Hi all,can anyone tell me if he tried to fill his reel with braided line for spinning and if he found it good or not?I was thinking of filling mine with braided!
pruvajta kont jien spitec.... hadmet tajjeb imma r rill ikrid ikun apposta, inkella tfottilu l spool. llum hawn rills spinning apposta ghal braid. plus hu hsieb l guides tal qasba, li brain jirrovinhom sewwa.
jekk ha tuzah tqabbdax dirett mal lure... darba aghmilnija u wahhalna lizz ta 1.8kgs..... malli qtajtu mill ilma inqala b wahda mill kulpari f idi u idi go halqu, harigli ftit demm sewwa kien. ma kienx hemm mod iehor inkella kont nitlef red head ta lm4.99 u l ewwel lizz.....
trid tuza mono leader dirett mal lure ghax snienu xi haga nkreddibli
bdw jekk qatt tispiccaw b idejk go halqu aqbadlu halqu sewwa u thallihx icarrat... ittaqablek idejk bi snienu imma ma jaghmillekx ponti..
Thank you granitu.Kif ikunu dawn r-reels u ma nahsibx li inqalalek l-lizz ax kont bil braid imma?
habba l braid inqala s spitec :-[ ftakar m ghandix strech braid li hu zvantagg taghha. jien qtajtu ftit minn fuqa u snienu hanzruwha l braid-in suffers abrasion. fireline kont qed nuza.... ta .054
E! issa fimt,vera jekk imissa bi snienu hekk jigri.Jien sissa qatt ma belali l-lure ax kieku jaqtali avolja mux armat bill-braid ax armat 0.25.Thank you granitu
Ma kont'x nafa di tal braided li jfotti ir rill :/ ghadni kif spooljajt wiehed hekk biex inkun nista naqta il huta mil ilma minajr ma niggancja, imma jekk hu kif qed tghid ma tantx tigini worth it il bicca.
Pruvajtu imma freeman jew adek ax imhajjar nipruvah jien?
anqas jien freeman, imma meta lehhejtlu l braid l spool hanzira
jekk twahhal huta li tigbed mux hazin l braid jaqtghu hafna, hafna iktar mill mono habba d diameter u l materjal taghom. nissugerilkom li meta toispooljaw l ewwal dawra tkun mono ftit b sahhtu.... imbad ggongi il braid...... nurikhom spool kif tigi meta jkolli kamera.... il linji ta fen x xlief joqod jigu kwazi inezistenti. u l guides tal qasba jittieklu b hafna brix...
braids trid qasab b guides ghal braids... l ewropa mux xi haga tal braids,,, dik hi xi haga amerikana li ghandhom rkiekel apposta simili ghal multipliers
l angler centre ta gmangia gab xi haga ghal hekk
tuzawx fireline specjalment jekk mux rill ghal braids.... l aqwa xlief ghalija ghal braids...0.054 breaking strain ta 6kgs..... imma ihanzer li jsib taht snienu
I guess most of that was about abrasion, yes it is subject to abrasion especially somewhere as rocky as Malta, but it is great to use, you feel every beat of the lure as it moves, & the take is more positive because you dont have the stretch in the line that you have with monofilament.
I find that even fishing on sandy beaches you get abrasion on the end of the line, so I cut ~5mts off every time I go, then I wind it onto a spare spool & use the other end that isn't abraded, once you have used it you wont want to go back to mono!
braid is better due to its sensitivity and lack of sping so you can hook a fish much easier
I will try it then what do you think if I put 0.20? I love spinning although I never managed to take any other fish than cudas home.
i have seen people spooling spinning reels with 0.12. angler centre has something at gmangia
hey guys, my experience with braided and spinning is the following. Just as a reminder i dont have much time to do spinning right (in the morning and sunset), and most of the time when i get a chance to go fishing i cast two rods for bottom and then spin too. So its not organized :-\ but anyway.
Re braided, there is spiderwire that has excellent breaking strenght. And also powerpro. However you dont find them in Malta (or i dont know from where) and when I tried getting them of ebay I got a little screwed cause the box was of a .18 but then the line was a .40. Howver you can check the specs out for these lines. Quite impressive.
