Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Squid & Octopus Fishing => Topic started by: Icom on September 15, 2013, 06:43:53 CET

Title: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 15, 2013, 06:43:53 CET
I have been hearing that squid season has started and quite close to shore.  Any of you guys have had encounters with the species so far? 

Any chance we could start a discussion with regards to the subject?  Things interesting for discussion would be lights used, tendencies of grouping in certain areas, different fishing methods and something which I have been researching lately; the use of a colour echosounder to search for squids.  If there is anyone who can take a photo of an echosounder screen showing squid groups would be ideal!

Hoping we have a great and abundant squid season!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 15, 2013, 07:54:13 CET

I can confirm that squids are close to shore but not quite good sized. Most of them.arr max 8 cm big. Sometimes u catch a one off which is a keeper
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 15, 2013, 08:02:25 CET
Ideal size for bait especially trolling!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 15, 2013, 13:31:05 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 15, 2013, 08:02:25 CET
Ideal size for bait especially trolling!

Ideal for nothing 8cm squids. A good bait is from 15 cm up
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on September 16, 2013, 08:44:06 CET
leave them be guys! let them grow!...maybe we can catch some biggies sometime!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 18, 2013, 11:16:10 CET
L-ahwa, jekk hawn min qed jahseb biex jixtri xi tip ta' dawl biex jattira l-klamari, jien nissugerixxi bozoz li juzaw fil-pools tat-12V. Dawn ikunu waterproof, jaghtu hafna u li xtrajt jien anke tista tbiddlilha l-kulur tad-dawl. J'alla jkollna stagun tajjeb :)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 12:02:52 CET
Ruzett, kemm huma watts?  Consumption is an issue once on a boat! U kemm qedien jinxtraw?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: caldaland on September 18, 2013, 13:04:31 CET
Hbieb tghaglux.Il-watts mhux importanti ghax dawk ikunu LED u allura l-wattage ikun zighr,generalment min 10 sa 20.Il-prezz huwa rhis ukoll. Biss hemm problema.............Dawk ma jkunux jifilhu ghal certu pressjoni ta l-ilma u allura ma tkunx tista tfondi naqra. Hafna drabi,ma tistax taqbez iz-zewg metri.ATTENTI:ghax jekk jithollhom l-ilma mhabba l-pressa ta l-ilma tafu tghamlu tragedja! Qabel tixtru araw sew li-specifications bil-miktub.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 13:09:34 CET
Understandable.....imma hemm ghalfejn tnizel fl-ilma?  Floodlight LED 10w u titfaha fil-genb tad-dghajsa bla ma titfaha fl-ilma mhux tajjeb ukoll?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: caldaland on September 18, 2013, 13:15:35 CET
Dawk maghmulin ghal taht l-ilma inkella jishnu.Jekk jishnu jew jinharqu jew titnaqsilhom b-hafna il-life span.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 18, 2013, 14:03:07 CET
50w led barra d dghajsa bizzejjed guys... din li tgharraq 5-6 metri .... lol

L klamar mux d dawl jattirah... imma dak il hut zghir li hu jikol li normalment jigi ghad dawl.

Pjuttost d dawl idejqu ghax kiku l klamar jinqabad facilment bin nhar... li mhux il kaz ghax jinqabda fil fond filodu.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 18, 2013, 14:55:33 CET
Good point caldaland, imma l-bozza li semmejt jien ridtha biex kemm innizzilha that wicc il-bahar u narax taghmilx differenza milli kieku hallejtha barra mill-ilma. U believe it or not, kelli rizultati hafna ahjar bil-bozza fl-ilma s-sena l-ohra. Issa setghet kienet fortuna imma jien hekk se nibqa naghmel uwx...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 18, 2013, 15:04:08 CET
@Icom, il-bozza hija 10W ghax hija LED. Jiena qabbadtha ma battery ta' karozza li tkun 12V u ma tahli kwazi xejn.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: caldaland on September 18, 2013, 15:18:02 CET
Ruzett,ma jfissirx li dik li xtrajt int hija l-istess bhall ohrajn tal-pools. Li qed nighd jien hu biex toqoghdu attenti. Barra mil-ilma,jekk ma tinharakx,ha titnaqsila il life span,ghalkemm mhux xi problema ghax dan ikun twil hafna. U TNIZZILIEX FIL FOND!.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 18, 2013, 15:23:16 CET
Halli f'idi caldaland, kif ghedt diga, jien kemm innizzilha that wicc il-bahar, dak kollox...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 15:25:37 CET
Jien andi flood LED 10w ordnata.  Nahseb li tkun bizejjed.  Wara kollox kif ga qall jattira ruhu lejn il-bait fish li jigi attirat bid-dawl.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 18, 2013, 15:31:17 CET
habib 10w mbad ftit nahseb ta... imma nsiblek soluzzjoni kiku....

Jekk ha ggib 10w min tac cina... jekk ghandek cans hassar l order u nghidlek x tixtri hawn 50w tal genn u heavy duty

Jekk le.. 4 snin ilu armajt bijom.. u dejjem nzid bix naqbad klamar... wara li xtrajt 4 bdejt nara l klamari....

Ghadom ghandi jahdmu ara jk tahdimx bihom u...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 16:07:56 CET
Too late....ila ordnata kwazi 10 ijiem issa!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 16:08:26 CET
Dawn tal-50w min fejn qed jinxtraw?  Kemm qedien?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 18, 2013, 16:49:13 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 18, 2013, 16:08:26 CET
Dawn tal-50w min fejn qed jinxtraw?  Kemm qedien?

from ebay
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 18:33:44 CET
@ Granitu tista tibghatli link ta wahda minhom please?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on September 18, 2013, 21:08:26 CET
granit ghandek il link ta daw tal 50w ? jien is sena l ohra silfuni generator u lampa meta helide u sibtom bomba al klamar. Imma jien traskurat u gili spicali l petrol so keli nihdol !
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 18, 2013, 21:37:47 CET
Metal haliyde tajbin hafna pero jahlu hafna ukoll.  Aparti hekk inefficenti hafna fir-rigward ta shana li jarmu.  Trid toqod seba mitt elf ghajn li ma tolqothomx bl-ilma u li ma taqtahomx wara li titfijhom!  Oghqod attent minhom u tharis jejhom meta jkunu mixewlin ghax iwegawlek ghajnejk.  Hafna minhom jigu bi protection layer mal-hgiega taghhom habba fhekk.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 18, 2013, 23:18:41 CET
skuzawni guys kont training. gust li naqsam,ma kulhadd icom :)

dawn nuza jin

Ghandi 2 minnhom u wahda dejjem fid dghajsa nhallija big. bomba serhu raskhom u iebsin ma jiccaqalqux l angle li tpoggijom mux bhal dawk li konna gibna mar robby big. ili nahdem sentejn b wahda minnhom bla problemi. Ma jikkrepawx il battery daqshekk big, jekk ghandek battery 110 ha tkun xxamplata

Jin ghamilta cigarette lighter plug u hdimt tajjeb.

Jekk ha ggibu nippuljaw jien ngib ohra m emmx telf minnha.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 18, 2013, 23:34:17 CET
Quote from: Granitu on September 18, 2013, 23:18:41 CET
skuzawni guys kont training. gust li naqsam,ma kulhadd icom :)

dawn nuza jin

Ghandi 2 minnhom u wahda dejjem fid dghajsa nhallija big. bomba serhu raskhom u iebsin ma jiccaqalqux l angle li tpoggijom mux bhal dawk li konna gibna mar robby big. ili nahdem sentejn b wahda minnhom bla problemi. Ma jikkrepawx il battery daqshekk big, jekk ghandek battery 110 ha tkun xxamplata

Jin ghamilta cigarette lighter plug u hdimt tajjeb.

