Malta Fishing Forum

Boat Fishing in Malta => Offshore & Coastal Boat Fishing => Topic started by: skip on March 30, 2013, 20:54:53 CET

Title: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: skip on March 30, 2013, 20:54:53 CET
Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report prepared by the Sub Committee of the Fisheries Board

From: Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta

"The Federation will be holding its Annual General Meeting very shortly. The date, time and venue will be advised in the next few days.

This year the Annual General Meeting will be open to ALL RECREATIONAL FISHERMEN irrespective of whether they are members of any of our member associations or not. During this meeting the Federation will discuss the regulations for recreational fishermen suggested by the sub committee of the Fisheries Board appointed in October 2012. The report prepared by this sub committee was presented to the Director of Fisheries in the middle of March so that it will be further discussed by the Fisheries Board once this is again reappointed.

A copy of the report (in maltese) - has been attached"

We would very much appreciate our member views on these proposals, your comments and feedback/suggestions.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on March 30, 2013, 22:21:58 CET
does not even deserve a comment................
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on March 31, 2013, 01:04:20 CET
I took a quick look and  dont see any drastic new regulations being proposed. Its the bag limit rule that will hurt the most but this is still being studied it seems.
The MFC license for all fishing boats does make sense once the 100HP outboard limit is removed.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: bmamo on April 01, 2013, 00:26:48 CET
I have a boat, with an inboard 1.8 diesel engine, registered as S. With these regulations would I have to change to MFC? Am I even allowed to get MFC?

I don't really like that tracking proposal. Who will have to be tracked? When? Why?
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: benri on April 01, 2013, 08:06:51 CET
In these regulations, there is no mention of boats above 6m registered under Valletta!
All they refer to is the SSR who would like an MFC and nothing about Valletta who would like an MFC!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on April 01, 2013, 09:56:28 CET
As I understand it ALL boats will have to get an MFC license to be able to fish.
The tracking system will involve a huge cost to all boats and I dont think it is feasable.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 01, 2013, 10:28:32 CET
Something very very fishy and rotten is building up, especially with the mentioning of Sajd Turistiku (fishing charters for tourists). But what makes me laugh (or cry most) is Point A – "Illi l-Industrija tas-Sajd f'Malta hija wahda mill-pilastri ewlenin u fundamentali tal-ekonomija Maltija" (that the fishing industry is one of the main pillars of the Maltese economy). What a farse!!!!!! My opinion is more likely to be Point D "Illi s-sajd rikreazzjonali holoq fih innifsu industrija zghira ta' importaturi ta' irkaptu, ta' kostrutturi u mportaturi ta' varjeta kbira ta' bastimenti tas-sajd, magni, ingenji u attrezzi relattivi" (importers of boats, local manufacturers of boats, fishing tackle, fishing equipment etc) which is generating a large economy in Malta. Every recreational fisherman knows how many hundreds not to mention thousands of Euros spent each year just to enjoy fishing. The continuing mentioning of Sajd Turistiku is very very worrying indeed!!!!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: bigboy on April 01, 2013, 10:54:08 CET
Lestu ruhkom ghal dak li gej !!!!!!!!

Z*** Kbir u mqammar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan ghax malta taghna lkoll ??
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on April 01, 2013, 11:47:41 CET
Some of the suggested regulations don't really make sense

1. Tracking system - what sort of tracking system is the fisheries directorate suggesting for my boat - a 10 foot fiber runabout with a 3 hp engine! As if I can go anywhere that needs tracking!!

2. Regarding the techniques that can or cannot be used - various common techniques particularly some] used from small boats are simply excluded from the lists providing, meaning that they are neither allowed nor not allowed! Here are a couple of examples. I'm sure others can come up with more

- so xolfa tal-klamari are ok.

But what about xolfa tal-qarnit and tas-sicc? i'm sure many here are aware that many (particularly older enthusiasts) regularly fish for octopus from small rowing boats using a real/artificial crab, white cloth and a polpara. This is neither allowed, nor disallowed under thesesuggested  regulations!!

So we can use xolfa tal-vopi, tal -kavalli, tas-sawrell.

Fine, but what about xolfa ghal-kahli (at night - ghad-dawl tal-punent)?
What about xolfa ghal-imsell (bil-bacon jew strixxa klamar)?
What about xolfa for mulett u xilep (Bis-sufrun fil port min fuq il-baga tieghek jew ta siehbek)?

Again these are neither allowed nor disallowed!

Rix - we can use various rix, but what is being understood by rix? Are minnows rix? What about trolling with livebait or with strips of squid? Nothing refers to these in these suggested regulations. Are these allowed or not?

The above examples show how right Shanook was when he suggested that the rules should clearly state what is banned rather than what is allowed. There are so many fishing methods and hybrid methods and improvisations that it is difficult to include everything when listing approved techniques.

It also seems that the types of fishing typically done from very small boats were not given enough consideration when these regulations were being discussed.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 01, 2013, 15:19:42 CET
Quote from: bigboy on April 01, 2013, 10:54:08 CET
Lestu ruhkom ghal dak li gej !!!!!!!!

Z*** Kbir u mqammar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan ghax malta taghna lkoll ??

Kemm inserrah ras kullhadd.  Jien u Nick (Skip) ghadna kif spiccajna laqgha mas-Segretarju Parlamentari Is-Sur Roderick Galdes.  Dawn il-proposti jirreflettu idejat precedenti ta Gvern precedenti.  Skip issa jtella post b'iktar informazjoni, u la nasal id-dar illejla, nzomm il-kullhadd informat b'dak li gie diskuss.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 01, 2013, 15:47:59 CET
Thanks Joe much appreciated!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: bmamo on April 01, 2013, 16:18:11 CET
Looking forward for more info. Thanks for the work you put in.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: baghira on April 01, 2013, 17:18:42 CET
Waiting for the news, so that maybe someone understands what is happening.

Until now:
The federation is about to do a meeting for something that has been done somehow, and that now it might not reflect the ideas of the new legislature, but at least we have some pages to read........
and something else is being done, but hidden??

Should we recreational fisherman be involved into something? What should we do now to fight for our hobby? Who is right and wrong? Buqq..
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on April 01, 2013, 17:28:43 CET
We will have to wait and see! Meanwhile thanks Gaffer and Skip for all the work in favour of our hobby. It is much appreciated.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 01, 2013, 17:40:09 CET
Quote from: lazyfisherman on April 01, 2013, 17:28:43 CET
We will have to wait and see! Meanwhile thanks Gaffer and Skip for all the work in favour of our hobby. It is much appreciated.

Appreciate the acknowledgement.  I have nothing to hide, I have always made myself perfectly clear on this matter.  I was, and still am against people who by being in authority think they can bulldoze their ideas and thoughts on others.  There is nothing being done behind anyone's back. 
I simply stated that I'll post the full text of our meeting from home as I am busy at work.  Unlike others, here at the Malta Fishing Forum we always did things openly, in full view of everybody, and with the involvment of all. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 01, 2013, 18:21:27 CET
@ Bigboy...don't try to lumber what was being done under PN on the PL.  we know we were being screwed now we have to see what is going to happen. If they try to screw us I will be the first to condemn them but for now it seems that there was an improvement as the MFF were consulted.
I am sure that the worst of this administration will be a lot better than the previous one...... Malta taghna lkoll ghax futur fis sod..
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Accjolaman on April 01, 2013, 18:30:16 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 01, 2013, 15:19:42 CET
Quote from: bigboy on April 01, 2013, 10:54:08 CET
Lestu ruhkom ghal dak li gej !!!!!!!!

