Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen Report

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:54:53 CET

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Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 14:55:14 CET
.... This mostly results from the fact that most of those discussing our future are not fishers themselves and mostly hav`nt got a clue on the subject.

Freedive has a very good point here. With all due respect, from the people forming the board hereunder, with the exception of Dr Joe Carabott D'Amato, who else does know something about fishing?

Notary Tonio Spiteri, Chairperson
Mr Tony Tanti, Segretarju
Ms Alice Peplow, Membru
Lt. Joseph Gatt, Membru
Ms Suzanne Dimech, Membru
Mr Joseph Demicoli, Membru
Mr Michael Mifsud, Membru
Dr Krista Calleja Mercieca, Membru
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 14:55:14 CET
A big problem that recreational fishers are facing is that the Local Authorities, the EU-Commission and many Commercial fishers are being led to believe that the recreationals have a huge impact on fish stocks, with some even marketing their fish and thus flooding the market. (Most of the time, the fish targeted by recreationals are different species from those targeted by commercials). This mostly results from the fact that most of those discussing our future are not fishers themselves and mostly hav`nt got a clue on the subject. Also, the way that some recreationals boast about "huge" imaginary catches is not helping our cause.

This is exactly the impresion I got from my discussions today.  At one point, I was confronted by an argument which went something like this "We need to protect the commercial fishing interests from the recreational fishing activities, and regulate accordingly".  In other words, they want to control and regulate us the recreational fishermen, but protect the commercial interests.  Another lame argument was about the suggestion by the fisheries directorate that every recreational fisherman who is in possession of a permit to catch tuna must always inform the FD when going o0ut fishing.  The reason was that when the FD exert control and request an inspection of the vessel, they will be aware that this vessel is licenced to fish for BFT.  
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: FREEDIVE on April 04, 2013, 15:29:12 CET
Dont think that "pariti" are the only problem here. I`m not trying to defend their use, but we have to bear in mind that for many commercial/artisanal fishermen, laying these nets in sheltered areas is the only way that they can feed their families. Especially during winters like this where high winds and seas were the order of the day. Recreationals and commercials have a different perspective of the sea around us.

@Freedive – i'm in no way suggesting the contrary for their living but to lay nets in SUMMER, in CALM waters, between the far point of Il-Gzejjer ta' San Pawl and the Awrat/Spnott fishfarms and in the entrance around Mistra is sheer arrogance. In winter I have seen laying of nets by someone who has his kajjik moored behind the Vecca bridge, starting from 3m outside the Barracudas club, up to Fekruna, all to Mistra, up to Il-Gzejjer, down to Bugibba quay, on to SPB School, and back to Barracudas.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


In Italy to protect the fishing industries and to ensure the best quality of fish possible, all fish sold in markets and fish shops will carry a certificate showing proof of origin and when was caught. This could easily be extended to restaurants. Heavy fines for those being caught selling fish  without such certificates will discourage any abuse in illegally selling fish. 
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Kieku tar risturanti jistaw jibdew iservu tonn taz zejt u makkarel tal landa ghax hafna minnom hlief hut tal oman, senegal jew maqbut billejl bic cilindri ma jkollomx.



Joe, thanks for the update. Unfortuantely I couldn't make the meeting at such short notice but it was very important that it went ahead and we formalised our relationship once again with FCD.

I won't comment on the specific embarassments, just to say that both sides have a lot of work to do and this needs carefull planning and understanding by the right stakeholders and in a controlled and well documented manner to avoid rushed regulations or silly ones.


Guys - As a matter of great urgency, i need your comments on the Suggested Regulations for Recreational Fishermen.  These draft regulations are being discussed in the Fisheries board at the moment, and i need to provide an input in 10 days from today.  So please, post your suggestions here.  May i suggest that your comments are presented in point format, to make it easier for me to compile.  We shall be discussing these details during our next Fisheries Board meeting, so i suggest you read through the document, and comment as appropriate.  Keep your comments focused, and to the point.  Thank you.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I have gone through the document in quite some detail. In many cases I agree with the Federation's proposals but in others I think that further discussion is needed. Below are the major points which I feel need to be discussed further

1. X'tip ta' sajd ghandu jigi kkunsidratt bhala sajd rikreazzjonali.
Il-Kumitat wasal ghall-konkluzzjoni li t-tipi ta' rkaptu tas-sajd li jistghu jintuzaw minn sajjieda rikreazzjonali huma dawk elenkati fl-iskeda hawn annessa u markata Dokument 'A li ghandha tifforma parti ntegrali minn dan ir-rapport.