Jekk ha ggibu nippuljaw jien ngib ohra m emmx telf minnha.

Jien gewwa.  Liema wahda hi,mghax hemm mizibilju!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 19, 2013, 00:04:17 CET
L ewwel wahda emm zewg kuluri iswed u abjad
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 19, 2013, 06:29:16 CET
Very very expensive.  Shipping costs $68.  Plus skond id-description, din rated ghal 110 jew 240v.  Noqod ingorr generator jew invertor mieghi?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 19, 2013, 08:56:48 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 19, 2013, 06:29:16 CET
Very very expensive.  Shipping costs $68.  Plus skond id-description, din rated ghal 110 jew 240v.  Noqod ingorr generator jew invertor mieghi?

emm id dc ta jahdmu 12v gaffer.

Li mhux rhas naf, imma ta kwalita. l link ezatta din:

Jin fil bidu xtrajt mill irhas... u spiccajt nfaqt l istess - l irhis oghli pero jekk nsibuhom irhas ahjar u... ifem bulk jaf jirranga prezz
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 19, 2013, 09:50:33 CET
Jien il-kumment tieghi kien fuq shipping.  Hemm minhom umbghadd li shipping huwa free!, u jigu hafna irhas.  Imma il-model li ghedtli inti bih, jiswa $98, u shipping $68. 
Dan il model li ghandek fil-link, huwa l-istess prezz, imma shipping jinzel ghal $25.  Nahseb li niffrankaw huwa fix-shipping l-iktar.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 19, 2013, 10:06:49 CET
Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 19, 2013, 09:50:33 CET
Jien il-kumment tieghi kien fuq shipping.  Hemm minhom umbghadd li shipping huwa free!, u jigu hafna irhas.  Imma il-model li ghedtli inti bih, jiswa $98, u shipping $68. 
Dan il model li ghandek fil-link, huwa l-istess prezz, imma shipping jinzel ghal $25.  Nahseb li niffrankaw huwa fix-shipping l-iktar.

ok gaffer... issa li qed niftakar kin joffri shipping by courier (express) within 4 days b fedex jew DHL (talabni l address ghal tracking u wara jumejn saqsieni jekk waslitx) - nahseb ghalekk emm minnhom bis shipping oghli (nsaqsuh). Niftakar li kienu waslu malajr ghandi mux bhal affarijiet li jigu mic cina s soltu.

Nemmen li hawn irhas bhalhom jekk nfittxu ahjar ghax bhala Led mhux rhisa gaffer.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on September 19, 2013, 16:55:18 CET
Jien xorta nahseb l ahajr li sibt sissa huwa l metalhelide. b 2eur petrol kont naghmel 3 sieghat nistad u fejn haddihor qbadt il klamari !!!

Jien just irrid xi haga nixheta hemm ghal meta nkun insejt nixi l petrol u jiqaf il generator jew jigrila xi haga l bozza
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on September 19, 2013, 20:52:20 CET
meta tkunu ha taslu bix tordnaw kelmuni pls axx andi bzon wahda 50w
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on September 19, 2013, 21:01:19 CET
xi 68 euro jigu nahseb
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 20, 2013, 08:15:47 CET
Inkella jekk tridu hawn dawn.  Xi €60 jigu.

Illi indur u naqat nara insiebx xi haga orhos pero qieshom kollha fl-istess ilma qedien.  Il-website aliexpress hija l-orhos li tista isieb.  Din direttament mil-fabrika tkun qied igieb.  N.B. postage ghandkhom min 20 sa 30 days ghax surface mail.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 20, 2013, 08:58:22 CET
Why does it have to be led wouldn't a 50w halogen lamp be good?? I know it gets warmer but isn't it the same draw on the battery? And lots lots cheaper? Correct me if I am wrong
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 09:04:37 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 20, 2013, 08:15:47 CET
Inkella jekk tridu hawn dawn.  Xi €60 jigu.

Illi indur u naqat nara insiebx xi haga orhos pero qieshom kollha fl-istess ilma qedien.  Il-website aliexpress hija l-orhos li tista isieb.  Din direttament mil-fabrika tkun qied igieb.  N.B. postage ghandkhom min 20 sa 30 days ghax surface mail.

They are exactly the same model man - good.

What is funny is that they say that the frame is stainless steel. It is coated with a corrosion resistant paint but if left in a harsh environment it would start to peel off. Operation wise very reliable.

For me, it does not affect me because i always go for practicality over image. Maybe others do though and better point it out for others.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 09:08:11 CET
Quote from: shanook on September 20, 2013, 08:58:22 CET
Why does it have to be led wouldn't a 50w halogen lamp be good?? I know it gets warmer but isn't it the same draw on the battery? And lots lots cheaper? Correct me if I am wrong

It is not the same draw from the battery shanook - much less - that is basically the main advantage of an Led.

I had gone through the matter when i was purchasing and from what i can remember (so correct me where I am wrong), whilst halogens can be dimmed, Leds cannot because LED operate at a very low amperage whilst Halogens at a higher amperage. (and resistors naturally vary the amperage)

Plus the heat you are mentioning is actually the waste of energy (for sure) - the drain from your battery. That is where LED are better. - they need less effort to create the same light and a longer useful life (50,000 hrs)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 20, 2013, 09:21:29 CET
Yes understood, there is a difference using hologen to led, but that's in extended use, we use the light for kalamari for 4 hrs approx. the initial price difference is extreme..I bought a 150w bright white and a car head lamp. Cost was very low.
I am commenting so that if the led is better I switch.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 09:40:43 CET
Quote from: shanook on September 20, 2013, 09:21:29 CET
Yes understood, there is a difference using hologen to led, but that's in extended use, we use the light for kalamari for 4 hrs approx. the initial price difference is extreme..I bought a 150w bright white and a car head lamp. Cost was very low.
I am commenting so that if the led is better I switch.

At a voltage of 12v amperage becomes imperative Shanook.

Sometimes i do the whole night for squid Shanook - 12 hrs - there it makes a difference.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on September 20, 2013, 09:49:25 CET
 u ejja ton!

LED 2 wat gives the same light as an halogen 20w.
Therefore the led 50 watt would give a much brighter light than a halogen 50w.
You would need a much higher wattage to give the same output light.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 20, 2013, 12:28:47 CET
Quote from: baghira on September 20, 2013, 09:49:25 CET
u ejja ton!

LED 2 wat gives the same light as an halogen 20w.
Therefore the led 50 watt would give a much brighter light than a halogen 50w.
You would need a much higher wattage to give the same output light.

Normally LEDs are quoted in emitting wattage and not draw wattage.  These LED floods probably consume somewhere around 15 - 17 watts/hour.  The only reliable way of comparing consumption versus emitted light is to compare lumens.  Lumens is the measuring unit of light Ex: 1 lumens = 1 candlelight power.

@ Baghira if it had to be like your saying then a 50watt LED will ultimately transmit 500watts in light which as far as i know LED technology hasnt reached that level of efficiency yet.  The only way to multiply element power to transmitted power is by using inert gasses.  Ex: HID lights which are used in the automotive industry.  Think, these new cars (BMW as an example) literally blind your sight at night if they arent properly aligned.  Those bulbs are small LED elements with Xenon inert gas.  7Watts is the legal limit locally on HIDs.  If 7watts is the legal limit on HIDs then imagine what 50 watts of HID would be capable of!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 20, 2013, 12:55:58 CET
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 20, 2013, 13:01:54 CET
@ Shanook    Those are rated 85v+.  Not good for battery operators!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 20, 2013, 13:12:05 CET
opps then i pasted the wrong advert, there were the 12v ones.........
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 13:17:57 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 20, 2013, 12:28:47 CET
Quote from: baghira on September 20, 2013, 09:49:25 CET
u ejja ton!