Z*** Kbir u mqammar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan ghax malta taghna lkoll ??

Kemm inserrah ras kullhadd.  Jien u Nick (Skip) ghadna kif spiccajna laqgha mas-Segretarju Parlamentari Is-Sur Roderick Galdes.  Dawn il-proposti jirreflettu idejat precedenti ta Gvern precedenti.  Skip issa jtella post b'iktar informazjoni, u la nasal id-dar illejla, nzomm il-kullhadd informat b'dak li gie diskuss.

Dawk il proposti gew mbazwra min nies li mghandomx idea la tas sajd u lanqas ta bahar, u milli jidher hemm se jibqaw.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: busumark on April 01, 2013, 18:39:06 CET
Nick and Gaffer if you need any help just tell me.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Jonathan on April 01, 2013, 19:15:29 CET
Yep, what about Valletta registered boats?

And in which cases is a licence needed? - What about boats which simply troll a lure (irejxu) whilst travelling around the local coast? And what about foreign flagged boats which visit Malta - eg. the several Italians which come in summer for their holidays with their boat? Does this mean that anyone who wants to troll a lure whilst travelling would now need an MFC licence too? And if this is the case, at what additional cost over the existing TM registration could this be obtained in the first instance and on a per annum basis?

And what if one stops at a bay, and would like to use the tender to troll a bit around for 'kahli bir-rixa or forok'? Would the tender have to have a fishing licence too? & a tracker? My tender doesn't even have a battery - it's a tiny inflatable & normally oar powered or in rare occasions I use a miniature 2.5 or 3.3hp outboard so I cannot imagine where or how it could have a tracker! Mhux xi April fool's joke din hux?

What different conditions are being envisaged for tourist fishing? What constitutes tourist fishing? If someone has a person of a non-Maltese nationality onboard would he be considered as tourist fishing? What about charters where the main aim of enjoying the local bays but would like to try his luck 'bir'rixa' whilst cruising from one bay to the next or would like to fiish with the rod for something like vopi whilst anchored? How will 'tourist fishing' be classified? How will the rights/permits of tourist fishing differ from the rights of an individual Maltese recreational fisher? Would an MFCT be able to fish somewhere where the others cannot? Or would the MFCT not be able to fish in areas where the other can fish? Or would the type of fishing techniques allowed vary? I'm puzzled.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: skip on April 01, 2013, 20:12:23 CET
I can confirm following a meeting today attended by myself and Joe The Gaffer and that was kindly extended to us by the new Parliamentary Secretary - Mr Roderick Galdes; that the fisheries board have all resigned following the change in government and that all previous proposals are no longer valid. As was indicated back in October on the MFF, the work done by the sub-committee is no longer recognised and the whole process will have to start afresh once the new Fisheries board is appointed and then a sub committee.

This time we would like to see due and fair representation by the RIGHT stakeholders with the correct number seats from the recreational sector and this time how about those from the local supporting industry (Boat Builder and Tackle Shop Supplier) plus the MFF and a direct representative from the Spearo community. We are here to discuss recreational fishing and not part time commercial fishing interests.

We have been asked to directly contact the Director of Fisheries Mr. Joseph Caruana to re-establish the direct communication channel we used to have with Fisheries in the past.

I would like to thank Mr. Galdes for meeting with us during this very busy time and to Joe the Gaffer for setting up the meeting and also those who offered their assistance.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 01, 2013, 20:42:27 CET
Happy to confirm the above post.  We spent a good 40 minutes with the Parliamentary Secretary, who was keen to listen and note what we had to say.  Mr. Galdes assured us that from now on, the MFF will be represented and consulted whenever decisions directly having an impact on our recreational activity are in the pipeline.  In fact, to prove his point, he got onto the phone with the Director of Fisheries, and informed him that the MFF will be getting in touch for further discussions.  Needless to say, what was discussed by the previous committee, needs to be revisted and validated.  
All in all, a good introductory meeting, which saw the MFF exerting damage control on the proposals which have been agreed by a previous sub committee.  These will now be the subject of discussions with the present Director of Fisheries, and will reflect the true spirit of recreational fishing activities.  
Your comments and suggestions here have all been noted and will be taken up with the competent authorities once we start discussions.  Please keep those comments positive, we need to demonstrate that we are above petty politics, unwarented comments and uncalled for jibs.  
May I take this opportunity to thank the Parliamentary Secretary, Mr. Roderick Galdes, for kindly giving us an apointment just a couple of days after we requested one. I would also like to convey my thanks to the many people here who have sent PM's as a show of gratitude and encouragement.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 01, 2013, 21:12:07 CET
I would extend thanks as well to unheralded contributors who on the side line helped in the previous meetings with PL and now with the parliamentary secretary. I know there are those who work quietly without wanting to be advertised. To these I say Thank You for your support to keep our hobby alive and kicking.
Thanks also to Skip and Joe who have taken the responsibility to represent us thru MFF ( you better get the right conditions otherwise there will be a lynching posse out for ya).
Thanks to the parliamentary secretary who heard our plea, even though and I know what I am saying he has a thousand things to do.
Now we have to keep a positive attitude and suggest ideas and queries so that when MFF meets with the director we wont be caught napping. If we show that we know our business, we will be respected and trusted.  the questions set out by Jonathan, Baghira are valid.
I suggest that a set of posts are opened so that the various sectors that make up the forum will have an organised space where they can post their queries and suggestions. (eg spearos, land fishing, inshore(small boats) fishing, offshore fishing, long line and deep sea fishing, amateur fads fishing. etc etc
I think a post that concerns mooring can be beneficial, as well as construction of wave breakers and jetties. These will attract tourists to take walks as well as fish off the jetty. A post to make artificial reefs would be interesting...................Any other suggestions anyone?????
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on April 01, 2013, 21:28:49 CET
Very welcome news indeed.

While we (me!!) grumble and post our frustration, gaffer and skip (and anybody else who may be involved) roll up their sleeves and work so that we can continue enjoying our pastime! Again prosit and thank you!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: bmamo on April 01, 2013, 22:52:09 CET
So this is starting again from a clean slate? Great :) Thanks for the work and good luck with keeping recrational fishing appealing to a wide audience.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on April 02, 2013, 01:58:06 CET
Great work as always. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: baghira on April 02, 2013, 09:47:21 CET
This sounds good to me....ahhhhh....
Something nice to hear.. and at least finally some positive approach and involvement.

Hope it goes on this positive pace, and we are not lost along the way, as many time happens when politics is involved. I would like to see the end of this but obviously we must be patient and do good teamwork.

We must protect our hobby but on the other side, also the wellbeing of our seas, and for this reason we must accept the fact, that some kind of restriction need to be done.

The key feature to me is a good, and polite enforcement, starting by eduaction, and then ending in punishments to those that persist breaking the law. We all know why we ended this way... simply because there are some individuals putting at risk our delights by polishing our seas, and although there are laws, there is no authority seeing that they are being observed.

One last comment:
I cannot see the difference between S and MFC besides the registration fee? Are they both recreational? Why was this MFC invented? And as shanook rightly said, whay writing what can be done, instead of writing what is illegal or not permitted?