With braid, as you aplty said, its best to get a good mono as a first layer, then put the braid on it. Yet watch out that the mono is not too thick cause then the knot with a thinner braid is not strong and if a fish takes a lot of drag out (which is quite unlikely, but you never know) it gets problematic. Yet this also depends on the size of the spool. I use a shimano 2500 (the one with the fighting drag) and filled it with a .16braid and was quite ok. But watch out for the casts cause if its not a good braid it gets knotted.
Re the end bit, try get a florocarbon or floro coated line. Once again dont use a very thick line with a thin braid cause the knot gets difficult to do and will not be strong. With the .16, the max floro thinckness i used is a .30. Once you tie the florocarbon to the braid reel couple of rounds until you get one or two layers of the reel all florocarbon. once you do that you are sorted and can attach the lures to it.
Wanted to ask, do you use swivels at the end to attach the lures? I used to use the rapala ones but i think a direct knot is better. With the above set up I had landed a nice barracuda and lifted it quite a little since i was fishing off rocks. Yet the rod I use is a heavy spinning one, hence the rod could take it. With respect to the reel, what do you think of the importance of the ratio. The pros say it has to be a 5:1 but i never got the hand of how it works.
By the way, when the barras are small lets not all forget to try some catch and release ;)
Jean is there a special knot to make to tie normal line to braided or the one we use for normal line?
I usually use the attached knot for both the shock leader when surf casting and the leader for spinning. I got it from the web site 2anglers.it. Basically its quite a complex not yet very good. However i usually prepare it when at home with the pc infront of me hehe ::)
Otherwise i use the normal one. I dont know the name but its the one were you make a loop around the other line, turn the end piece for aroun 5 - 7 times and pull slightly. Then you repeat for the other line. Yet watch out with the knots, cause the braid can burn out the nylon, hence reducing the strength and also creating those uncomfy curls. Moreover, I have the personal fixation that if its a florocoated (not a totally flouorocarbon line) that i remove the coating. will try and either take pics or find some lic of the other one. (yet its the one similar to the hook that you make a loop, turn around the leg of the hook and pass around the loop.
Since the day we started this topic I spooled a daiwa reel (not an expensive one) with .18 braided (grauvell) I didn't bother to start with mono and than continue braided, I just went all out with the braid. This was like some month ago, didnt go much spinning but still lifted 3 cudas, removed the lure and set them back. so from my experiance it works wonders. Must say that i didn't see any damage to the rod, tough not sure about the spool. Would have never attempted lifting a fish with a .22 mono.
but are you using the braided direct to the lure freeman or you are using mono at the end?
I think that would defy the my whole point of using the braid, but no, braided ->swivel -> lure, when i catch the fish I just bring it to shore and lift it from the line. It's less fun to fish with a line that can witstand some 12kg :O there's no real challange in bringing the fish in, but like this I can practice c&r rather than killing a fish for nothing since when I use the braid usually I'm fishing in what looks like a petrol reservoir. Last week I had a cigarette in my mouth and it fell in the sea, I seriously tought that was the end of me :P
That's what I call fishing at ras hanzir!?!
Idd mate
Have you caught from there lately I would like to go try it again because last time I went 2/3 weeks ago I didn't see any.
yep still there, and thinking about it, there's no real good reason for them to leave, seeing all the lacci running around.
what nis a braided line?
Spectra, or Dynemma, often called Superfilaments.
Brands like PowerPro, Suffix etc are all braided lines
Quote from: gzarb on November 01, 2009, 07:25:39 CET
what nis a braided line?
From wikipedia :
Braided line is one of the strongest types of fishing line in relation to its diameter. Braids are made by braiding or weaving fibers of a man-made material like Spectra or micro-dyneema into a strand of line.
more info :
http://www.ockert.net/main/index.php?id=638,0,0,1,0,0 (http://www.ockert.net/main/index.php?id=638,0,0,1,0,0)
very good info maltembu. thanks
spitec once i start spining with braid i never loked back...my favourite is berkley's whiplash, the diameter is quite thin and it's almost transparent
Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried the "SPIDERWIRE ULTRACAST INVISI-BRAID" ?
Im thinking of getting a new reel and would like to find a good line to spool it.
it looks good to me. Spiderwire has a good name in the USA, so i guess it should work. Why don't you try it out and then open a thread about it and give us your opinions on it after a few fishing sessions?