LED 2 wat gives the same light as an halogen 20w.
Therefore the led 50 watt would give a much brighter light than a halogen 50w.
You would need a much higher wattage to give the same output light.

Normally LEDs are quoted in emitting wattage and not draw wattage.  These LED floods probably consume somewhere around 15 - 17 watts/hour.  The only reliable way of comparing consumption versus emitted light is to compare lumens.  Lumens is the measuring unit of light Ex: 1 lumens = 1 candlelight power.

@ Baghira if it had to be like your saying then a 50watt LED will ultimately transmit 500watts in light which as far as i know LED technology hasnt reached that level of efficiency yet.  The only way to multiply element power to transmitted power is by using inert gasses.  Ex: HID lights which are used in the automotive industry.  Think, these new cars (BMW as an example) literally blind your sight at night if they arent properly aligned.  Those bulbs are small LED elements with Xenon inert gas.  7Watts is the legal limit locally on HIDs.  If 7watts is the legal limit on HIDs then imagine what 50 watts of HID would be capable of!

remember you need just enough light, not too much.

Too much becomes counter productive...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 20, 2013, 13:47:10 CET
Agree with you Granitu.  My goal is not to have a lot of light (im out at sea and not inside a football stadium) but to have energy efficiency.  The lower the consumption the happier i will be!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 14:24:36 CET
Remember if you flatten out your battery good luck starting your motor especially the new ones or a marine diesel engine like a yanmar.... nowadays i even have installed another battery and an alternator on the auxiliary engine (which sometimes i switch on idle as a generator)

And i have done it in the past... so you must always learn from mistakes.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 20, 2013, 15:09:29 CET
Granitu, i already have two batteries.  One is dedicated for cranking the engine and nothing else, the other for all the rest.  I can also combine batteries for cranking.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 20, 2013, 16:13:12 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 20, 2013, 15:09:29 CET
Granitu, i already have two batteries.  One is dedicated for cranking the engine and nothing else, the other for all the rest.  I can also combine batteries for cranking.

Good very important!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bonell on September 21, 2013, 14:18:07 CET
tkunu tridu xi floodlights led minn 10w sa 100w prezz tajjeb kelmuni lahwa nifrankalkom lira. anke 12 V.. Issajda ittajba!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 21, 2013, 16:00:00 CET
Quote from: bonell on September 21, 2013, 14:18:07 CET
tkunu tridu xi floodlights led minn 10w sa 100w prezz tajjeb kelmuni lahwa nifrankalkom lira. anke 12 V.. Issajda ittajba!
Mhux ahjar tghidilna naqa kemm huma please :)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 21, 2013, 21:15:22 CET
Ezatt, ghaqbad u ghejdielna anqra kemm qedien.

The-Gaffer, rajtek dalghodu!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: The_Gaffer on September 22, 2013, 08:55:41 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 21, 2013, 21:15:22 CET
Ezatt, ghaqbad u ghejdielna anqra kemm qedien.

The-Gaffer, rajtek dalghodu!
Fejn rajtni?, ghax ma kellimtniex
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on September 22, 2013, 09:37:19 CET
To be very correct at home I have moved on to energy efficient lighting, beside all the other green resources, and light producing methods.
I have all rated wattages of led spot lights in LED including bright and warm white.
The light emitted by a 3.5 watt led is the exact same as a 20w halogen, I tried them next to each other, obviously with my eyes and not with a light meter, (that I also have and can use).
The light emitted by a 5 watt LED is much more....
Now I cannot say what would mathematically be the output of a 50w LED, but as I said, much more.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 22, 2013, 13:39:44 CET
@ bonell can you quote us a price for the 50W led floodlight as there is a lot of interest to buy these. Time is important as kalamari season is on the doorstep.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 23, 2013, 14:06:37 CET
Temp sabih, bahar kalm.... nahseb ikun tajjeb din il-gimgha ghall-klamri :D
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Malcolm X on September 23, 2013, 16:21:54 CET
Today went to a local ironmongery and showed me 50w led(floodlight) 240v which  transmits 500 watts in light  for 55 ewro.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 23, 2013, 17:42:16 CET
Quote from: Malcolm X on September 23, 2013, 16:21:54 CET
Today went to a local ironmongery and showed me 50w led(floodlight) 240v which  transmits 500 watts in light  for 55 ewro.

12v my friend you need! Do not do any crazy stuff if you are electrocuted by a 240v you are screwed my friend!!!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 23, 2013, 17:46:07 CET
Granitu he can use a generator.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Malcolm X on September 23, 2013, 17:47:58 CET
screwed why ???  You can use a generator what is the problem.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: markus on September 23, 2013, 19:56:45 CET
Which is the best between warm white and cool white ?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 23, 2013, 20:47:14 CET
I personally prefer cold white as this penetrates more into the water!  But those who have more experience in the business should tell us what their experiences are with regards to colour temperature of the lighting they use.  Yellowish colour is warm white whilst the bright white with a little bit of blue in it is the cold white.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 24, 2013, 17:32:30 CET
Anyone interested into buying a few of these?  We can pool the order number and then share costs.  The first one will cost approx €50.40 but if more than one is ordered we save on $3 each on postage.  Seller rating seems to be good too.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: toxictuna on September 24, 2013, 21:20:15 CET
I have been following this post... So how does one fish for klamari from a boat.... Shine a light from the side and use one of those shrimp looking lures waving it up and down? What depth? How do i look for a good location ( understanding no one will tell me the actual location)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on September 24, 2013, 21:21:26 CET
where do u launch from or where is your harbour toxi
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on September 25, 2013, 08:20:33 CET
@toxictuna, This site will help you for sure. There is the method by boat at the end of the page.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on September 25, 2013, 15:30:39 CET
Quote from: Icom on September 24, 2013, 17:32:30 CET
Anyone interested into buying a few of these?  We can pool the order number and then share costs.  The first one will cost approx €50.40 but if more than one is ordered we save on $3 each on postage.  Seller rating seems to be good too.

I went ahead and ordered one for myself.  Now ill see how it performs once received!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: toxictuna on September 25, 2013, 21:39:28 CET
Mscala / harbour area
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: fisheye on September 26, 2013, 07:24:41 CET
toxictuna for locations go by the sea side in nice weather and see where the boats with lights are gathered. If you go to Xaghajra you will notice them for sure.   
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on September 26, 2013, 08:32:27 CET
Quote from: fisheye on September 26, 2013, 07:24:41 CET
toxictuna for locations go by the sea side in nice weather and see where the boats with lights are gathered. If you go to Xaghajra you will notice them for sure.   

That does not mean that they are fishing the best locations.... sometimes one sees you fishing and in a matter of minutes another 5 come next to you haha. And you may not be catching anything... its just a start but i would not rely much on this
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: toxictuna on September 29, 2013, 20:55:17 CET
So true... Sometimes when fishing for pukas i find it best to go exactly where no boats are trawling.....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on October 05, 2013, 18:40:27 CET
Qed taqbdu xi tnejn jew?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on October 08, 2013, 08:29:48 CET
Il-bierah tkelimt ma wiehed kien ghadu gej min fuq il-bahar ghal klamar.  Mhux zgur kien fijhom 10cms il-klamari! u xi 6 kull ma kellu.  Pero qaluli li n-naha taz-zurrieq qed jaqbdu naqra mhux hazin.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 08, 2013, 11:47:55 CET
Quote from: Icom on October 08, 2013, 08:29:48 CET
Il-bierah tkelimt ma wiehed kien ghadu gej min fuq il-bahar ghal klamar.  Mhux zgur kien fijhom 10cms il-klamari! u xi 6 kull ma kellu.  Pero qaluli li n-naha taz-zurrieq qed jaqbdu naqra mhux hazin.