There are many things that can be done like: Moorings, stricly preserving some protected sites which have to be clearly studied, restoration of all Jetties around the island, CCTV at specific points of our seas Like between selmun and St. Paul's Islands.... and other never ending ideas...
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 02, 2013, 12:23:04 CET
Finally a ray of light and hope for our hobby. A big thanks to Joe Gaffer and Nick Skip for their undying persistence in this matter and to others who might have helped in anyway. Also another thanks to Mr Roderick Galdes for obliging to meet urgently with MFF. May the outcome of all this provides enjoyable fishing and relaxation to all.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on April 02, 2013, 12:59:41 CET
I think the MFC license part has been explained by Gogo in the other thread.
I dont see a reason to be against it once the 100HP outboard limit is removed. S or Valletta is the ship registration while MFC is a license for recreational/sports fishing.
Ofcourse there are some exceptions as explained by Jonathan and these have to be clarified.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 02, 2013, 13:15:28 CET
Won't go into it free dive but MFA,B,C was created to start a natural death to those amateurs who used to bring in fish and when they had abundance they could sell it(PTF).  To stop the selling of fish by amateurs they invented this system. Look at what is happening those who had MFB are slowly dying out. This to accommodate the full time fisherman.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Granitu on April 02, 2013, 13:33:04 CET
Quote from: skip on April 01, 2013, 20:12:23 CET
I can confirm following a meeting today attended by myself and Joe The Gaffer and that was kindly extended to us by the new Parliamentary Secretary - Mr Roderick Galdes; that the fisheries board have all resigned following the change in government and that all previous proposals are no longer valid. As was indicated back in October on the MFF, the work done by the sub-committee is no longer recognised and the whole process will have to start afresh once the new Fisheries board is appointed and then a sub committee.

This time we would like to see due and fair representation by the RIGHT stakeholders with the correct number seats from the recreational sector and this time how about those from the local supporting industry (Boat Builder and Tackle Shop Supplier) plus the MFF and a direct representative from the Spearo community. We are here to discuss recreational fishing and not part time commercial fishing interests.

We have been asked to directly contact the Director of Fisheries Mr. Joseph Caruana to re-establish the direct communication channel we used to have with Fisheries in the past.

I would like to thank Mr. Galdes for meeting with us during this very busy time and to Joe the Gaffer for setting up the meeting and also those who offered their assistance.

Well done skip & gaffer for this.

Finally what seems to be a movement in the right direction.

I think that a lot of effort has to go to open the tuna fishing season for the recreational fisherman the right way.

We spend a lot of money on boats and lures and in itself this is a business sector important for the economy. Cut the abuse and introduce the catch and release policy (because tuna can be landed on .80mm line) + scientifically proven bag limits (sustainability is important).
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 02, 2013, 13:55:26 CET
Granitu - While I agree with what you have written here, I beleive we need to mature as a recreational fisherman before we attempt to convince the authorities to open up the season for the catch and release of BFT.  I have witnessed strange happenings near the fishfarms at SPB and also the ones down south just 5miles in from Hurds Bank.  One time I was drifting for tuna just off the fish farms down south.  I witnessed several boats MFAs+MFBs+MFCs and quite a few S registered boats catching tuna, then tying them to nearby pens.  I asked myself, what in heaven's name is happening?, why are they tying them to the pens instead of landing them inside the boat?
 Then very soon, I noticed all the MFAs and MFB boats suddenly letting go of their moorings to the pens, and slowly circling and trolling lures.  It gets even more interesting!  10 minutes later, I could see a patrol boat on the horizon slowly making its way towards then pens.  I thought to myself, 'there is no way these guys could see the patrol boat approaching.  I quickly deduced that the MFAs and MFBs were sort of pre warned that a patrol boat was approaching.  I guess the quick thinkers have already caught on as to why the tuna caught are not landed in the boat.  Just in case the Patrol Boat approaches one of the boats near the fishfarms, and decides to carry out an inspection, no tuna will be found on the boat!
Morale of this short but rather impressive story:  I I would not feel comfortable with myself arguing with the competent authorities to open up a season for the catch & Release of BFT when so much abuse is going on.
Another thing...HAve any of you wondered as to why we were only allotted a quota 500KGs for BFT this year?
Because I doubt whether there were more than 4 catches of BFT registered last year!, one of them was mine!!
So, in actual fact, the authorities, together with the commercial fishermen, deduced (and rightly so) that there is no need for a hefty quota to be allotted to recreational fishing, after all, they only catch a few!!!!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 02, 2013, 14:41:29 CET
Well there were so few who had the license Joe that last years catch is no indication at all as to the quote needed. So it would be a very simple system to automatically have a license during the open season.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 02, 2013, 14:55:44 CET
@ Shanook - This is something we will surely discuss with the Mr. Joseph Caruana, Fisheries Director.  I have already sent the good fellow an email, requesting a meeting to dicuss:
1.  The Fishing Permit for recreational fishermen for catching and landing Bluefin Tuna
2.  The rules and regualtions governing recreational fishing in Malta
3.  Initiatives for further collaboration between the Fisheries Directorate and the Malta Fishing Forum

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Mayer on April 02, 2013, 15:28:07 CET
This is soo true....

Quote---------HAve any of you wondered as to why we were only allotted a quota 500KGs for BFT this year?
Because I doubt whether there were more than 4 catches of BFT registered last year!, one of them was mine!!
So, in actual fact, the authorities, together with the commercial fishermen, deduced (and rightly so) that there is no need for a hefty quota to be allotted to recreational fishing, after all, they only catch a few!!!!-----------
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 02, 2013, 16:30:19 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 02, 2013, 14:55:44 CET
@ Shanook - This is something we will surely discuss with the Mr. Joseph Caruana, Fisheries Director.  I have already sent the good fellow an email, requesting a meeting to dicuss:
1.  The Fishing Permit for recreational fishermen for catching and landing Bluefin Tuna
2.  The rules and regualtions governing recreational fishing in Malta
3.  Initiatives for further collaboration between the Fisheries Directorate and the Malta Fishing Forum

1: We fish during the open season, we dont need a special permit (a registered boat is the permit), we report the catch by use of radio stating the size of the fish and the weight and the port where we moor as well as the Estimated time of arrival, as soon as we arrive in port, we again call to inform of our arrival and if the authorities want to check us out then they can ask us to wait for the arrival of the officials. One tuna per day the others catch and release. Once all this is done then there is no more follow up from the authorities as to the consumption of the tuna. Methods for catching tuna, Rod and reel, Hand lines, drifting as well as trolling. (NO SURFACE LINES), live/dead bait as well as lures. Chumming is allowed.

The other two I will not comment about as they are too vast and various thats why I suggested different new posts to get specific information.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Granitu on April 02, 2013, 18:13:59 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 02, 2013, 13:55:26 CET
Granitu - While I agree with what you have written here, I beleive we need to mature as a recreational fisherman before we attempt to convince the authorities to open up the season for the catch and release of BFT.  I have witnessed strange happenings near the fishfarms at SPB and also the ones down south just 5miles in from Hurds Bank.  One time I was drifting for tuna just off the fish farms down south.  I witnessed several boats MFAs+MFBs+MFCs and quite a few S registered boats catching tuna, then tying them to nearby pens.  I asked myself, what in heaven's name is happening?, why are they tying them to the pens instead of landing them inside the boat?
  Then very soon, I noticed all the MFAs and MFB boats suddenly letting go of their moorings to the pens, and slowly circling and trolling lures.  It gets even more interesting!  10 minutes later, I could see a patrol boat on the horizon slowly making its way towards then pens.  I thought to myself, 'there is no way these guys could see the patrol boat approaching.  I quickly deduced that the MFAs and MFBs were sort of pre warned that a patrol boat was approaching.  I guess the quick thinkers have already caught on as to why the tuna caught are not landed in the boat.  Just in case the Patrol Boat approaches one of the boats near the fishfarms, and decides to carry out an inspection, no tuna will be found on the boat!
Morale of this short but rather impressive story:  I I would not feel comfortable with myself arguing with the competent authorities to open up a season for the catch & Release of BFT when so much abuse is going on.
Another thing...HAve any of you wondered as to why we were only allotted a quota 500KGs for BFT this year?
Because I doubt whether there were more than 4 catches of BFT registered last year!, one of them was mine!!
So, in actual fact, the authorities, together with the commercial fishermen, deduced (and rightly so) that there is no need for a hefty quota to be allotted to recreational fishing, after all, they only catch a few!!!!

