Malta Fishing Forum

Shore Fishing => General Questions => Ledgering => Topic started by: sargu xih on July 29, 2008, 14:34:21 CET

Title: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on July 29, 2008, 14:34:21 CET
Hi All!  I'm new to this forum, but not new to the amazing, addictive world of fishing.

For the past year I have been experimenting on ways and techniques to fish sargi (diplodus sargus).
I go fishing for sargi during the night, starting from May up to end October.
To be sincere I had little success in catching sargi from coasts around Malta.  I spent endless nights not having even one take, with the bait still on hook starting from 8pm up to 4am in the morning.  However, last year in mid-September on a windy and rainy night my friend and I caught 6 nice sargi (one of which was huge) from the Blue Lagoon, Comino. 
My questions are:  is it that sargi like sandy bottoms since Blue Lagoon's bottom is all sand?
                          should the sea be rough for better results?
I use a size 4 long-legged hook,  and pieces of squid as bait.  Any other better options??
Which are the best places for catching sargi - sandy, rocky, a mixture?

Thanks for your suggestions,

Sargu Xih.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: ciappinu on July 29, 2008, 17:45:17 CET

If you want to catch Sargi, then you need Hniex ta l-imperjal and preferably a full moon. Don't try Hniex tal Korea, not good for Sargi Night Fishing.

Comino is one of the best places for Sargi, with very large shoals on the northern side. With a hniex ta l-imperjal, you cannot go wrong. Since it is expensive, plan it with a friend and spend a weekend fishing for them. I have had great success with Hniex ta l-imperjal, and caught some nice big ones. It would also be a good idea to chum the place with a couple of broken rizzi during the day.

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: placebo on July 29, 2008, 21:39:31 CET
also good for sargi are the red shrimps. I fish for sargi in mossy waters (fir rima) during both night and day. I had succesive tries with red shrimps as in some places it gave bettter results than Hniex tal -imperjal! I frequent mostly MSkala (Zonqor) from September to December. In that particular place i found it is better using whole red shrimps on a big sized hook instead of hniex. for this type of fishing i use my pole rod 7-9mtrs with a medium sized tip.

Korean is not bad that much. I think that 3 times i caught nice sized sargi (500gms - 1kg) from ports with Korean ragworm. It is not good as tal imperjal or ckal but it gives also good results at times. I use the bombarda rig for this type of fishing. It also gives good results for all types of bream including the elusive KAHLIJA....sometimes. One may also consider using yabbies (ckal)

Another good bait for sargi is cheese! especially in summer this type of bait (cheddar cheese) tends to release oil as the sea is high in temperatures. Especially for port fishing this bait is very good. All you need is a big sized hook and cheese (i use cheddar) on a reel rod. I prefer the long pater noster method when using this bait.

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: The_Gaffer on July 30, 2008, 00:01:34 CET
I have very fond memories fishing for sargi with my dad, inside and outside the grand harbour. Our best bait was ckal and hniex tal palella. Sargi, as the maltese saying goes, are very wise and cunning fish. You need great patience and skill for that kind of fishing. Size 25 line and long shank hooks. If using ckal, bait from the rear and bring the hook out from the breast, that way the ckal remains alive and attracts the sargu. There were times when I would just feel a slight thug on the line, I knew it was a sargu, and I'd know he'd be down there starring at the bait, waiting and seeing. Then, pang, he'd swallow the bait and make a run for it. Best time is at night, and the use of flowocarbon line is worth it
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on July 31, 2008, 11:53:42 CET
Thanks for your suggestions!

The line I use for casting is high-resistance chromium (white in colour), and the hook attached to 0.25mm nylon.
Chromium has high visibility

I guess I have to change it to something less visible
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on July 31, 2008, 13:39:52 CET
Guys at night dont bother on the diameter of the line and visibility because at night the line is not visible. I usullally like fishing for sargi on the sliema creek (fejn il captain morgans) and always fish with 0.40mm mono and always had great success. As for bait i use red shrimps, totli and clamaretti.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on July 31, 2008, 14:13:27 CET
Is red shrimp the common shrimp like the one used for vopi? What are totli and klamaretti please?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on July 31, 2008, 14:17:20 CET
red shrimps are the ones you buy for fishing hux. Totli are like squid but darker in colour and clamaretti are baby squid of maybe 5cm.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on July 31, 2008, 14:36:35 CET
i always fished for sargi with hniex ta l-imperjal. when you use shrimp to fish for sargi, do you take off the head and peel it like normal or leave it whole?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on July 31, 2008, 15:08:25 CET
i peel it and remove the head but i bait it whole
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on July 31, 2008, 15:34:57 CET
thanks for the info mate.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: malliaa on July 31, 2008, 16:34:33 CET
would you be using the prawn for reel or for rod fishing?

and if reel fishing, how do you manage to make the prawn remain on the hook when casting?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on July 31, 2008, 16:52:37 CET
Soon I'm going to try L-Ahrax tal-Mellieha at night for sargi.  Will be using the single hook paternoster technique.  Whole red shrimp and klamaretti as bait.