Klamari hawn minn kollox kbar u zghar. jekk pero tistadom b krapar zghar bhat tat tataki tistennix klamari kbar.

Re postijiet... jekk tkun f postu bhalissa minn kullumkien taqbad zmienu. Minn postijiet ohra inkluz z zurrieq (ghaliha hawn postijiet hafna ahjar bid dghajsa bhalissa miz zurrieq) qbadt... pjuttost qed jistadu tal mara milli z zurrieq u qed imorru ahjar.

Hasra nisma nies li johorgu u jzommu klamar ta 10cm... onestament la fih x tiekol u mhux prim ghal lixka ghax huta zghira irendi jista (sakemm ma tiklux xi tennuta meta jkun zghir!) u ha jmut iktar malajr.

Z zurrieq imfittex ghax minn ma l art gili irendi xi klamar.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on October 18, 2013, 13:37:39 CET

did u recieve the floodlight as I want to order one.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on October 18, 2013, 17:24:14 CET
Yes floodlight recieved but i havent tried it yet as i had problems with the engine. Draws 4.6A at 12v.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on October 18, 2013, 23:56:33 CET
Moran naqra illum....miss Sitta sal hdax.....Zewg klamari....wiehed Sabih u liehor mhux hazin.....imma Sahha ma kienx hemm. Good night
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 19, 2013, 10:17:47 CET
l birab full moon normali shanook jin 4 qbadt u kolla ta 20cm..sahha ma kienx emm mux qamar tajjeb
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on October 19, 2013, 20:14:00 CET
sewwa ghidtli Ton mela....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on October 19, 2013, 21:50:59 CET
Kliem is xih........Issa ghazel wahda Jew b' A Jew Z
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on October 28, 2013, 20:11:14 CET
donom et jinqabdu il klamari ax had met jajd xejn aww

Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 28, 2013, 21:57:41 CET
Quote from: savioursajdbis on October 28, 2013, 20:11:14 CET
donom et jinqabdu il klamari ax had met jajd xejn aww

Jinqabdu qedin habib ija mux kwantitajiet kbar imma 8 tal lixka taghmilhom.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on October 28, 2013, 23:45:46 CET
Jien u int mela xortina hazina fortuna....
Sicca biss qbadna min popeye village ftit il barra nhar il gimgha min xi 4 am sa xi 6:30 :-(
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 29, 2013, 10:45:23 CET
Quote from: baghira on October 28, 2013, 23:45:46 CET
Jien u int mela xortina hazina fortuna....
Sicca biss qbadna min popeye village ftit il barra nhar il gimgha min xi 4 am sa xi 6:30 :-(

senza offesa... satejn filodu x inhuma baghira???

Jin bix naghmel naqa lixka namel il lejl.... Fl opinjoni tieghi l ahjar hin tal klamar hu minn wara nofsinhar (tataki) sa wara d dlam... filodu mad dawl qatt m ghamilt hafna klamari - mhux ghax ma jkunx emm, imma wara lejl kacca klamar narah jitghazzen. - anke l mod kif taqbdu.. mal lejl l kulpara gili tkun go halqu, filodu dejjem ikun kemm missa

wara kollox, trid tkun f postu, dan jiccaqlaq mhux facli kultant ssibu. Ha ninkixef ftit, imma meta naqbad mux naqbad wiehed, normalment nsib il qatgha u f 20 minuta tingabar. Ghamilt 6 hrs ma narax messa u f ghaxar minuti naqbad 6.. tigi fuq l qatgha u tkun qed tiekol... u tingabar...

naf min jaqbad iktar minni imma jin dawk nsib....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on October 29, 2013, 19:40:57 CET
eja alinqas tkelem xi had jien adni ma morc darba forsi imur wahda diin il gimgha .
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on October 29, 2013, 20:03:14 CET
Quote from: baghira on October 28, 2013, 23:45:46 CET
Jien u int mela xortina hazina fortuna....
Sicca biss qbadna min popeye village ftit il barra nhar il gimgha min xi 4 am sa xi 6:30 :-(

Mhux tajd lil siehbi jarmalek 2 rixiet hu, u tara kif taqbad. Jew meta naqbad xi accola jiena, biss jigi jajdlek :)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on October 29, 2013, 21:21:13 CET
Tajba dward.. :-)
Ghadni kif rajtek ir rabat bid dghajsa...
Int min qallek li ma ghamillix sieheb!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on October 30, 2013, 07:36:40 CET
Quote from: baghira on October 29, 2013, 21:21:13 CET
Tajba dward.. :-)
Ghadni kif rajtek ir rabat bid dghajsa...
Int min qallek li ma ghamillix sieheb!

Mela la mhux ir rix il problema, nahseb il post.

Ija tlajt s awdex, kien bnazzi u tlajt niprova naqa il mutur
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on October 30, 2013, 08:04:08 CET
Jew jien bla ba.. dward :-)
Imma nahseb li l-post ma kienx irid...
Avolja drabi ohra morna u qbadna...

Granit... Kultant ma nafx jien...
Mela ha nfehmek ftit...
Jien invara id dinghi, li huwa tqil mhux hazin u ghandi kedda u triq peres li jien min Had dingli, u allura insib kompromess biex immur ghal liska u nibqa sejjer nistad. Kif inhi diga difficli, ahseb u ara kif trid invara darbtejn biex naghmel lejl qabel nistad, nasal id dar xi 12:00 u nqum xi 4:30 biex nerga nkun il bahar xi 6:00.
Issa jekk int ghandek id dghajsa mal bahar, storja ohra, imma mhux ghalkem tghid, jew ma tghidlix li tghamel lejl ghall klamar u tibqa sejjer tistad hux!!..

Mhux ovvju dak li qed tghid.... Imma jekk filghodu hafna drabi qbadna bizzejjed ghal liska...allura ma nistax nikkummenta li ma qbadtx..... allura dejjem taqbdu klamari?? qatt ma mortu ghal xejn....
Filghaxija mort ukoll u qbadna,, imma gieli giet hazina wkoll.. Bhal issa naf li jaqbdu qeghdin... imma jien ma mortx fil post tas soltu lanqas, ghax minhabba li kont tiela ghawdex, u varajt mill gnejna, ippruvajt insib post fil qrib...

Meta tiktbu, jahasra aqraw il-kuntest kollhu ta dak li qed tghidu, u ippruvaw iktbu mhux bit teorija, imma bil prattika...

Senza offeza granitu ta ghax naf li inti sajjied tajjeb u hafna jitkellmu tajjeb fuqek ghalkemm jien ma nafekx...
Pero hemm differenza mit teorija ghar realta
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 30, 2013, 23:17:23 CET
Quote from: baghira on October 30, 2013, 08:04:08 CET
Jew jien bla ba.. dward :-)
Imma nahseb li l-post ma kienx irid...
Avolja drabi ohra morna u qbadna...