Gaffer I was amused when I read your post because what you deduced is the truth. I do not know the individuals, but rightly once I was at a local fishing outlet in Malta and overheard a professional fisherman saying when the patrol boat was coming out. I remeber I was near to the pens fishing for tennut and rightly the patrol boat came at that time

The tuna pen operator hides tuna for MFA and MFB's. Most of the boats fishing tuna near the pens are MFA gaffer to be in the context. I know amateur fisherman who fish tuna near the pens only when there is the MFA - reason - the patrol boat is not coming. A lot of amateurs fish kubrit next to the pens but this is still illegal although the patrol boat closes an eye on this.... sometimes....

I do strongly agree with you that we have to mature as recreational fisherman. For the sake of all of us. Full time fishing by time is becoming non cost effective in Malta and a lot of Fisherman are quitting the trade due to cost, stringent quotas and diminishing catches. I think the future for malta lies in charters, we are blessed with the perfect summer and abundant tuna. Some have started charters but the market is still in an embryiotic stage in my opinion (no legislation on this).

Personally, I go livebait fishing as i am hooked up to this technique. And still hook too many tuna (once we hooked 8 in one day and with a good .70mm line you can catch 60kgs tuna - just takes a lot of time, technique and a good dose of luck)

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Accjolaman on April 02, 2013, 18:25:39 CET
''Personally, I go livebait fishing as i am hooked up to this technique. And still hook too many tuna (once we hooked 8 in one day and with a good .70mm line you can catch 60kgs tuna - just takes a lot of time, technique and a good dose of luck)''

Iwa veru ta, ghex kuljum narawk fuq il bahar!! Missek teqleb MFA ghaex sinjur issijr ;p
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Granitu on April 02, 2013, 19:32:36 CET
Quote from: Accjolaman on April 02, 2013, 18:25:39 CET
''Personally, I go livebait fishing as i am hooked up to this technique. And still hook too many tuna (once we hooked 8 in one day and with a good .70mm line you can catch 60kgs tuna - just takes a lot of time, technique and a good dose of luck)''

Iwa veru ta, ghex kuljum narawk fuq il bahar!! Missek teqleb MFA ghaex sinjur issijr ;p

habib matul l gimgha nahdem weekends nistad. al grazzja t alla naf 4 postijiet li nkun wahdi nistad u hadd ma jkun hdejja.

ma naqlibx mfa ar raguni li xol ta sajjied iebes u nammirhom min jahdem full time ax mhux facli. Kieku x xol tal bahar fih land nippreferi nghix bl akkarija u bli naqbad kuntent.

pero emm bzonn nifmu li ligi qieghda emm bix nirrispettawa mhux niksruwha ;)

jin ma nafekx u nimmagina int anqas. zgur mhux ha nigi nghid lilek meta mmur nistad .
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 04, 2013, 12:56:58 CET
Important Update:
Meeting Malta Fishing Forum and Fishing Directorate

This morning I had a very cordial meeting with Mr. Joe Caruana, Director General of the Fisheries Directorate.  Mr. Caruana was accompanied my Ms. Portelli and Mr. Tanti, from the Fishing Directorate.
The items discussed were:
1. The Fishing Permit for recreational fishermen for catching and landing Bluefin Tuna
2. The rules and regualtions governing recreational fishing in Malta
3. Initiatives for further collaboration between the Fisheries Directorate and the Malta Fishing Forum

In general, the meeting was cordial, a lot was discussed and agreed upon.  For starters we have agreed that the MFF shall be having discussions on a regular basis with the FD, to cultivate and promote better the collaboration between the 2 entities.  In future, the MFF has been recognised as a representative of all Recreational Fisherman, including land, sea and spereos.  So, in future, the MFF will be consulted during the formulation of policy which affects recreational fishing, the compilation of rules and regualtions governing the recreational fishing activity, and any other business that directly or indirectly concerns recreational fishing activities.  

Here is the detail of our discussions
Item 1
Permit for recreational Fishermen to catch and land Bluefin Tuna.  There is no decision yet on either whether applicants will be split into to groups, or whether these groups should fish during different periods.  This all depends on the number of applicants the FD receive.  However, all groups will be allowed to fish at the SAME PERIOD.  For sure, we will be informed once the applications are available.  One item which made me go red the face was this:  Last year, there was only one, yes ONE tuna catch reported and registered.  MINE!!!.   This is not fair guys, Not fair at all.  So now do not complain about the miserable quota allocated to recreational fishermen.  Please watch this space (the forum) for an update when the applications are made available.

Item 2

The famous sub committee elected to review and propose new rules and regualtions to govern recreational fishing.  The bottom line here guys is that they are only proposals.  There is still a lot to be discussed and agreed to.  Mr. Caruana kept insisting that we can discard them now, and start afresh.  I reiterated that we should discard all that was wrong, keep what was right, and ammend what was ambigious. The MFF and FD agreed that the best way forward is to have the MFF present during the forth coming meetings when discussing these regualtions.

Item 3.  
The MFF and FD agree that the common good of our recreational activity is at stake unless we all pull the same rope.  We have agreed to periodically have meetings with the FD to enhance, follow-up and discuss new initiatives of how the MFF can support and provide input to challenges and issues our recreational activity faces.  Moreover, the MFF is conscious of the fact that recreational fishing in Malta needs to be safeguarded but at the same time regualted, thus ensuring sustainability and continuity.  In all, we must all demonstrate respect towards the fish we seek, and towards each other.

An item which kept coming up in the discussion was the sale of fish, and I mean regular sale of fish, by S registered and MFC registered boats.  To mention a few specvies, Bazug, tuna and lampuki kept coming up in the discussions.  I'm open to suggestions and input on this.  Please, don't quote the negatives of the commercials to try and make up for this, just provide some input as to whether we are shoting ourselves in the foot here or not.

Any questions, just post here please
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 04, 2013, 13:07:04 CET
Thanks for the update Joe. No wonder you went red-faced when confronted with just one registered tuna. What about the 10s (dare not say 100s as not to be too dramatic) of tunas caught round the SPB fish farms in summer? Seen quite some being caught whilst trolling!!!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 04, 2013, 13:35:24 CET
Quote from: malvizzu on April 04, 2013, 13:07:04 CET
Thanks for the update Joe. No wonder you went red-faced when confronted with just one registered tuna. What about the 10s (dare not say 100s as not to be too dramatic) of tunas caught round the SPB fish farms in summer? Seen quite some being caught whilst trolling!!!