Anyone knows if l-Ahrax is good for sargi?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: malliaa on July 31, 2008, 17:04:38 CET
I haven't had any great success in that area, though i've only been once (using hniex)... and to be honest, the likelihood is that the lack of success was down to lack of skill more than anything else!!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on July 31, 2008, 19:50:29 CET
Ahrax is great ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on July 31, 2008, 20:18:14 CET
sometimes ahrax is great! sometimes as with other places.... depending on the mood!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kyashan on July 31, 2008, 20:28:21 CET
Ahrax is great, i use klamaretti and hniex tal imperjal, always use elastic when using klamaretti
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: redbus9 on July 31, 2008, 20:46:15 CET
hi benri and kyashan,can you tell me what ahrax and klamarettiis? english names please and where do you get them from? thanks
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: busumark on July 31, 2008, 20:55:02 CET
ahrax is place redbus
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on July 31, 2008, 21:36:16 CET
hi redbus. klamaretti are tiny squids.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on July 31, 2008, 23:08:19 CET
what's elastic kyashan?
and why to be used with klamaretti?

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on July 31, 2008, 23:10:35 CET
u le dawk cucati man. you do not need to wrap the bait in elastic ax klamaretti are not pulled off the hook easily.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Freeman on August 01, 2008, 00:05:31 CET
ma qbilniex aw bigboy, qas immur nistad ma jkollix elasticline, specjalment inkun fil fond.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on August 02, 2008, 07:43:26 CET
Since I'm for Gozo this weekend, I'm gonna try Marsalforn and Qbajjar (Salini area), maybe I'll find some nice sargi there.

And while I'm in Salini area I'm going to try out some lures.

Will let you know of the outcomes next Monday.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on August 02, 2008, 21:07:08 CET
8kg sargi last night :)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: SPITEC on August 03, 2008, 00:12:21 CET
Prosit bigboy.Andek xi segriet mid-dera jew bil-konz?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on August 03, 2008, 00:15:27 CET
Le habib bil qasab ta. Il post kollox hux :p id dajsa alekk tajba ax issiblu postu bil fishfinder :p u imbad tuzaku ftit dawl u tarah tiela s sargu siehbi
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: SPITEC on August 03, 2008, 00:16:50 CET
Posibli jitla ad-dawl?jien dejjem smajt li s-sargi idejaqom d-dawl
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on August 03, 2008, 00:19:32 CET
ma jitlax ad dawl king ax innizzilulu hemm isfel jien hdejh. dawl baxx ha jhallilu d dijja. kif narah li qabad jmiss innizlulu d dawl ha jibqa mana.

imma issa tibqax iggelni nizvela segrieti ta :p
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: SPITEC on August 03, 2008, 00:22:16 CET
Ok tibzax daqshekk segriti dawl baxx mod iehor! mhux ha nohodlok sargi tibzax ax qatt ma nzilt alihom hemm l-isfel u xorta kieku jien mil-art. ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on August 03, 2008, 00:49:02 CET
lol ara niccajta sihbi ;) fishfinder tajjeb trid king meta tkun bid dajsa u gps halli tkun taf fejn huma x xfura us sikek
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on August 03, 2008, 10:22:02 CET
This Saturday night  I tried fishing for sargi on Marsalforn breakwater (its broken now)
I went snorkeling during the day and saw shoals of sargi even more than before now that the breakwater is broken and there are more sikkek and places to hide.

Tried fishing for sargi during the night till 1am.  No success :-[.  I used the single hook long branch pater noster technique using pieces of squid and red shrimps.  There was no moon light and I think that's the trick.

Next time fishing for sargi at night I'll try hniex ta' l-imperjal and when there's moonlight.
Its a good idea putting a small source of light to keep the sargi interested.  ::)

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Diplodus Sargus on August 18, 2008, 00:16:00 CET
hey every body! im a new member to this site. I didnt know about this site since my friend sargu xih told me about it.  We are good fishing buddies always trying to find new skills to catch these damed saragi....but they are so cunning at times they make you sware :'(.  We did not have a lot of success fishing for such fish we tried every thing and every kind of bait. form kalamaretti to red shrimbs and now even with hniex ta l imperjal. But till now we hadn't good results.  there are people who tell you that one should try to go for saragi in full moon others tell you that light makes the line shine and it will be impossible to catch them this is a little bit confusing :-\.  the only time that we used to catch some it was from kemmuna blue lagoon. This was in winter of 2years ago one of them was really big over 30cm this was amazing!!! one year later we went again and used the same fishing technique and  caught only 3 but they werent big as those of the year before. we used the pater noster method and as bait some klamari. Now we are trying another type of line still under experiment ;)! With this method i tried to catch one but it was small. it was a pitty i could not realese him but he swollowed the hook and shortly after he died. can anyone of you give us some good information about some good places were we can find some of these fish.