Granit... Kultant ma nafx jien...
Mela ha nfehmek ftit...
Jien invara id dinghi, li huwa tqil mhux hazin u ghandi kedda u triq peres li jien min Had dingli, u allura insib kompromess biex immur ghal liska u nibqa sejjer nistad. Kif inhi diga difficli, ahseb u ara kif trid invara darbtejn biex naghmel lejl qabel nistad, nasal id dar xi 12:00 u nqum xi 4:30 biex nerga nkun il bahar xi 6:00.
Issa jekk int ghandek id dghajsa mal bahar, storja ohra, imma mhux ghalkem tghid, jew ma tghidlix li tghamel lejl ghall klamar u tibqa sejjer tistad hux!!..

Mhux ovvju dak li qed tghid.... Imma jekk filghodu hafna drabi qbadna bizzejjed ghal liska...allura ma nistax nikkummenta li ma qbadtx..... allura dejjem taqbdu klamari?? qatt ma mortu ghal xejn....
Filghaxija mort ukoll u qbadna,, imma gieli giet hazina wkoll.. Bhal issa naf li jaqbdu qeghdin... imma jien ma mortx fil post tas soltu lanqas, ghax minhabba li kont tiela ghawdex, u varajt mill gnejna, ippruvajt insib post fil qrib...

Meta tiktbu, jahasra aqraw il-kuntest kollhu ta dak li qed tghidu, u ippruvaw iktbu mhux bit teorija, imma bil prattika...

Senza offeza granitu ta ghax naf li inti sajjied tajjeb u hafna jitkellmu tajjeb fuqek ghalkemm jien ma nafekx...
Pero hemm differenza mit teorija ghar realta

jien ghalija jew tistad il lejl.... jew inkella taghmel il lixka qabel kmieni, tidhol tistrieh x mkien imma ma ntellax u nibqa hiereg... opinjoni dejjem u mill esperjenza tieghi... kulhadd jistad kif ihoss.. nkun onest ma nihux r riskju filodu ghax jekk ma jmissikx dawk s satejn blajtu.. jekk hrigt filghaxija staportejtu.

nghidlek hekk ghax tkun hadt xi gurnata leave minghalik ha tistad ghaz zokk
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on October 31, 2013, 08:05:30 CET
Ghandek stamina tajba ehh granit....
Impressjonanti ha nghidlek... Jien ma ghandix dik l-energija biex nghamel il-lejl....

Mhux ta b'xejn din is sajda taqta qalb in nies.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on October 31, 2013, 08:19:36 CET
Hem xi had li juza il dil liska u tmissu xi accjiola jew xi haga ohra imma ???
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on October 31, 2013, 14:25:25 CET
Quote from: baghira on October 31, 2013, 08:05:30 CET
Ghandek stamina tajba ehh granit....
Impressjonanti ha nghidlek... Jien ma ghandix dik l-energija biex nghamel il-lejl....

Mhux ta b'xejn din is sajda taqta qalb in nies.

red bull.. caffee u kumpanija tajba zzommok baghira :p. imbad wara s sajd 12 hrs rqad eee

mas sajd anke.gurnata nikol u ma noxrob xejn naghmel ta l.mgiennen
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on October 31, 2013, 15:20:01 CET
Baghira kont namlek izjed ta stamina lilek !!!

Ahna normalment nidhlu norqdu fxi 9pm u mas 1 ta filodu nkunu fuq saqajna...17 il siegha bahar, tmur id dar tinhasel tikol u torqod 4 sijat u terga tqum al pixkerija !!!

Fej hemm bzonn anke tamel 24 siegha fuq il bahar !!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: lazyfisherman on October 31, 2013, 18:02:18 CET
Jekk tkun sajjied professjonali ma hemmx x'taghmel - is sajd minn dejjem kien xoghol iebes u ta strapazz. Imma ghad-delizzju le ta.. mhux ser noqghod inbati u nqum fis 1 ta filghodu (lanqas fil-hamsa ma nqum!!) - immur nistad meta jkun komdu ghalija - jekk naqbad tajjeb, jekk ma naqbadx bad luck - ma jkun gara xejn!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bo on October 31, 2013, 18:54:30 CET
skuzani ghax ha nindahal.jien dilitant tar rixa u iktar ma naqbadx milli naqbad u mita nkun sejjer nistad mat 3 nqum. immur biex naqbad u meta ma naqbadx ninkwieta ghax nghid xghandi hazin. imma meta naqbad naghmel il kuragg. u tant ghandi namra ghas sajd li bdinghy zghir nohrog. ghax immur wahdi u mill gnejna nbati biex nvarra jekk nkabbar.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: lazyfisherman on October 31, 2013, 19:06:49 CET
Ifisser li int hafna aktar dilettant minni habib! Xorta nipprova narma tajjeb u meta ma naqbadx nipprova nara x'nista ntejjeb - imma li nqum daqshekk kmieni zgur li le ta - Imma int taghmel sewwa mhux jien - min jorqod ma jaqbadx hut!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: ganni on October 31, 2013, 22:21:28 CET
@ lazyfisherman.... ifimni wahda il forum name tieghek ma nahsibx li qed hekk ta xejn haha
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on November 01, 2013, 08:18:09 CET
LOL !!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: lazyfisherman on November 01, 2013, 08:48:23 CET
Hekk hu Ganni - ilqatt il-musmar fuq rasu!! Ghalhekk ghamilt dan il-user name - dejjem inbati biex inqum ftit kmieni ha mmur nistad - naghmel l-izveljarin ghal hamsa u nofs (diga tard) u qabel is-seba ma nqumx! (u mhux xi wiehed li norqod tard hafna)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: ganni on November 01, 2013, 12:34:11 CET
nahseb li tkun minnek u... jien mhux darba jew tnejn wara gurnata xoghol norgog, u fl-4 nibqa sejjer innizzel id dghajsa u nghamel gurnata... tahsibx li ma nkunx miflug ta... pero il-gibda lejn il bahar kbira wisq ;)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 01, 2013, 18:21:04 CET
Miflug gann, b'xi ciniza habiba imma :-)

Granit ha nghamel bhalek u nfittex kumpanija tajba biex nghaddi il-lejl....In Gann ghandek xi kumpanija tajba wkoll jew! :-)

Ehh irrid nibda nghamel bhalkom forsi naqbad xi haga ;D
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on November 01, 2013, 19:20:30 CET
Quote from: baghira on November 01, 2013, 18:21:04 CET
Miflug gann, b'xi ciniza habiba imma :-)

Granit ha nghamel bhalek u nfittex kumpanija tajba biex nghaddi il-lejl....In Gann ghandek xi kumpanija tajba wkoll jew! :-)

Ehh irrid nibda nghamel bhalkom forsi naqbad xi haga ;D

Nispera mhux dak li qed nifhem ghal kumpanija tajba baghira :P :P :P dawk xjaht ghalihom issa int :P

Hallina min nejk jiddependi mid dghajsa ukol. jien ghandi kabina u lquh ghandi... mmur ma habib tieghi b open boat naghmluhom s sighat imma niddamdmu espost ghal 4 staguni f temp ta 18 il siegha qawwija fuq il gisem....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 01, 2013, 19:47:00 CET
x dghajsa ghandek granitu mela....
Jien minghalijja li xi wahda zghira kellek, u kont tghid li ma tahli xejn.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Granitu on November 01, 2013, 19:56:47 CET
Quote from: baghira on November 01, 2013, 19:47:00 CET
x dghajsa ghandek granitu mela....
Jien minghalijja li xi wahda zghira kellek, u kont tghid li ma tahli xejn.

ija baghira kajjik ta 17ft bil kabina.