Everyone is responsible for his own doing. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on April 04, 2013, 14:20:00 CET
Now I read a good post gaffer.....the rules are there, and it would be a disaster to try and justify what is happening. The authorities know some of the people who bend the rules but stay within. Some people are experts in finding loopholes.
Now to the situation, if the permit is for all, not for a limited number, and the hustle is taken out and we don't try to hang the fisherman who follows the rules and make it easy to register the tuna I am sure there will be a lot who will follow the rules to the letter.  BUT there will always be those odd ones out its a natural process. Once this is taken up, new systems take time to settle in, I am sure that the same amateur fisherman, to take care of his hobby, will report abuses. We police our hobby.  A good administrator does not do the rules for the criminal but for the good citizen. The penalties are for those who break them. Innocent until proven guilty.
So pleas MFF members stop implying what happens by the fish farms or anywhere else , I don't think it helps our situation...........stop playing Russian roulette
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Granitu on April 04, 2013, 14:21:03 CET
A sport fisherman by no means is not a commercial fisherman and has no tax number allotted to declare his catch for tax purposes. From a tax perspective, a one off sale does not constitute an economic activity.

Whilst this is against us, we should not be able to sell fish as we are recreational. That is the purpose of a bag limit - you cannot basically over fish when the fishing is good.

This would help alot to increase fish population. What I would be afraid is that our sacrifice would then be screwed up by the full time and part time fisherman as they would start over fishing and selling fish at a dumped price. So there must be strict quotas so that:-

Also certain fishing has to become by seasonality. A clear case is mullet. Mullet is a very slow growing fish and if one takes out a lot of large specimen the population drastically diminishes.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: bmamo on April 04, 2013, 14:28:28 CET
I'm sorry to say this, but there are people that will never even begin to realise the stupidity of their actions and what it leads to. The important thing is that they get money to cover their costs.

Their mind is set in a way that the less they have to do with authorities, the better. The only way they would learn is by punishment following more stringent controls, this coming with complete disregard to law abiding citizens.

In Maltese i like to call them "Tax-xala***bi minnek l-ewwel jien". And i hate those kinds of people.

Rant over.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 04, 2013, 14:55:33 CET
Quote from: shanook on April 04, 2013, 14:20:00 CET
Now I read a good post gaffer.....the rules are there, and it would be a disaster to try and justify what is happening. The authorities know some of the people who bend the rules but stay within. Some people are experts in finding loopholes.
Now to the situation, if the permit is for all, not for a limited number, and the hustle is taken out and we don't try to hang the fisherman who follows the rules and make it easy to register the tuna I am sure there will be a lot who will follow the rules to the letter.  BUT there will always be those odd ones out its a natural process. Once this is taken up, new systems take time to settle in, I am sure that the same amateur fisherman, to take care of his hobby, will report abuses. We police our hobby.  A good administrator does not do the rules for the criminal but for the good citizen. The penalties are for those who break them. Innocent until proven guilty.
So pleas MFF members stop implying what happens by the fish farms or anywhere else , I don't think it helps our situation...........stop playing Russian roulette

I fully agree with your reasoning but please explain one thing: how are these cowboys ever going to be punished if they have tip-offs from the inside? Although the law is the same for everybody, not everyone is treated likewise. And if we report abuses, and rightly so, what will be the hassle to those who report? I am saying this because when a close friend of mine reported many times about the bloody pariti, whoever was on the phone kept insisting if he was ready to appear in court to testify against the abuser.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 04, 2013, 15:02:59 CET
Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 14:55:14 CET
.... This mostly results from the fact that most of those discussing our future are not fishers themselves and mostly hav`nt got a clue on the subject.

Freedive has a very good point here. With all due respect, from the people forming the board hereunder, with the exception of Dr Joe Carabott D'Amato, who else does know something about fishing?

Notary Tonio Spiteri, Chairperson
Mr Tony Tanti, Segretarju
Ms Alice Peplow, Membru
Lt. Joseph Gatt, Membru
Ms Suzanne Dimech, Membru
Mr Joseph Demicoli, Membru
Mr Michael Mifsud, Membru
Dr Krista Calleja Mercieca, Membru
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on April 04, 2013, 15:51:38 CET
Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 14:55:14 CET
A big problem that recreational fishers are facing is that the Local Authorities, the EU-Commission and many Commercial fishers are being led to believe that the recreationals have a huge impact on fish stocks, with some even marketing their fish and thus flooding the market. (Most of the time, the fish targeted by recreationals are different species from those targeted by commercials). This mostly results from the fact that most of those discussing our future are not fishers themselves and mostly hav`nt got a clue on the subject. Also, the way that some recreationals boast about "huge" imaginary catches is not helping our cause.

This is exactly the impresion I got from my discussions today.  At one point, I was confronted by an argument which went something like this "We need to protect the commercial fishing interests from the recreational fishing activities, and regulate accordingly".  In other words, they want to control and regulate us the recreational fishermen, but protect the commercial interests.  Another lame argument was about the suggestion by the fisheries directorate that every recreational fisherman who is in possession of a permit to catch tuna must always inform the FD when going o0ut fishing.  The reason was that when the FD exert control and request an inspection of the vessel, they will be aware that this vessel is licenced to fish for BFT.  
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: malvizzu on April 04, 2013, 16:06:42 CET
Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 15:29:12 CET
Dont think that "pariti" are the only problem here. I`m not trying to defend their use, but we have to bear in mind that for many commercial/artisanal fishermen, laying these nets in sheltered areas is the only way that they can feed their families. Especially during winters like this where high winds and seas were the order of the day. Recreationals and commercials have a different perspective of the sea around us.

@Freedive – i'm in no way suggesting the contrary for their living but to lay nets in SUMMER, in CALM waters, between the far point of Il-Gzejjer ta' San Pawl and the Awrat/Spnott fishfarms and in the entrance around Mistra is sheer arrogance. In winter I have seen laying of nets by someone who has his kajjik moored behind the Vecca bridge, starting from 3m outside the Barracudas club, up to Fekruna, all to Mistra, up to Il-Gzejjer, down to Bugibba quay, on to SPB School, and back to Barracudas.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: fisheye on April 04, 2013, 19:09:23 CET
In Italy to protect the fishing industries and to ensure the best quality of fish possible, all fish sold in markets and fish shops will carry a certificate showing proof of origin and when was caught. This could easily be extended to restaurants. Heavy fines for those being caught selling fish  without such certificates will discourage any abuse in illegally selling fish. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Accjolaman on April 04, 2013, 19:36:36 CET
Kieku tar risturanti jistaw jibdew iservu tonn taz zejt u makkarel tal landa ghax hafna minnom hlief hut tal oman, senegal jew maqbut billejl bic cilindri ma jkollomx.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on April 04, 2013, 19:52:12 CET
u somalia.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: skip on April 05, 2013, 13:08:40 CET
Joe, thanks for the update. Unfortuantely I couldn't make the meeting at such short notice but it was very important that it went ahead and we formalised our relationship once again with FCD.

I won't comment on the specific embarassments, just to say that both sides have a lot of work to do and this needs carefull planning and understanding by the right stakeholders and in a controlled and well documented manner to avoid rushed regulations or silly ones.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 04, 2013, 07:10:39 CET
Guys - As a matter of great urgency, i need your comments on the Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen.  These draft regulations are being discussed in the Fisheries board at the moment, and i need to provide an input in 10 days from today.  So please, post your suggestions here.  May i suggest that your comments are presented in point format, to make it easier for me to compile.  We shall be discussing these details during our next Fisheries Board meeting, so i suggest you read through the document, and comment as appropriate.  Keep your comments focused, and to the point.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 04, 2013, 14:53:21 CET
I have gone through the document in quite some detail. In many cases I agree with the Federation's proposals but in others I think that further discussion is needed. Below are the major points which I feel need to be discussed further

1. X'tip ta' sajd ghandu jigi kkunsidratt bhala sajd rikreazzjonali.
Il-Kumitat wasal ghall-konkluzzjoni li t-tipi ta' rkaptu tas-sajd li jistghu jintuzaw minn sajjieda rikreazzjonali huma dawk elenkati fl-iskeda hawn annessa u markata Dokument 'A li ghandha tifforma parti ntegrali minn dan ir-rapport.