Thanks everybody for the info.

from diplodus sargus.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Simon G on August 18, 2008, 00:20:31 CET
location location location up too two years ago i use to go fishing for sargi sometimes i use to bag 10-16 a night of 500g -750g with hniex tal imperjal you have to find locations that are not fished ( my partially modified landrover helps ) good luck
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on August 18, 2008, 16:32:55 CET
That's true Simon G.  Location is very important.  And usually the best locations are those which are not easily accessible for fishing.  Kemmuna is one of them.  Don't forget coming September Diplodus Sargus!!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Diplodus Sargus on August 19, 2008, 01:25:25 CET
hey mates just arriving from wied iz zurrieq. another night out there for notthing! i dont know but today it was great to catch sargi i think the place makes a lot of difference. there was even the full moon shining,i was using hniex ta l imperjal and kalamaretti but again with no success. Dont worry i will keep trying thats what makes fishing intresting. but if somebody tells me a better place i will be very trip most probably wil be at ahrax tal melliha with my friend sargu xih ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: EmicMalta on August 19, 2008, 08:06:50 CET
Try places where there is a lot of rizzi. You know that they like rizzi and normally even for us to go spearfishing we found that the best places are near rizzi.

SimonG and I have a really good place for them but we nevered tried to go fishing. This week I was there and saw really a lot of nice ones, all over 500g-1.2kg.

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Gazzetta on August 19, 2008, 12:58:30 CET
X AWDC jaqaw Simon ?? 


Quote from: Simon G on August 18, 2008, 00:20:31 CET
location location location up too two years ago i use to go fishing for sargi sometimes i use to bag 10-16 a night of 500g -750g with hniex tal imperjal you have to find locations that are not fished ( my partially modified landrover helps ) good luck
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Diplodus Sargus on August 19, 2008, 16:09:52 CET
Ghidilna naqra fejn emric forsi ma tafx kif naqbad tnejn. Il bierah jahasra thassartu il hanex inqatta minnu ghal xejn. Naf li hawn bhalissa idduru ghax andi shabi immorru diving u jghiduli. Il kwistjoni tibqa li trid tkun 'In the right place, at the right time'....u wara kollox jekk tghidli mhux se naqbadhom kollha jien tibzax my friend ;) just niehu pjacir mhux se nitfa xbieki jien bhal ma jghamlu.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: The_Gaffer on August 19, 2008, 16:31:55 CET
Who ever reads this can you please call my home on 21414298 anmd tell my wife I 'm on my way in as I am out at sea and my mobile is dead.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: EmicMalta on August 19, 2008, 16:34:59 CET
always adviced for good places but this place is on a reef and surelly cannot be fished. There is a lot of nets and ropes in the bottom and infact its really danger also to dive.

From shore its inpossible to try and for this i cannot say the place. Also im afraid from long lines so sorry for this time I cannot say it. But as I said before, if you go where there is reefs with rizzi sure you make nice catches
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: jean on August 19, 2008, 16:38:39 CET
gaffer trying to call but no answer, do you have a mob numb or something? and pls just tell me your name so i will not refer to you as the gaffer. you can email me directly on how shall i tell her you comunicating with me? just to reassure in the best way possible.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: camkev on August 19, 2008, 16:39:31 CET
Tried to call gaffer,but no reply.Will keep on trying.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: camkev on August 19, 2008, 16:40:43 CET
His name is joe!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: EmicMalta on August 19, 2008, 16:47:43 CET
also I tried. Send us mob no so we leave a sms
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: The_Gaffer on August 19, 2008, 16:48:45 CET
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Gazzetta on August 19, 2008, 16:49:21 CET
No Answer Joe !!  :-\

Chris  8)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: camkev on August 19, 2008, 16:50:10 CET
Ok boys.I got her on the mobile.Thanks a lot from joe ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Gazzetta on August 19, 2008, 16:52:15 CET
Sent a msg aswell as mob was busy !!