Lqugh zghir kemm hu zghir jghallem emmini
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 02, 2013, 07:13:59 CET
ehh hija.... tghamel differenza zgur....anke ghall but...u ta 17 mhux zghir, qies sabih ghal dilettant...
u dan qed nassumi li dejjem il bahar ukoll le, ma tridx toqghod tvarah....
Mhux dawk l-affarijiet li jghamlu id differenza

Heqq ganni biex ivara kemm jaqsam it triq....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: ganni on November 02, 2013, 18:30:35 CET
haha... ic ciniza...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 04, 2013, 09:19:01 CET
Zewg domandi min irid iwiegeb u min ma jridx affari tieghu...

Tippreferu tankra ghall klamar jew drifting? u ghaliex iddecidejt hekk..
U x'inhija ir raguni li id dghajjes jingabru kollha roqgha wahda ghall klamar?

Ghandi ma nistax insib risposta.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on November 04, 2013, 12:58:47 CET
Mela ahna ippruvajna insibu postijiet ohra min dawk li naf bihom......u ma hadniex messa imgiddma....dhalna ma vapur li ilu hemm sintendi dejjem bid dawl mixawl mela kwazi lanqas kellna bzon il bozza taghna imma xejn hlief sawrell ma kinx hemm.
Meta kont nistad birzebbugia konna imorru hdejn tal Mara kulhadd hemm kien jinxtehet, jekk konna imorru ximkien iehor kien ikun wied iz zurrieq, qatt qatt qatt ma waqafna nistabu ximkien iehor bejn tal mara u wied iz zurrieq. Konna imorru aktar lilhin listess konna imorru go dahla u minn hemm biss konna nafx.
Jekk hawn xi hadd jista jiedli fejn ha mmur in naha ta bugibba niedlu grazzi ghal lunika zewg postijiet li naf huma hdejn is sikka l'bajda u hdejn il barrira ghawdex.

Freedive il bierah hekk konna drifting u qbadna 4, habib tieghi li kien hdejna imma ankrat qabad 15.... l'erba li qbadna ahna kienu meta ghaddejn qrib tieghu biss. meta ghadda naqra hin u kulhhad beda diehel, sintendi nahseb ax ma kinx qied imiss, dan hemm baqa u dahal maghna.
Sa 6.30 qbadna 4 minhemm sal 10 ma kellniex messa ohra..............
Issa f'idejn lexperts ghal pariri, jien ma niddejjaqx nipprova affarijiet godda...u parir niehdu u napprezzah.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on November 04, 2013, 13:03:58 CET
@emic meta trid ejdlu jaghmillek rixa ghal klamari u giba imqar nara biss jrekk trid nippruva ukoll....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on November 04, 2013, 18:44:04 CET
Quote from: shanook on November 04, 2013, 13:03:58 CET
@emic meta trid ejdlu jaghmillek rixa ghal klamari u giba imqar nara biss jrekk trid nippruva ukoll....

Meta tmur tixtri issib ghazla vasta ta krapar u harira. Ma jfissirx li kollha tajbin. Jien ghamluwieli u wedtom li ma nurijiex ax ma jiehdux gost, pero jekk il bagira amluwlu wahda, nimagina li tajba. Inportanti inmens hu li izzomuwa f xi haga u ma tithammig jew tiehu xi irwejjah. Nportanti ukoll, min jkun bl inboard specjalment, joqod attent al xi zjut li jist ajkun hemm ma l art ax minalieh jkun qed jistad, u jahli il hin jkun jibla il bruda :)

Nemmen li drifting ahjar ax hemm cans iktar tintaqa ma klamari. Pero nemmen li x hin isir il hin hemm hafna iktar postijiet fejn jidlu il klamari, ftakar li meta jaqbdu mil art, hemm hafna postijiet min fejn jinqabdu.

Ma jfissirx li tmur meta tmur, ghandek garanzija li se taqbad, pero wiehed jiprova dejjem jnahhi l izbalji jekk dejjem irid jaqbad.

Hemm haga ohra, hafna nies jatu daqqa il kulpara qisom se jtellaw xi mazra, ma hemx aliex ax il krapar kulhadd jaf kemm inigzu u malajr tidhol fil laham tal klamar. Provaw hossuh fuq idejkom qabel ma tatu id daqqa ax hafna drabi jaqbad il kulpara u qas nindunaw li jkun missa u jerga jitlaqa
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on November 04, 2013, 18:47:53 CET
Malli jitla il qamar normalment tista izarma. Nimagina li hemm xi moghod iehor kif jistaduh fil qamar, pero normalment jkolli ga bizzejjed
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on November 05, 2013, 08:45:09 CET
Personalment nahdem bil post + dejjem l istess fondi. Kif nasa fil post niskandalja u nankra. Bil mitluq ma jogobnix. Pero jekk nara li hemm il kurrent malajr nerga ntih rasu al port ;)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on November 05, 2013, 16:42:59 CET
Jien drifting noqghod, specjalment meta ma jkunx irid imiss halli forsi ssib xi post li jkun hemm xi klamar. Imma din is-sena qisu ma jridx jaf ghalija.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 05, 2013, 21:17:43 CET
heqq.... hafna opinjonijiet differenti.....
mid dehra ma hemmx risposta konklussiva.....
that's fishing. :-)
Kulhadd bl-idea tieghu, u jaghmel bhal ma ghamel meta mar tajjeb
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on November 06, 2013, 13:31:27 CET
u bqajna fejn konna allavolja ma konniex ankrati
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: lazyfisherman on November 06, 2013, 16:52:22 CET
Ma nifhimx ghax ma mmurx ghal klamari - imma nghid jien, ma jaghmilx sens li tiddriftja sa kemm tiltaqa mal klamari imbaghad jekk taqbad tankra fuq il-post?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on November 06, 2013, 17:57:06 CET
Hekk nahsibha jien ukoll imma mhux kulhadd l-istess uwx. Hawn min dara mod u hawn min dara mod iehor. L-aqwa li xi darba taqbad xi tnejn mhux hekk? :)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on November 06, 2013, 19:48:45 CET
Jekk ghandek id dawl, ghandi nifem li il klamari nbad jingibdu lejk, u jekk andek il gps u F/F meta tidriftja u issibom, tista tiplotja u terga titla fuq il post
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on November 15, 2013, 10:57:39 CET
Waqaf naqra r-rih fl-ahhar, forsi nipprova ghada bid-dghajsa. Qbadtu xi tnejn intom jew?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: markus on November 16, 2013, 17:24:35 CET
xi tghiduli fuq il qamar ? Naf li jilab parti importanti pero smajt hafna verzjonijiet!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 18, 2013, 17:41:37 CET
Xi hadd irid ipartat xi krapal tal klamar....

Jien ghandi skoss tal-art bil qasba, bic comba taht u ghandi bzonn min ta bla comb ghal fuq id dghajsa..