This is not acceptable. It is a restricted list - some fishing techniques (e.g. xolfa ghal kahli, xolfa ghall imsell, xolfa ghal qarnit bil granc/polpara) are neither allowed nor disallowed! Also what about trolling with dead or live bait -does it fall under 'rixa'?. Also having a restricted list makes no allowance for new techniques that may be introduced in the future. It would be better to list what is not allowed only - if in the future any fishing method may need to be restricted/disllowed to recreational fishermen due to issues of sustainability it can always be added to the list of disallowed methods through a legal notice.

2. Jekk bastimenti ghal sajd rikreazzjonali ghandhomx ikollhom licenzja.   

Il-Kumitat jaqbel bla rizervi li kull tip ta' bastiment adebit ghal sajd rikreazzjonali ghandu jkollu licenzja relattiva mahruga mid-Direttorat tas-Sajd.  

I dont think that the committee should be so unanimous and sure about this. They are making it illegal for a child to dangle a line from a rubber dinghy or canoe or for a pensioner to fish for mulett from a moored tender in the harbour. This is something that needs to be looked into (see my next point)

7. Ghandhomx il-bastimenti taht MFC u S ikollhom l-istess kundizzjonijiet.
I agree that MFC and S boats should not have the same conditions but I disagree that no fishing at all should be allowed from S boats.  I think that S registered boats should only be allowed to practice limited and very low-impact  fishing, for example using rod and/or handline, trolling (but no 36 feather set ups for tumbrell or kubrit!) and forok within a distance of 1 nm from the shoreline but this is just a suggestion - the actual methods etc would need to be discussed). Those who are more serious about their fishing and would not like to be so restricted would have to transfer their registration to MFC. 


Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on July 06, 2013, 18:37:47 CET
For me its the bag limit which I cant agree with especially for offshore fishing.

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 07, 2013, 00:12:25 CET
Why not
Quote from: Moonwalker on July 06, 2013, 18:37:47 CET
For me its the bag limit which I cant agree with especially for offshore fishing.

Why not Moonwalker?...i need solid reasons to back the statements.  I cannot go into a meeting and say i disagree with bag limits without providing valid reasons. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on July 07, 2013, 01:47:02 CET
Because it would not make sense to go out 50nm or more just for say 20 fish (bazug I mean).
I know that there are no valid reasons since this is recreational fishing, but we all know that we have to recover some of the expenses somehow.

So what I can think of is that there will be a special license for offshore fishing. This is my personal idea maybe others can think of a better proposal.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 09, 2013, 10:41:21 CET
Quote from: Moonwalker on July 07, 2013, 01:47:02 CET
Because it would not make sense to go out 50nm or more just for say 20 fish (bazug I mean).
I know that there are no valid reasons since this is recreational fishing, but we all know that we have to recover some of the expenses somehow.

So what I can think of is that there will be a special license for offshore fishing. This is my personal idea maybe others can think of a better proposal.

Let me take your idea further.
Let us state facts, laws, and regulations.
Fact 1. - Recreational fishermen are not commercially licenced to sell fish.  
fact 2. - Going out 50kmiles or more to fish does not entitle you as a recreational fisherman to claim expenses.
Fact3 - No recreational fisher is obliged to fish and claim expenses.
Fact 4.  - It is against the law for recreational fishermen to sell their catch

There are 2 ways to approach this.
Either those recreational fishermen who would like to engage in commercial activities of selling fish regulartise their position, or
Authorities increase their vigilance and inspections to ensure that all commerical fishing activity is covered by a licence, people selling fish pay their VAT and income tax dues, all rules are followed.

What is it going to be guys? You tell me?.  You can't have both of best worlds, but we can present a very good case on either one of these options mentioned above.

A solution could be that we could try and persuade the authorities to review/open up the MFB register to accept more part-time fishermen. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: SteveGB on July 09, 2013, 11:10:11 CET
@ : lazyfisherman...i have a S registered boat and I cannot transfer it to MFC. If i could I would do it but applications for transfers are closed. Joe can we point this out please too? Why cannot i make a transfer from S to MFC, but on the other hand you can register to MFC a new boat right!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on July 09, 2013, 11:19:32 CET
What is the difference between mfC and s. If u are s reg do u benefit to change to mfc?
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 09, 2013, 11:19:39 CET
@ SteveGB - the issue with 'S' registered boats and MFC registered boats is being addressed.  As with all Gov. Depts, beurocracy reigns supreme.  
The issue is quite simple to resolve.  All sea going vessels need to be licenced by TM (Maritime division).  All vessels wanting to engage in recreational fishing activities need to be licenced by the competent authorities (Fisheries Control Directorate).  
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on July 09, 2013, 11:25:03 CET
Joe we used to have the privilage of selling fish when we were ptf registered. Then someone came up with the idea of killing the parttimer to accomodate the full time. So the MF reg was introduced with the scope of reducing the mfb registrations. It is about time that the parttimer is reintroduced either by mfb or whatever nomincliture u want to use.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 09, 2013, 11:25:25 CET
Quote from: shanook on July 09, 2013, 11:19:32 CET
What is the difference between mfC and s. If u are s reg do u benefit to change to mfc?

This has just been answered above Tony.  Yes, it was a mess.  there was no distiction whatsoever between S registered vessels and MFC registered vessels, except on vessel size and territorial wqater activity. This meaning that by law, S registered vessels could not go out futher than the 12 Kmile territorial water limit.  MFC registered vessesl could go out according to size.  So if an MFC vessel was longert than 6 mtrs, then that vessel was obliged to register with TM under the Maltese Flag (Valletta) and therefore could carry out recreational fishing activites inside the 25 kmile fishing exclusive zone and beyond.  If a vessel is shorter than 6 mtr then it was not obligeds to register with TM and could opt for either an MFC registration with the FCD or an S registration with TM.  People registered S because it was cheaper but effectively as the law stands at the moment, there is no distiction between MFC and S registered vessels as regards fishing activities.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 09, 2013, 11:27:47 CET
Tony, my vessel was registered as PTF, and when the change came to MFB, I was transferred without an hassles.  I renounced the MFB registration some 9 years ago as I could not meet the LM1,000 a year fish quota to be sold to the fish market.
I think the restriction on MFB vessels is imposed by the EU.  I think there is a quota allocated to each country as to how much part time fishers are allowed to be registered in each country.  I think it has to do with sustainability and fish management.  I can check, but I think I'm right!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on July 09, 2013, 11:32:50 CET
I was ptf and transferred to mfc not mfb. Why should re have a quota when u can only keep the boat for few months of summer and when the good fishing season starts we have to put boat on the hard. Their idea of killing the mfb worked perfectly.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on July 09, 2013, 11:36:58 CET
Yes there is a quota by eh. But the km1000 is s maltese prerogative. Can one chech if we have mfb according to quota or are we way under. As all my friends who started mfb have all changed to mfc because of the amount imposed by fisheries
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 09, 2013, 11:44:33 CET
Thats a good suggestion.  My fear is that we always try and be holier than the Pope. 
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 09, 2013, 12:32:36 CET
Transferring from PTF to MFB was only possible before EU membership. When Malta joined the EU a basic condition of the accession agreement was that there was to be no increase in the size of the commercial fishing fleet (both in terms of tonnage and power of fishing levels) - hence it became impossible to transfer from MFC to MFB or to MFA.