Check out this link for fishing knots. The Albright Special seems ideal when tying braid to mono lines.
A question which might sound stupid - is braided line used for fishing squids or only for fish? And what is the ideal fishing line for squids?
I use a small Mitchell reel (Avoced) with 0.14 braid if i remember correctly. At the end of it I put a shock leader via allbright knot with a .25 tiger line (normal one i use for sargi) or a .30 florocoated. I don't know if its the best set-up for squid so ideas/opinions are welcome .
Have to see where best to get that spiderwire from. Any ideas?
Although it can be used for squid fishing it would be a waste because with a mono line from 0.20 up to 0.25 you would be fishing well and you don't need a lot of line 100meters is enough.The most important for the line is that the line should be no memory.
What do you mean by "no memory"? It seems familiar from something on eBay but don't know what it means.
Quote from: malvizzu on January 04, 2010, 18:23:15 CET
What do you mean by "no memory"? It seems familiar from something on eBay but don't know what it means.
A line is refered to as having 'low memory' or 'no memory' if when it is taken off the spool or reel the line does not retain the 'memory' of how it was when it was on the spool and goes out straight from the rod with no sign of coiling or twisting.
As explained very well by maltembu and also you can cast further out because you will have less friction and less bird nests.
Thanks guys for the info. I must say I am learning so many things all at ones that I never dreamed off. And I thought I knew a lot about fishing. Ha!!!!!!
I tried the Berkley Whiplash Crystal Braid. Its a white braid with excellent properties. The size I tried is the 20lb line which has a 0.06 diameter. The size vs. weighting is fantastic and it really is a smooth line which facilitates casts and actually allows one to cast further. When using it on a 10-20 gram, 2.7m spinning rod it worked really well on a Ryobi Applause reel. The lures I was using were in line with the rods criteria and ranged from minnows, wtd lures, jointed lures, silicone lures and also light metal jigs (obviously sinking and floating). I also used a fluorocarbon leader and most of the time a small swivel attached.
The only problem I encountered is when using it on the slightly heavier spinning rod, when using heavy lures and jigging them from sore in order to give them a particular motion; one has to watch out what that he does not create the birds-nest himself. Another final note, when you spool with this line see that you calculate effectively the amount of backing mono. I thought i had put enough but the line is so thin that i ended with three-quarters of the spool filled in. This led to loads of knots and nests. A beginner's mistake. Therefore get it spooled properly with enough mono. I practically wasted mine because of such beginners' mistakes but you learn and you grow.
I therefore really suggest this line and must say that I really enjoyed using it in both calm and rough conditions. The price-product comparison is also very good for such quality in my opinion.
Now I am trying the SpiderWire braid in 0.12 diameter and red colour. Will keep you posted. By the way the above is only my opinion which is not really worth much seeing the limited experience, but it might help when shopping ;)
Jean I have to agree with you regarding the Berkley WHiplash. It's the perfect braid for spinning and once in the water it looks like a mono. It's a little bit expensive but it will last very long.
Are you using the braided lines on multiplier type reels or fixed spool open faced spinning reels please
normal reels not multipliers.
same for me, normal reel not multipliers. Although I would like to experiment with the multipliers I'm don't know what advantages these have over normal (fixed spool if not mistaken) reels for shore fishing. And the bird's nests worry me loads on them :(
The SpiderWire is also holding really well. This morning tried out a good session with both heavy and light lures and all went well without any probs. Only thing no fish in sight apart from one chase by something i didnt recognise in very shallow water (talking 40cm shallow type)!
Personally i prefer Powerpro braid as its extremely flexible & so it spools very well on fixed spool reels,whilst at the same time still being very tough & abrasion resistant (great if you fish in rocky spots alot!) and also its never given me any probs with the connecting knot (from flouro/mono to braid) slipping or weakening.
I guess i kind of mostly stick to what i know works!!..That being said however ive heard nothing but good things about spiderwire through friends on the net :) & with red light being the 1st colour to be absorbed in sea water,red is theoretically a good colour choice for braid,esp if your spinning mainly at night/early morning in which case its the ideal choice!
