to finish off....... even today is a maybe, but i'll try make it
awesome waves in the spot I chose for yesterday's evening session , but couldn't cast far due to headwinds :(
Yeah wind was really annoying these past few days, combined with the fact that I have been fishing in the sun for Leerfish lately, it gets tough. I'm carrying more sunblock and water than lures with me :D
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 21, 2011, 18:41:58 CET
Yeah wind was really annoying these past few days, combined with the fact that I have been fishing in the sun for Leerfish lately, it gets tough. I'm carrying more sunblock and water than lures with me :D
the main down side with Leccia Amia's.... they strike mainly in broad daylight :(
Quote from: J_Z on July 22, 2011, 08:12:22 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 21, 2011, 18:41:58 CET
Yeah wind was really annoying these past few days, combined with the fact that I have been fishing in the sun for Leerfish lately, it gets tough. I'm carrying more sunblock and water than lures with me :D
the main down side with Leccia Amia's.... they strike mainly in broad daylight :(
Perseverance my friend!! The wind and the Sun will not stop me hehehe :D Plus I am soon going to receive some new lures to test ... hope they get the Leerfish interested.
clutch kick, what time would you recommend for leerfish so.......
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 22, 2011, 22:17:24 CET
Quote from: J_Z on July 22, 2011, 08:12:22 CET
Quote from: clutch_kick on July 21, 2011, 18:41:58 CET
Yeah wind was really annoying these past few days, combined with the fact that I have been fishing in the sun for Leerfish lately, it gets tough. I'm carrying more sunblock and water than lures with me :D
the main down side with Leccia Amia's.... they strike mainly in broad daylight :(
Perseverance my friend!! The wind and the Sun will not stop me hehehe :D Plus I am soon going to receive some new lures to test ... hope they get the Leerfish interested.
IMHO, you aleady have in stock what's needed to make the leccia bite ;)
guess what?
Quote from: robby017 on July 23, 2011, 13:02:29 CET
clutch kick, what time would you recommend for leerfish so.......
Precisely the time that the department of Health tells you to avoid staying in the Sun.
whitch tipe of lures are good for sawrell
Quote from: james15 on July 27, 2011, 11:01:15 CET
whitch tipe of lures are good for sawrell
spinners aka metalli, such as Halco's Twisty
smaller minnows, such as Rapala's X-Rap
larger minnows, such Rapala's Max Rap, Yo-Zuri's Crystal Minnow
smaller jigs, such as Duel's Tamentai
Quote from: james15 on July 27, 2011, 11:01:15 CET
whitch tipe of lures are good for sawrell
The Jugulo (http://www.lurehunter.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=11_17_19) is a small metal jig, it is excellent to explore different depths of water.
There is also the Mommotti 140 (http://www.lurehunter.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_6_8) that has had a lot of success on the Bluerunners and Bluefish.
These last few weeks there have been a LOT of reported catches of nice sized fish using the Proteus 90 (http://www.lurehunter.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7_27&products_id=40), it is a WTD lure that is very dynamic and can be used with differing techniques. New colours are on the way ...
If you are after sawrell I would suggest a metal jig or a metal lure.
Listen guys. Is it true that when you catch a cuda you have to bleed it(tiskarnah)? Because I'm hearing a lot of theories and I'm mixed up. I've heard and read that they are toxic due to staying a lot in ports and that their blood has a nasty taste. Is this all true or just a load of bullshit? Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
I wouldn't know Rush. I never bled any of the barracudas I caught, they all tasted fine. To be honest i rarely fish in ports, and i mostly release the fish I catch, but in general i think it is just rumors.
Thanks for your help 'clutch kick'. I only caught from zonqor so I think it would be just fine
i cought alot of them i never bled them i tast them good all of them
Quote from: Rush on August 10, 2011, 15:24:06 CET
Listen guys. Is it true that when you catch a cuda you have to bleed it(tiskarnah)? Because I'm hearing a lot of theories and I'm mixed up. I've heard and read that they are toxic due to staying a lot in ports and that their blood has a nasty taste. Is this all true or just a load of bullshit? Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
As a matter of fact, many literature will tell you that barracudas can be toxic especially when they reach larger sizes. Unfortunately nothing of what I read specify sizes and or specific barracuda 'types'.
Now from a practical point of view, ideally you should always bleed the fish you want to keep. This is due to the build up of acids in the bloodstream of the fish during the fight. It is said that these acids will hinder the taste of the fish once cooked.
As I dislike fish, and very rarely eat it, can't honestly give my own opinion on this. However I've been told by several individuals to who I give my catches regularly that in fact the bled fish tastes better.
the above is usually practiced in tuna related fish.. kubrit, etc, etc.
its almost a must!!