You can only transfer/buy MFA/MFB permits (like that the number of commercial fishing vessels remains the same). It is important to keep in mind that Malta Fisheries has to work within the framework set out by the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Among other issues, the CFP is aiming to reduce the size of commercial fishing fleets. In fact the size of the EU fleet is being reduced by about 2% every year and the EU has funding to help fishermen decommission their fishing vessels. When these funds are used, capacity leaving the fleet cannot be replaced.

So whether we like it or not we need to operate in these parameters. At the end of the day we can be either recreational fishermen (ie hobby/pastime) or commercial fishermen. We cannot be both - bil Malti jew hobbla jew terdda. 

Regarding bag limits and closed seasons, I think that the main thrust of our argument should be that since bag limits and closed seasons are intended as conservation tools, they should not be imposed arbitrarily across the board but rather they should be introduced for particular species after scientific studies indicate that the particular species would benefit from these measures - just as an example, while we all have to accept the strict conditions and bag limit for bluefin tuna, there is clearly no justification for introducing bag limits for sirran or tumbrell.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on July 10, 2013, 16:04:08 CET
I don't regard myself as a part time fisher, but I do sell some fish to recover some of the expenses (mostly everyone who goes for deepbottom fishing does it - also most who go for alunghi sell them too).
So for me I would be happy to have an MFB registration (the Lm1000 is just sales not profits right?) just to regularize the commercial aspect since I don't make any profits. But since no licenses are being issued what can I do?

Now for bag limits. I do agree with bag limits for the 13nm waters but further out than that it would not make sense. Immagine going out 25nm trolling having a limit of 1 alungha - would anyone go?

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 10, 2013, 16:36:03 CET
What is the scope of a bag limit?
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 10, 2013, 17:02:47 CET
Moonwalker, you are admitting on a public forum that you are breaking the law -  it does not reflect well on recreational fishermen in general and on the forum as well.

At the end of the day everybody is responsible for his own actions but it is illegal practices by some which put the rest of recreational fishermen in a bad light. While I dont know you and I am certain you don't have bad intentions since you actually want to regularise your position, the fact remains that it is illegal to sell fish unless you are MFA or MFB.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Cellikku on July 10, 2013, 17:21:38 CET
Jahasra kemm int bahhu... qed twaqqa il geble fuqek (ma jimpurtox) u fuq kulhadd (jimporta hafna). mela qed titlif jew? Ghemil fattik imma mhux affarijiet li tnizzilhim hawn.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on July 10, 2013, 23:16:04 CET
My intensions are not to put in bad light the recreational fisherman! But the regulations governing us are about to change and we either ignore them (u min jaf ihawwel ikompli ihawwel) or we try to change them in our favour.

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 11, 2013, 10:45:58 CET
I know that your intentions are good but recreational fishermen are recreational i.e. hobby, pastime and nothing else - I  know that I am being blunt here but at the end of the day, unless you want to keep on breaking the law, if you feel that deep sea fishing or alungi trolling is financially not worthwhile then just don't go or go once in a while.

Selling fish to recover expenses, apart from being illegal goes against all that recreational fishing is about. We all fish at a loss - expenses on bait, fuel, boats and equipment are not meant to be recovered by selling catches - recreational fishing is all about thrills, emotions and relaxation.

At the end of the day you have to choose - you are either a recreational fishermen or not. Forget about fisheries allowing any recreational fishermen to sell fish - EU regulations simply do not allow this. I think that your only option is to try and purchase an MFB permit but even this is likely to be very difficult given the power of your boat (the total combined power of all boats in the fishing fleet cannot increase - again EU regulations)
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 11, 2013, 10:59:30 CET
Guys, the rules and regulations governing recreational fishing are being updated, not changed.  It has been mandated that recreational fishing needs to be controlled, just like commercial fishing is.  We can all argue about the mechanisms that will be put in place, about what is fair and not fair, and what is good for the goose (commercials) should also apply to he gander (recreationals).  Not so my friends.  People from both sides of the spectrum abuse the system.  
My primary aim on the fisheries board is to be the voice of the recreational fishing community.  However, in principle, I cannot argue against what is not right.  So I have also declared my intentions that I will be championing fishing in general.  I want both commercial and recreationals to appreciate the efforts of each other in terms of sustainability and continuity.  There are and always will be challengers from both sides of the spectrum, who think they are above the law and can do what they like.  But we cannot allow that to deter us from our objective.  I see a new breed of recreational fishers coming up through the ranks.  A breed who really beleive in sustainability & continuity.  I call it freedom through responsibility.  The freedom to practice our favorite recreational activity, and the responsibility to maintain and sustain this activity for the future.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Moonwalker on July 11, 2013, 11:51:45 CET
Ok so there is no way I can continue with my old practice since no new permits will be issued.
So from now on I will forget about offshore fishing and stay in the local waters and keep all fish to myself.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: ganni on July 12, 2013, 22:19:56 CET
1.   Irkaptu
a.   Konz ma jistax jintefa f'aktar minn 100 qama kummiedja. X'inhi ir-raguni ekologika wara din il-proposta? Billi jintefghu 200 sunnara biex forsi jinqabdu xi bazuga, xi xabla jew xi merluzz ma fiha xejn hazin.
b.   Konz tal-lizzijiet ghadni irrid nara wiehed. Minn fejn holmu bih?
c.   In-nassi tal-qarnit kalati individwalment jew flimkien x'taffetwa? Listess impatt ghandhom.  Kummiedja ohra biex attaparsi nkunu ghedna xi haga.
d.   Sajd bl-imrejkba sa massimu ta 300 qama tul? X'kummiedja hi din? Ma jafux li l-ikaptu tal-imrejkba huwa konz? Konz tkejlu bl-ammont ta' snanar u mhux mit-tul.  Tghid mhux gej l-FPO jghoddlok il-qjiem?  Din trid tigi irrangata ghal nghidu ahna 50 sunnara.
e.   Drifting bil-lixka qas biss hu msemmi. Jekk inharsu ftit lejn il-girien taghna it-taljani din hija wahda mil-aktar sajdiet prattikati.  Ghanda tigi nkluza wkoll, issa specjalment li qed tinhareg il-licenzja ghat-tonn.
f.   U Hemm imnizzel li rixa tat-tonn ma tistax tuza? Jekk ghandek il permess allura x'taghmel bih? Ghal go l-inkwatru jew?
g.   Xolfa bil-qasab u anka dawk fuq l-idejn nahseb li kollox ghandu jkun permess.

2.   Naqbel ma dak li gie diskuss

3.   Naqbel li m'ghandux jkun hemm zoni ristretti aktar minn dawk diga msemmija habba ir-ragunijiet li inghataw fl-istess punt.

4.   Naqbel ma dak li gie diskuss

5.   Naqbel ma dak li gie diskuss

6.   Naqbel ma dak li gie diskuss

7.   Ma nara xejn hazin billi dghajsa S tkun tista tistad.  Lili ma nahsibx li jaffetwani dan il-punt habba li id dghajsa tieghi qeda MFC, imma billi jkollok naqra tifel u titfa xlief minn dghajsa S xfiha hazing? Nispera ma nigux f'din l estremita.