Quote from: jean on February 06, 2010, 19:46:07 CET
Only thing no fish in sight apart from one chase by something i didnt recognise in very shallow water (talking 40cm shallow type)!
A skalm/Lizard fish maybe? they are quite aggressive and love shallow water spots! however if you were using a
large lure or spinner they will often follow up only and not strike..but if you use a small/light lure they'll attack it pretty much straight away!
Re: Casting reels; Jean that day you saw me at Silvio's he showed me a small daiwa casting reel. Christ I was impressed! Until then casting reels never really caught my attention, but now that I handled one it's a different story.
It seems that as soon as I finish the Lamiglas 7' 3/4oz I'm working on now, I'll start working on a small 6' casting rod, hopefully to use for Lampuki from the boat hehehe :D
I bet i know which one ;D lets bet a beer - The Daiwa Megaforce with Twitching Bar right?
I saw it the next day and since I saw it I couldn't stop thinking about it ::) hehe! I think the greatest advantage is the balance this achieves and the retrieve speed with a ratio of 7:1. This topic links with the surface lures I think as the drag is super sensitive from what i am reading and the twitching bar ideal for both surface and silicone lures.
Be careful of how you interpret the 7:1 ratio. Remember the casting reel has a spool diameter of about 20mm, and a spinning reel spool is more like 25-30mm, therefore a casting reel with a &:1 ratio will most probably have a retrieve rate similar to a 5.5:1 spinning reel.
Re: surface lure, well it might be ok for spnott and small lampuki, but an 8 - 10kg Leccia will rip that reel right off the rod. I hooked a big one last summer, and it cooked the drag on my Stradic 5000.
Quote from: clutch_kick on February 07, 2010, 11:19:42 CET
Be careful of how you interpret the 7:1 ratio. Remember the casting reel has a spool diameter of about 20mm, and a spinning reel spool is more like 25-30mm, therefore a casting reel with a &:1 ratio will most probably have a retrieve rate similar to a 5.5:1 spinning reel.
Re: surface lure, well it might be ok for spnott and small lampuki, but an 8 - 10kg Leccia will rip that reel right off the rod. I hooked a big one last summer, and it cooked the drag on my Stradic 5000.
That sucks clutch!! although i can imagine a Serra Hoxna of 8-10kg would cook your drag,even though the stradic's drag is very good! What happened mate,did it bust off?
sort of ....
HI, I have just started spining and I have a problem with Braid, when i cast in a fast way and the Braid is outgoing a knot appears sometimes thick, when I cast slowly also few times a knot apeared but small and when I untangle the knot the last part will be twisted braid. I was told to start at the Braid to tie a lead of about 50gr to it; cast and draw to create tension. Is there anyone who encountered the same problem and know what I can do.
Thank you
Hi Kevin, is your reel over spooled? The spool should never be full of braid to the rim. There should be about 3mm to 5mm of a gap from the Braid to the spools rim.
Mm ic tnx blaze, yes it is spooled to the full + a few of floro carbon.
you're welcome
The most common problem when a braid produces 'bird's nests' during casting is because the braid is not good quality. Silicone spray helps a little, but it is a very temporary solution.
The other common factors are:
a) rod not designed with guides to utilise braided lines,
b) bad over-all placement of the guides on the rod itself, this can be due to poor design from the rod maker and too little guides on the rod itself or the wrong sizes.
c) The reel is not braid friendly.
The idea of casting out a lead weight to tighten the braid is a load of bullshit. I fish using ultra light spinning tackle, with lures that barely weigh 3 grams, and i don't get tangles. The only solution is using good tackle that is well balanced.
The braid I am using is the Climax 0.35mm, the reel is a Shimano Alivio 4000RB and the rod is a Grauvell Carbon 270m 10-50gr. Everything is new
And how do you apply the silicon spray just spray it on the whole braid?
The braid you are using is way too thick for spinning. A good 25lb braid should not be thicker than 0.20mm. You'll probably find thinner. While the Alivio is an OK reel to start out with, it is not the ideal reel to use with braided line, especially for spinning. You might want to have a look at a Shimano Stradic FI, an Okuma Salina, or a Daiwa Coastal.
To apply silicone, it need to be sprayed on as the reel is being spooled up.