This is not acceptable. It is a restricted list - some fishing techniques (e.g. xolfa ghal kahli, xolfa ghall imsell, xolfa ghal qarnit bil granc/polpara) are neither allowed nor disallowed! Also what about trolling with dead or live bait -does it fall under 'rixa'?. Also having a restricted list makes no allowance for new techniques that may be introduced in the future. It would be better to list what is not allowed only - if in the future any fishing method may need to be restricted/disllowed to recreational fishermen due to issues of sustainability it can always be added to the list of disallowed methods through a legal notice.

2. Jekk bastimenti ghal sajd rikreazzjonali ghandhomx ikollhom licenzja.   

Il-Kumitat jaqbel bla rizervi li kull tip ta' bastiment adebit ghal sajd rikreazzjonali ghandu jkollu licenzja relattiva mahruga mid-Direttorat tas-Sajd.  

I dont think that the committee should be so unanimous and sure about this. They are making it illegal for a child to dangle a line from a rubber dinghy or canoe or for a pensioner to fish for mulett from a moored tender in the harbour. This is something that needs to be looked into (see my next point)

7. Ghandhomx il-bastimenti taht MFC u S ikollhom l-istess kundizzjonijiet.
I agree that MFC and S boats should not have the same conditions but I disagree that no fishing at all should be allowed from S boats.  I think that S registered boats should only be allowed to practice limited and very low-impact  fishing, for example using rod and/or handline, trolling (but no 36 feather set ups for tumbrell or kubrit!) and forok within a distance of 1 nm from the shoreline but this is just a suggestion - the actual methods etc would need to be discussed). Those who are more serious about their fishing and would not like to be so restricted would have to transfer their registration to MFC. 



For me its the bag limit which I cant agree with especially for offshore fishing.

Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Why not
Quote from: Moonwalker on July 06, 2013, 18:37:47 CET
For me its the bag limit which I cant agree with especially for offshore fishing.

Why not Moonwalker?...i need solid reasons to back the statements.  I cannot go into a meeting and say i disagree with bag limits without providing valid reasons. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Because it would not make sense to go out 50nm or more just for say 20 fish (bazug I mean).
I know that there are no valid reasons since this is recreational fishing, but we all know that we have to recover some of the expenses somehow.

So what I can think of is that there will be a special license for offshore fishing. This is my personal idea maybe others can think of a better proposal.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Quote from: Moonwalker on July 07, 2013, 01:47:02 CET
Because it would not make sense to go out 50nm or more just for say 20 fish (bazug I mean).
I know that there are no valid reasons since this is recreational fishing, but we all know that we have to recover some of the expenses somehow.

So what I can think of is that there will be a special license for offshore fishing. This is my personal idea maybe others can think of a better proposal.

Let me take your idea further.
Let us state facts, laws, and regulations.
Fact 1. - Recreational fishermen are not commercially licenced to sell fish.  
fact 2. - Going out 50kmiles or more to fish does not entitle you as a recreational fisherman to claim expenses.
Fact3 - No recreational fisher is obliged to fish and claim expenses.
Fact 4.  - It is against the law for recreational fishermen to sell their catch

There are 2 ways to approach this.
Either those recreational fishermen who would like to engage in commercial activities of selling fish regulartise their position, or
Authorities increase their vigilance and inspections to ensure that all commerical fishing activity is covered by a licence, people selling fish pay their VAT and income tax dues, all rules are followed.

What is it going to be guys? You tell me?.  You can't have both of best worlds, but we can present a very good case on either one of these options mentioned above.

A solution could be that we could try and persuade the authorities to review/open up the MFB register to accept more part-time fishermen. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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@ : lazyfisherman...i have a S registered boat and I cannot transfer it to MFC. If i could I would do it but applications for transfers are closed. Joe can we point this out please too? Why cannot i make a transfer from S to MFC, but on the other hand you can register to MFC a new boat right!
DEADLIEST CATCH{ --> 18.5 ft Ranieri Soverato powered by 100 hp 4 stroke Yamaha & Yamaha Enduro 8hp


What is the difference between mfC and s. If u are s reg do u benefit to change to mfc?