8.   Naqbel ma dak li gie diskuss

Obbligazzoni li kull dghajsa jkollha installata fiha tip ta' tracking system.
Liema pajjiz ta l-E.U. ghandu din is-sistema? Qas hadd ghadu ma holom biha fuq id-dghajjes tad-dilettanti... umbad Malta irridu nghamluwha? Jien naf ghala ta, biex meta jaghtu il-management plan lil E.U. ikunu attaparsi kitbu xi haga fih. Qas tal-full timers ma jistghu isibu tarf ahseb wara jzidu xebgha dghajjes ohra fis-sistema.  U x'inku l vantagg ta din is sistema? Ghax jien ma nara lebda skop validu biex tidhol ghal dawk l-ispejjez ghal dghajsa li probabbli hlief naqra fit-tlett xhur tas-sajf ma tintuzax.  U x'titrackja jekk xebgha dghajjes qas johorgu aktar minn mil il-barra, tista toqghod tarhom bit tromba jekk trid lol.  Hawn hafna dghajjes li qas biss power supply mghandhom.  U fuq dghajsa ta 10 piedi tracking device ikun jonqsok, mhux bizzejjed l flares, life jackets u l obligazzjonijiet kollha tas-sigurta.

Limitazzjoni bil-jiem matul is-sena
Holma ohra sabieha li l-ebda pajjiz ta' l-E.U. ghadu ma holom biha.  Ha jghamlu stagun ghal brieqex issa jew?  Mela dawn ma jafux li is-sajd ivarja skond it temp u l-istaguni.  Qas il-full timers ma jirregolaw bil-jiem tas sajd u jridu jirregolaw lielna?  U dan kollu ghalxiex?  Nassigurakom li mid-dipartiment ghadu qatt ma sar studju fuq is-sajd rikreazzjonali u l-impatt li jhalli.... jisparaw ic-cucati qedin minghajr ma jafu fuq hiex qed jitkellmu.

Il-Bag Limit
Uzugr li tal-koperattiva jridu il-bag limit, ghadhom bl-idea li il bahar taghhom u ahna qed nisirquwhom jekk immorru bil-qasba naqbdu huta.  Mela immur ghaxar darbiet f'sena u ghax tigini darba tajba ma nistax niehu zewg hutiet sbieh id-dar?  X'hasbu li s-sajjied rikreazzjonali jmur kuljum jew bhal full timer?  Mas-size limit tal-hut naqbel mija fil mija u nemmen li ghandu jigi inforzat b'sahha, pero il-bag limit jaghmel sens biss fuq xi huta bhat tonn.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 13, 2013, 15:53:10 CET
Xi haga ohra li gietni f'mohhi issa

Bhal issa fl-Italja qed tizdied hafna il popolarita tas-sajd bil kayak (bil kenura). Hemm ghaqdiet, filmati fuq Youtube u forums dwar din is-sajda - per ezempju din

F' Malta din is-sistema ghadha ma qabdietx - imma l-kayak qed isir dejjem aktar popolari. Din is-sajda ser naqtghula rasha qabel ma tista titwieled? Kif qed jigu proposti l-ligijiet nistghu nistadu minn fuq kayak? Jew irridu indahhqu u nibdew niregistraw kayak MFC?
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: ganni on July 13, 2013, 19:24:32 CET
Jekk mhux sejjer zball, kayak diga suppost tkun registrata ma Transport Malta sabiex tkun tista tintuza. Qas jitwemmnu
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 15, 2013, 12:28:34 CET
Naqbel 100% ma Ganni dwar bag limits - dawn huma ghodda ghal konservazzjoni u ghandhom l-uzu taghhom imma dawn ghandhom jintuzaw biss fejn hemm bzonn. Ma taghmilx sens li taghmel bag limit fuq id-dilettant imbaghad il-commercial fishermen jaqbdu kemm iridu.

Ara kif l-Irlanda inqdew bil bag limit biex jikkonservaw l-ispnott. L-ispnott kien naqas hafna minhabba overfishing. Min 1990 l-hawn is-sajd kummercjali ghal-ispnott twaqqaf kompletament izda d-dilettant thalla jistad - hemm bag limit ta zewg hutiet kuljum u minimum landing size ta 40 cm. B'dawn il-mizuri l-istocks tal-ispnott hadu r-ruh.  Mur ghamel x haga hekk hawn Malta!!!

Id-dilettant irid ikun responsabbli, jobdi l-ligijiet u anke jaccetta xi kontrolli fejn hemm bzonn izda Il fatt jibqa li l-aktar hsara ssir min sajd kummercjali u mhux mid-dilettanti.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 13:51:16 CET
U inti vera temmen li l-bag limit qieghda biex tissalvagwardja il-bahar? Qieghda biex il-commercials ikollom monopolju fuq il-bahar.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 15, 2013, 14:47:09 CET
Il bag limit suppost li qeghda biex tissalvagwardja l-bahar - ghalhekk trid tintuza biss, jekk u fejn ikun hemm bzonn ghal xi speci partikolari -u f'dak il kaz anke il-commercials irid ikollhom il kwoti ghax il-bqija il-bag limit ma twassal ghal xejn u tkun biss biex tagevola l-commercials kif qed tghid tajjeb int. Ghalhekk, b'mod generali ma taghmilx sens li l-commercials jaqbdu kemm iridu u ahna jkollna l-bag limits.

Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 15:13:55 CET
Agrees 100% What is the use,for the amateur to have a bag limit for kavalli[example},when the same fish,instead of flourishing, would be caught by others?
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 15:32:02 CET
If you double the offer.............i will give you the individual's name!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Cellikku on July 15, 2013, 16:29:29 CET
Bugejja w Piscopo
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 15, 2013, 17:22:25 CET

Int tajt l-ezempju tal-kavalli - naqbel 100% - ara kif tista tasal tiggustifika bag limit fuq il-kavalli ghal dilettant jistad bis-sunnara filwaqt li s-sajjied commercial jithalla jdawwar il-kavalli bl-ixbieki biex jispiccaw ikel ghat-tonn fit-tuna pens!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 17:56:17 CET
U jinqabdu average ta 10 tunellati kuljum! [Dawk li naghfu bihom}.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: shanook on July 15, 2013, 18:57:16 CET
Heqq il commercial ghandhom NET limit ........
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 21:11:55 CET
Dawk hemm min hu fuqhom.................fil-gerarkija!
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 15, 2013, 23:37:32 CET
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Cellikku on July 16, 2013, 08:49:05 CET
W intom tehsbuw li azzoppardi sejjer joqod jehli l hin fuq il limituw? Jistghu mhux jghemlulu limituw... xorta li jrid jamel
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 16, 2013, 09:01:38 CET
I have compiled all your suggestions into one document, and submitted to the Fisheries board for discussion.  BTW, I did leave out some comments, like Joholmu, Indahqu, l-imhatra, etc. :)
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 16, 2013, 15:24:28 CET
For all its worth................
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: lazyfisherman on July 17, 2013, 14:58:48 CET
Thanks Gaffer for all the work in favour of our hobby
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: caldaland on July 17, 2013, 15:13:06 CET
Allow me to make this clear. I am not critisizing Gaffer,in anyway. I am critisizing the system,which unfortunately,Gaffer is not part of it. Gaffer's work should be applauded.
Title: Re: Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report
Post by: Marenostrum on March 21, 2014, 15:03:23 CET
Ma nafx l'ala ser idahhlu sajd bil-ganc ghal qarnit u bil-harpun fin-nofs?! Jigifieri issa biex tinzel b'ganc trid licenzja mela qed niggennu jew? U jekk l-Ewropa nehhiet il-licenzja tal-harpun ha ndahhlu ohra jew?