Xi hadd ghandu ta bla comb, u ipartatli ma tac comb.....
Jigifieri jien ghandi gambli u irrid hut.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on November 18, 2013, 21:14:12 CET
@ baghira xorta tajbin ta comba ta .
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 19, 2013, 20:53:26 CET
tghid tajbin... kulhadd jghidlek le dawk tal art... ghax jekk tuzahhom bil wieqaf ma jghumux sewwa....
jghidulek li jgherqu ghax dawk ghal spinning....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on November 20, 2013, 15:39:37 CET
jien kollox nuza u meta ikun emm naqbad ta kull had bhafna tejori ta tatix kas jek ikun emm jinqabad zgur gili imes anka fuq ic comba .
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on November 21, 2013, 12:39:46 CET
nippruvaw mela....
dejjem jekk jghamel bnazzi
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: savioursajdbis on November 21, 2013, 17:07:22 CET
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Marenostrum on November 30, 2013, 11:45:04 CET
fejn ha mmur nitfa tnejn minn fuq l-art ghal klamari. hawn xi hadd qalbu tjaba jghidli. filkaz anke private message ;D
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on December 02, 2013, 08:11:24 CET
Quote from: Marenostrum on November 30, 2013, 11:45:04 CET
fejn ha mmur nitfa tnejn minn fuq l-art ghal klamari. hawn xi hadd qalbu tjaba jghidli. filkaz anke private message ;D

Anke jiena niextieq jiedli xihad ghax qat ma renxxieli naqba!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: L-Ghaxqi on December 02, 2013, 09:05:01 CET
Li ssaqsi minn fej tinqabad huta turi nuqqas ta nteress diga!...jekk tamel ftit research al rasek u ddur ftit ma malta filaxija andek issibom wahdek il postijiet. Apparti minn ekk dak huwa parti mis sodissfazzjon li ssib il postijiet tijek u mhux jghidomlok haddiehor
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on December 02, 2013, 10:13:29 CET
Jien tistghu ma tghidulix min fejn jinqabdu, imma jek taqbduli gherba sbieh u iccempluli nigi ghalihom..


Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on December 02, 2013, 14:40:29 CET
U ejja.....
Kemm ma intomx sportivi.... Kemm nikolom jien....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: caldaland on December 02, 2013, 14:44:48 CET
Nimlighhomlok jew inqattaghhomlok rings?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on December 02, 2013, 20:08:54 CET
roti roti
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 02, 2013, 21:05:20 CET
Marenostrum u Radnaell skont minn fejn intom. Jekk North estrem mic cirkewwa, pero jekk ghadkom tibdew ma nahsibx li jghodd ghailkom ghax ikun iffullat u tiggieldu xi wahda tistaw. bugibba u is sirens u il fekruna tajbin.  sa Hemm naf jien milli kelli sellimtilkom.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 02, 2013, 21:06:18 CET
ma tridx vavalor u nitmawomlok hux silv......mela Max dan irida hobla u tredda milli jidher.... fidil ukoll
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: kffarr on December 06, 2013, 08:32:31 CET
Xi hadt jissugerrilli xi post lejn south ta malta ghall klamari minn fuq l art minbarra wied iz zurrieq?

Grazzi bil quddiem
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 06, 2013, 13:35:06 CET
ghar lapsi sent u msg.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Marenostrum on December 09, 2013, 10:28:47 CET
Quote from: L-Ghaxqi on December 02, 2013, 09:05:01 CET
Li ssaqsi minn fej tinqabad huta turi nuqqas ta nteress diga!...jekk tamel ftit research al rasek u ddur ftit ma malta filaxija andek issibom wahdek il postijiet. Apparti minn ekk dak huwa parti mis sodissfazzjon li ssib il postijiet tijek u mhux jghidomlok haddiehor
isma b'daqshekk billi ssaqsi mafija xejn hazin lanqas. mhux forum dan?

grazzi @shanook
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on December 10, 2013, 13:07:29 CET
Mort ghall klamari lbierah.....
Min gnejna fil ghodu mas shanook....... triq ghas slip way waqghet bomba.......hofra..... Lanqas sinjal tat traffiku...... Tal misthija....

Varajna min marfa u stadejna popeye u cirkewwa....
Qas klamar wiehed.....
Qas liska ma ghamilna....

Mort ukoll filghaxja mill msida u kien hemm xi 50 dghajsa :-( u stadejna msida u sliema area.... from  6pm to 11pm 4 klamari biss...

Mort il hamis min lapsi area.... qbadna 16...

Ma nistax naqbad art.... byuqqq
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bigboy on December 10, 2013, 13:37:07 CET
il post jallem hafna baghira !!!!
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on December 10, 2013, 15:20:33 CET
Mort ilbierah bid-dghajsa, ghamilt mill-5 sat-8, messa wahda kbira u tliftu nofs triq. Qas temmen :(
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 10, 2013, 17:08:16 CET
Vera big imma meta tmur post li dejjem ghamilna xi haga, daqqa hafna u drabi ohra ftit imma dejjem laqqatna il lixka. Pero it tnejn fil ghodu ma hadnix missa. Konna f 35 mertu u f 70 mertu fond u xejn minn kien hemm hafna qabel a laqqatna tnejn biss. Il Qamar ma kinx hazin, il ibdlu tal gurnata kien bis shab u xorta xejn. Rix tajjeb Harira fina. Kif qal nafx
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 10, 2013, 17:09:05 CET
Ruzett fejn mort bid dajsa
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on December 10, 2013, 17:20:56 CET
shanook sent you a message
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ramo91 on December 13, 2013, 20:39:29 CET
Gieli kontu qedin al klamar bid-dawl mixghawl il-klamar hdejk fil-wicc u ma jmisx?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 14, 2013, 04:09:37 CET
Iva Ramo ghalhekk irid ikollok kopp bhandle twil
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: cityfisher on December 15, 2013, 07:25:35 CET
Dil gimgha mort min fuq l art u qbadt tnejn. Imma ma rajtx aktar iduru. Issa kif ikolli chance nipprova mid-daghjsa forsi nzid naqa cholesterol ma li ghsndi.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 15, 2013, 09:44:49 CET
City in Naha ta bugibba titfa ghax fil kas inkellmek meta inkun hemm
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ramo91 on December 15, 2013, 10:18:19 CET
X tahsbu mil klapar DT? tajbin daqs il-yo zuri u dawn id ditet renomati jew
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 16, 2013, 21:28:05 CET
heqq liema huma lahjar......lil klamari u lis sicc trid tistaqsi ghax huma jinqabdu fuqhom.....minn jahlef bditta u minn b' ohra. lahjar ixtri wahda min kull wahda u ara kif tmur. B'hekk tista taghzel.  barra id ditta trid tara jekk hux slow, medium jew fast sinking. il kulur jeffettwa skont jekk hemx shab jew le. Il qies tal krapar jeffettwa insomma kollox jeffettwa. anki il harira li tuza u kif thaddem il qasba kull ftit jien il lum.
Meta kont zghir konna nuzaw krapar tal plastic qishom tubu blabardi kishom imsimer u konna naqbdu.  Konna indawwruhom bcarruta bajda, imma dak kien zmien iehor.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Kevin G on December 17, 2013, 16:05:37 CET
shannok alura xkuluri tuza skond jek ikunx shab jew jek ikunx bnazzi?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on December 17, 2013, 18:18:50 CET
Cari Jew skuzi. Iktar ma jkun hemm shab aktar ghazel kulur skur. Malli jidlam ghazel li trid. Kollox jaqa that listess kappell. Imbad ara fuq Lima kulur  imiss u uza lilu.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Kevin G on December 18, 2013, 09:03:09 CET
ic thanks shanook
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on January 01, 2014, 12:22:45 CET
Hawn il-catalogue tad-DTD, tuh daqqa t'ghajn ;)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 03, 2014, 19:17:05 CET
And since you mentioned DTD we were fishing for klamari at about 10am and I had 2 squid jigs of 50c and my friend had 2 DTD as soon as we were going to start he said "why did you get those cheap ones" well 15 minutes later I hooked a squid and he got nothing........
Morale of the story....who cares
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on January 03, 2014, 20:28:40 CET
Nghidlek li xortik tajba....