Has anybody ever gone spinning beyond selmun palace , anywhere in that region? Any good results?
Quote from: greenhorn 94 on August 13, 2011, 15:20:16 CET
Has anybody ever gone spinning beyond selmun palace , anywhere in that region? Any good results?
Caught a few Sawrel from that area a few years ago. Might be a good place to give a try.
When u say u fish for sawrell with pieces of tumbrell how big you make the piece just hiding the hook or a big chunk?What setup do u use?Flourocarbon line and float or without can someone explain please?U add weight?With fishing reel or normal rod?
Quote from: msell on August 14, 2011, 10:13:02 CET
When u say u fish for sawrell with pieces of tumbrell how big you make the piece just hiding the hook or a big chunk?What setup do u use?Flourocarbon line and float or without can someone explain please?U add weight?With fishing reel or normal rod?
this thread here is all about what you're asking for:
Spent from 4.20 till 9 this morning spinning at pixkerija no hits :( and only one follow up from a tiny barracuda which was smaller than the lure! Still waiting for my first spinning catch.....
thanks j z but still doesn t explain the setup can someone explain please?
Quote from: msell on August 14, 2011, 15:39:19 CET
thanks j z but still doesn t explain the setup can someone explain please?
ic, ask on that thread, since this one is intended only for spinning.....
I did some spinning from Qbajjar last week - at around 7:30pm and at around 5:30am, no hits... but I'm not sure if the place I was spinning from was actually any good, I'm still a beginner.
What can be expected to be caught by spinning from shore this time of the year please? I guess Barracuda, and maybe Serra and Cervjol? or am I mistaken?
Quote from: anti- on August 30, 2011, 17:57:56 CET
What can be expected to be caught by spinning from shore this time of the year please? I guess Barracuda, and maybe Serra and Cervjol? or am I mistaken?
Barracudas are still reigning supreme. There are also still some Blue Runners around, of various sizes.
Apparently there are also some TINY Amberjacks here and there.
As for Bluefish, they're either small or the bigger ones don't strike. And if they strike they miss the target :P
went to Cirkewwa this morning, from 4:30 - 6:00, lots of cudas jumping around but no hits :S
Quote from: anti- on August 31, 2011, 11:13:48 CET
went to Cirkewwa this morning, from 4:30 - 6:00, lots of cudas jumping around but no hits :S
what lures are you using?
anzi... what's your set-up?
Rod, reel, braid/FC, lures?
Shakespeare rod and reel. Rod - 3 metres, cast weight range - 20g - 60g, Reel shakespeare omni rx 40, Line - nylon 12lb, Lures - Berkley Frenzy firestick mungo 14 cm (42g) , Rapala x-rap 12cm (22g).
what do you think J_Z?
Quote from: anti- on August 31, 2011, 12:16:14 CET
Shakespeare rod and reel. Rod - 3 metres, cast weight range - 20g - 60g, Reel shakespeare omni rx 40, Line - nylon 12lb, Lures - Berkley Frenzy firestick mungo 14 cm (42g) , Rapala x-rap 12cm (22g).
Why don't you try different lures?
and a lighter setup..... i have loads of fun with a 2.7m maver rod with an action of 5-25g, 1500 reel with 0.16mm-0.20mm line and a small popper.
I'm still enriching my lure collection, and will try to use varied ones next time. I have a miniketc which I will use, and some metalli apart from another Rapala X-Rap 14cm.
Quote from: anti- on September 02, 2011, 11:04:41 CET
I'm still enriching my lure collection, and will try to use varied ones next time. I have a miniketc which I will use, and some metalli apart from another Rapala X-Rap 14cm.
miniketc are excellent top water lures, if worked properly.
yes, that's what I've read. Will give it a try next week, and we'll see... I'm still very eager to catch my first fish by spinning, even if it's something relatively 'small' ::)
next week I'll try for imsell too, but not by spinning.
Quote from: anti- on September 02, 2011, 12:14:55 CET
yes, that's what I've read. Will give it a try next week, and we'll see... I'm still very eager to catch my first fish by spinning, even if it's something relatively 'small' ::)
next week I'll try for imsell too, but not by spinning.
well.... the miniketch is a lure which youshould use when targetting specific prey under particular conditions.
Search for what you want to catch, learn the spot and adapt the technique.
yes, I know it's good for lampuki - although it's quite difficult to catch them from shore...I'll give it a try.
Also why not a bit of jigging? small soft lure, and a deep hole, cast, let it sink. I got 2 small burqax with this technique.