How much it cost you to buy the Shimano Alivio 4000 and from mister fish? ty
around 40 euros, however you'd better invest a bit more if you want it for spinning, at least a catana or a nexave...an exage would be even better. and front drag reels seem to be preferred for spinning since their drag is more heavy duity
or else get one from ebay........ lots to choose from...... just got my first baitcaster... a Penn for around 30-40 euro...... do a search for the size you want... i always suggest you buy it new
this okuma is ending in 6 hours
Thanks everyone for your info, I choose that type of thickness of braid as where I go one will accept everything to pass from there. Martin knows well.
ty all.Really I am searching for size 6000 or more for cliff fishing
Quote from: Kevin G on June 07, 2011, 16:48:31 CET
Thanks everyone for your info, I choose that type of thickness of braid as where I go one will accept everything to pass from there. Martin knows well.
Kevin I hate critising brands, because i do not like to offend people, but Climax braid would not get my money. As fot the thickness, a 0.35mm braid is used for Jigging, or if you are lucky enough Spinning in the tropics. Get yourself a decent 35lb braid if you really want to err on the stronger side and you'll be a happy chap :)
best around are berkely fireline, spectra power pro and a lot of positives from friends of mine for xzoga braid. I haven't tested the latter but for fireline and spectra i vouch they are very good braids, especially fireline although its price is not exactly the bright side...
hi, from where can i buy silicone spray to spay onto my braid?
fuel stations, hardware stores and ironmongers have it
mm ic tna ganni tought it was some special kind of spray only for braid. thanks
I've used powerpro and it's a very good braid, BUT an experienced angler told me that the cheapest ones at ebay may do the trick for less money... so i've just ordered a 300m 0.14 braid which can land a 4.5kg fish.
When selecting what braid one should use, there are a lot of factos that need to be taken into consideration:
1. What fish is being targeted?
2. Braid breaking line strenght
3. Abrasion Resistance
4. Smoothness on rod guides...this has a lot to do with braid construction technologies....pe fibres used, 4 strand? 8 strand?
5. line diameter....and consider what Fluorocarbon to use according to the diameter, and the knot to tie braid to FC. Apart from that, this has a lot of advantages...the less the diameter, the better the castability, finesse, you will manage to work the lures better cause of better blend with tides and current, cuts through the wind better, etc.
In my opinion, one should take careful consideration of all of the above before selecting the brand to use.....
best braid ive used is 4 strand blue colour yamamoto(absolute fishing ireland have it on offer), real fine and smooth i use it over realy ruff ground,and use it to trawl , it casts like a bullet! ive used daiwa 8strand,power pro spiderwire and they aint got a patch on this stuff, just make sure when you snap the bail arm over that the braid is physicaly pulled into the corner roller of the bail arm as if its not right in , you will load the reel up wrong when winding and when you cast you will get a wind not,you want a half decent reel as well or it wont load up right i use sakura floro leader about 1m long,i attach it to the braid with two loops one on either side, just make a little loop and pull it tight , then on the braid side do a double not in the loop(as it can slip) then put one loop on top of the other and push the other end of the floro through the two loops and pull, it usualy sticks so you need to work it through,great not and it has never came out,the loops tighten against each other,ive a daiwa renessa dir 2500 and a daiwa caldia 2500 matched to a sakura 8ft and a amazing illex 5-25g rod, i got the caldia as im forever falling in the drink and it is mag sealed so is ment to be better?,the renessa ive owned for two years and its been under a few times and its going great,i always wash them and loads of silicone spray after spinning
Quote from: kennethb on April 12, 2012, 09:12:30 CET
When selecting what braid one should use, there are a lot of factos that need to be taken into consideration:
1. What fish is being targeted?
2. Braid breaking line strenght
3. Abrasion Resistance
4. Smoothness on rod guides...this has a lot to do with braid construction technologies....pe fibres used, 4 strand? 8 strand?
5. line diameter....and consider what Fluorocarbon to use according to the diameter, and the knot to tie braid to FC. Apart from that, this has a lot of advantages...the less the diameter, the better the castability, finesse, you will manage to work the lures better cause of better blend with tides and current, cuts through the wind better, etc.
In my opinion, one should take careful consideration of all of the above before selecting the brand to use.....