I tell you you have very good lucky mr shanook okies......... upps sorry for my gnilleps....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 03, 2014, 22:12:12 CET
Nametti li iffurtunat ghax ghandi hbieb ta Vera.......I admit that I am lucky as I have friends of truth!!!!!! Huda with your foot, Silv
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on January 04, 2014, 18:57:24 CET
Not understand mr.  Hbieb ta vera ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Min ezatt ton........ buqqq ma fhimtx. Insomma...
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on January 05, 2014, 16:23:52 CET
Ilbierah filghaxija qbadt erbgha klamari u sicca, il-bahar kien sabih wisq. Issa veru li f'Jannar jibdew jinqabdu anke matul il-gurnata?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Kevin G on January 05, 2014, 18:52:03 CET
Jek jinqabdu matul il gurnata ahjar min bilejl ax nifrizaw
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Ruzett on January 05, 2014, 19:02:53 CET
Veru Kevin
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on January 06, 2014, 16:49:06 CET
kemm qed taqbduwhom kbar?
Il-bierah`t lura qbat wihed zghir xiber kollhox ima qbat iehor wara u bqajd imbellah daqs kem kien kbir! kien fieh 510gr ghax wzintu
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Kevin G on January 06, 2014, 17:54:33 CET
kull daqs qbadna, keli wihed ma stajtx ntelaw xhin wasal nofs ilma heles
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on January 08, 2014, 09:15:17 CET
il bierah mort saghtejn ima ghal xejn !
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: msell on January 10, 2014, 03:51:06 CET
Mort saghtejn dal odd MIT 3 sal 5 Lana's messa mgiddma minn fuq il blat.intom bid dghajsa?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on January 10, 2014, 08:44:11 CET
le min fuq l`art
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Kevin G on January 10, 2014, 09:12:29 CET
bid dajsa nkun jin
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on January 10, 2014, 09:52:41 CET
bid dajsa hemm iktar cans li taqbad ax tmur fejn trid.

Nara wisq hassel ima biex noqod nohrog bid dajsa fdal ksih
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: Icom on January 14, 2014, 10:34:01 CET
Sinjuri, ma nafx hux ha nejd cucata pero dan l-ahhar darbtejn li hrigt ghal klamar, ftit wara nzul ix-xemx bdew gejjien hafna hut ta daqs qiesu 20-25cms.  Qied nasumi li kavalli.  Cert li hut u mhux klamar ghax tant telaw fil-wicc li stajt nejd li forma ta huta u sa anki pectoral fins rajt.  Issa l-buziles qied hawn.  Pruvajt naghmel dak li jedulu sabiki billi armajt ezatt bhall tat-tumbrell imma fuq skalla hafna izghar fid-daqs.  Xejn!!!!!!! l-anqas messa.  Hemm xi mod efficenti ta kif tistadlu dejjem jekk hu kavalli?

Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: redhead on January 14, 2014, 13:17:44 CET
jekk kavali sunnara vojta tleq u xlif ahmar
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 17, 2014, 13:18:15 CET
morna il bierah ghal naqra klamari, kull ma qbadna 4 sicc u 2 klamari. Konna xi hames dajjes hemm barra. Dahal wiehed maghna kellu erba klamari biss ukoll. wiehed minnhom ma kinx ikbar minn sigarrett Kif konna niedu flantik, (ghal moderni ma jiffirx li kien daqsekk imma kin zghir ghaz zmien li qedin).
Irridu insibu post gdid, jekk hawn xi hadd jaf post fejn naqbdu hafna klamari u jkun vicin lart, kemm jista jkun vicin il pont ta bugibba lesti li inhallsuh tal informazzjoni. Bhalissa lofferta qeda to 1c....titilfux ic cans u iktbu kemm jista jkun malajr ghax lofferta ma tantx ha ddum......
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: rednaell on January 17, 2014, 15:41:52 CET
Il bierah qbad 4 sbieh jiena . trid nejlek min fejn?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: bo on January 17, 2014, 18:49:17 CET
jien naf min fejn qbadhom.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 17, 2014, 21:46:34 CET
@rednaell ahjar ma tejdilna xejn ghax qbadt inqas minna....inti bhalna, trid minn Jied lilek.......Heqq mela sa Issa iffrankajt 1c....kont diga ghamilt kun treat mal bank biex inkun nista inhallaskom, imma milli jridher mhu ser nonfoq xejn....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 18, 2014, 07:10:28 CET
U kemm behsibek tikol shanook? Dawk kollha coresterol!!

Quote from: shanook on January 17, 2014, 21:46:34 CET
@rednaell ahjar ma tejdilna xejn ghax qbadt inqas minna....inti bhalna, trid minn Jied lilek.......Heqq mela sa Issa iffrankajt 1c....kont diga ghamilt kun treat mal bank biex inkun nista inhallaskom, imma milli jridher mhu ser nonfoq xejn....
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 18, 2014, 19:04:48 CET
Dward inti tafni lili, tahseb li l kolesterol ha jeffetwani dal waqt jaddi d dawl minni ;)p
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 19, 2014, 20:43:17 CET
Mela jekk mhux jaffetwak il coresterol, provalom fid dawl. Jien qed naqbad iktar fid dawl tax xemx milli x hin jidlam.

Quote from: shanook on January 18, 2014, 19:04:48 CET
Dward inti tafni lili, tahseb li l kolesterol ha jeffetwani dal waqt jaddi d dawl minni ;)p

Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 21, 2014, 13:41:04 CET
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on January 22, 2014, 08:24:40 CET
klamari dawn dward... :-)
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 22, 2014, 16:53:43 CET
Tal qieh klamari, tan nofs kavalli. Bit 200hz tarahhom ahjar pero hem kelli is sensitivity naqa iktar olja u xorta bdejt nahdem
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: baghira on January 22, 2014, 23:06:25 CET
mimli mela kien.
U dak kif ghamilt screen capture tal gps?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: shanook on January 23, 2014, 09:38:53 CET
Il Lawrance bhal tieghu ghandu screen capture Silv, lohrajn ma nafx
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: malvizzu on January 23, 2014, 15:32:18 CET
@EmicMalta – Izda x'tak tifhem mill-iscreen li tal-qiegh klamari u tan-nofs kavalli ghax bhala definition mhix tajba? Ma nistax naqbad tarf kif tarfuhom!!! Jew ikkonkludejt hekk ghax mill-qiegh qbadt il-klamari u nofs ilma l-kavalli?
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: ganni on January 23, 2014, 18:41:10 CET
il kavalli tibda tarhom iduru tahtek, normalment fuq il fish finder tieghi naqbadhom bejn 10-16m taht id dghajsa.  il klamari umbad tibda tinduna li meta tibda tara certu tip ta markaturi tibda taqbad il klamari.

dawk l affarijiet billi tmur il bahar u tipprova titghallimhom... kull strument jaqra differenti, ta xejn tipprova tifhem dawn l affarijiet mid dar
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 23, 2014, 21:18:29 CET
ma tistax tifem ax kulhad jissetja l odda tijaj alih personali. jien dak kien issetjat hekk ax minhabba li kont addej il 50hz, il FF jkun qed jaqra iktar tahtek milli fil madwar. Alluwra zidlu il gain biex kull sinjal jimmarkahhuwli. JIen ma jinteressaniex li nara il klamari ahti, jinteresani li nsib il qata u kull sinjal jista jwaslek biex issibom. Illum mort u amilt gurnata shiha nfittixom u ma stajc nsibom.

Naf li ta isfel klamari u ta fuq kavalli ax min isfel naqbad il klamari biss u jien u tiela fuq l istess krapar normalment bdew jinqabdu il kavalli u jqattawli il krapar.
Title: Re: 2013 Squid Season
Post by: EmicMalta on January 23, 2014, 21:22:40 CET
Quote from: baghira on January 22, 2014, 23:06:25 CET
mimli mela kien.
U dak kif ghamilt screen capture tal gps?

dak fejn hu ahmar kienu il klamari ax signal iktar qawwi