Il-brieqex nevita li naqbadhom meta nkun qed nistad għal tal-qiegh irrid mhux naqbadhom b'teknika oħra heh :)
Quote from: anti- on September 03, 2011, 11:15:01 CET
Il-brieqex nevita li naqbadhom meta nkun qed nistad għal tal-qiegh irrid mhux naqbadhom b'teknika oħra heh :)
hehehehhe :)
by any chance does anyone know a reliable site that indicates the tide level ?
thanks :P
Rammx...follow the moon.
There's even this website Euroweather, weather forecast and everything else related including tide.
You have to send for a password to see the tide levels.
Isma...imbilli ixarab ftit saqajk ...mhux ser taqa d-dinja......jew biex izzomm il-lager frisk! :)
10x skars naprezza issa nitawlila :)
il lager dejjem frisk jkun man ...nista ma nihux frizella ax jilhaq jispicca sakemm jibda jishon :D (qabatni l leblieba dalodu semmejtili :-X :D )
Hey guys,
as I am quite new on malta I just started fishing lately. So far I tried it 3 times, twice in the afternoon till evening and once in the early morning till noon.
As I don´t have any idea of where to fish I asked the guy in Mr. Fish for advise, who was really willing to help me. I chose a spot at tigne point (sliema) but unfortunately had no success so far. Sometimes fish was following my bait, once it was a baracuda about 40 - 50 cm length, another two times fish in about the same length but more massy which I don´t know the name of and of course more often small fish. Unfortunately no hit so far though I´m already using fluo carbon leader. As baits I chose RAPALA XR10 and ILLEX Squad Minnow/Arnaud and similar lures between 5 and 15 cm. The coloures I tried reached from natural (like f.e. Wakasaki design) up to shock colures (like fire tiger).
Next times I will test some other spots, Is there anyone who can give me some advise? Or maybe someone who is even willig to join me? ???
Hope to get some replies 8)
Cheers and always tight lines!
try using a small 3-5cm popper.... you might be surprised!
Thanks for the advice, will definately give it a try. What about other spots? If possible close to sliema as I don´t have a car.
you're in a good place.... I know someone who landed a 1.5kg barracuda whilst fly fishing there.... Keep persisting!
Anyone having any luck on Gozo at the moment? I went up to the salt pans yesterday one guy had 3+ hours with nothing..
I'm going to Victoria today and see if I can get a minnow, just need some places to take it for a swim :)
I am planing to go on saturday and/or sunday morning for some shore-spinning. As I don´t have a car I will be fishing in the area of Sliema (tigne Point, Preluna bay) Anyone wants to join me and exchange some infos and experiences? 8)
Quote from: Calle on October 26, 2011, 13:04:09 CET
I am planing to go on saturday and/or sunday morning for some shore-spinning. As I don´t have a car I will be fishing in the area of Sliema (tigne Point, Preluna bay) Anyone wants to join me and exchange some infos and experiences? 8)
Hey Calle
I also go spinning on Saturday mornings. If you want, we can go together next Saturday. In fact I sent you a message but you didnt reply :)
Let me know
You have a reply now ;)
Sounds good, so let´s go on Sunday ;D
Hey guys!
Awesome post for a beginner like me!!!!
Hope to try out some spinning this weekend for the first time :-\
I know you probably all know eachother outside of the website etc... but if you ever plan on going spinning and feel like some company, please let me know!!! Fishing is one of the only passions i have carried with me since when i was very young and i would love to get the chance to meet people with my same hobby + learn from you guys!!!
Thank you
Hey creepier,
I´m also searching for people to join. I don´t have much experience in salt-water spinning, but I have a very good knowledge about spinning in fresh-water. It should be possible for us to learn from each other :)
So let me know when you are planing to go.
Hey calle.
That sounds great!! If you are still planning on going on Sunday, i'll probably join.
Hey guys,
anyone fishing/catching at the moment?
Quote from: Calle on December 27, 2011, 20:51:40 CET
Hey guys,
anyone fishing/catching at the moment?
Calle, Have you been down to the sea lately/...there are storm conditions all around Malta at the moment. Was on the east coast this morning, there's a NE'Ly Force 6 to 7 blowing!!...can't do much spinning in those conditions mate.
Yes, I have been down to the sea, but only around Sliema. Thought the conditions might be a bit better at some other places.
So let´s hope fishing is possible again soon.
anyone catching anything with spinning at the moment
no luck yet!
Barracuda as usual , some juvenille Blue runners and Cervjol ;)
sea bass from comino and barracuda south of the blue hole
Quote from: Saupe on May 30, 2012, 15:48:52 CET
Barracuda as usual , some juvenille Blue runners and Cervjol ;)
Anyone knows of a good place for spinning from shore for barracudas? Better if on the west coast. Thanks
I am seeing many people spinning lately. Any good results?