Chris  8)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: The_Gaffer on August 19, 2008, 16:52:34 CET
Thanks guys, I have internet on the boat but no mobile
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: jean on August 19, 2008, 17:07:06 CET
hey gaffer all ok, told her you on the way in. someone else contacted her too so all is meant to be ok boss :) keep us posted with the catch and have a safe return
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: jean on August 19, 2008, 17:09:56 CET
since you have internet, you should try using skype. all you have to do is top up with something like ten euros and you can call around the world no prob. there is a system on how to get it on mobile, whilst if its a pc you have you would have to use a headset (mic and headphones).
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: skip on August 19, 2008, 17:36:43 CET
Now that is one way I had not forseen the forum being used :)

Thanks to you guys who were online, msg was relayed through. Prosit
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: EmicMalta on August 19, 2008, 17:45:49 CET
jean, is there any possibility to install Skype to my boe? I spend a lot of time on this forum. We can install a webcam  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: jean on August 19, 2008, 21:00:37 CET
sssshhhhhhh be quite emic, i have some ideas for that too :P
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on August 19, 2008, 21:07:23 CET
i like the idea lol we are trolling and we can see each other on webcam whilst fishing :p imp one webcam should always be focussed on the gps looooool
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: The_Gaffer on August 20, 2008, 09:44:18 CET
Nick, I was out trolling and as usual my mobile battery went dead.  Always happens when I go to the west side of the island.  I know for sure that there are some reception black spots over there, and that gets the mobile searching for a provider, wasting up all the battery juice. 
Anyway, I also had my Blackberry with me(blackberry is a small hand held device which synchronises to your email server and also has internet facilities, among other features) I thought, why not find the most recent post on the MFF, and ask the guys to phone home (remember ET??)...the response was fantastic. My wife was sooooo impressed, she asked me if I had mobilised the AFM, I told her honey, if it was the AFM they'd still be trying to figure it out whether it was a hoax call or not. 
Thanks to the guys on the forum, Jean called, Keven (CamKev) called as well, Edward EmicMalta tried but couldn't get through, and that reassured her that all was well.  (I was supposed to be home by 4.00pm, and at that time I was still about 8 miles off the coast from Ghar Hasan!!!.)
Its great about the forum, and you will always find a few guys logged on at anytime. 
Once again, a big thankyou to all. 
Jean, I posted on another thread ( the daily fishing report.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Gazzetta on August 20, 2008, 10:00:19 CET
How did you manage to get an internet connection out there ????

Chris  8)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: skip on August 20, 2008, 10:10:58 CET
Can you not make a voice call from a Blackberry? I thought they were a mobile phone as well as all the other fancy bits :)

Can just picture your wife first worrying when Jean called perhaps for a split second thinking something was wrong and then probably suprised/amused when a couple more people called to relay the same info. You need to get her on the forum and then as you go out you can be writing a live report tracking your progress hehe!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: poor catch on August 20, 2008, 10:52:08 CET

Keep in mind that whilst at out at sea telephone contact with a person on land can also be made by using VHF. The call is routed via a land based station. If I recall correctly there is a nominal charge for this service. The charge is to a phone account.

Basically, if I recall all details precisely ( I stand to be corrected here though ), procedure is as listed below.

1 )  VHF user contacts Valletta radio ( or other coast station ) in normal manner.  Gives tel no and contact details of person he wishes to contact to radio operator. Radio Operator would request Boat's call sign and other boat details.

2 )  Land based station then connects VHF user and contact person. Communication is then carried out via VHF and phone.

If you are ever stuck out at sea and can get in touch via VHF with another vessel / coast station etc you would eventually be able to contact persons on land through VHF radio relay system.

The reverse applies too -  a  "land based person " may also contact a  person at sea or a vessel with a VHF set on. It's important that the " land based person " gives boat's call sign details and indicative channels that vessel's VHF set might be monitoring, so coast station could make contact.

BTW keep in mind that the actual conversation is not private as aired over VHF !

Hope the above info is useful.

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: skip on August 20, 2008, 11:20:19 CET
Kenneth that's what I used to use as well and the service was provided by Malta Radio. Around 2 years ago I called them when we were 40nm miles out and requested a ship to shore call.

The guy on the other end laughed and said we stopped providing that service several years ago since the introduction of mobiles etc. I thanked him for his response but was surprised that no working system was left in place.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: poor catch on August 20, 2008, 12:44:15 CET
Disappointing to note that they stopped ship to shore service since very often mobile coverage is very limited or unavailable even when just a few miles out at sea.

Until last month coast stations were still announcing shipping VHF traffic lists at specific times during the day so now wondering whats going on !!?? 
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: skip on August 20, 2008, 13:03:08 CET
I won't exclude that the guy couldn't be arsed to put me through and that some system is still in place, we need to write a really long list of queries to the MMA covering various questions that have been raised across the threads :)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: LapsiBoy on September 05, 2008, 21:17:42 CET
Hey Guys ...I know this question may sound stupid to the people who understand in the fishing of sargi but i have never been realy familar with this method of fishing but i am interested...i was wondering if any fish can be cought with konz tas sargi during the day
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: gozitano on October 18, 2008, 09:48:26 CET
jien immur ghas sargi kemm bil lejl u kemm bin nhar.qabel ma dhalt f din is site,kulhadd kien jejdli li bil hanex ta l imperjal bla qamar ahjar.saqsejt anke lil ta mr fish u qalli l istess kliem.issa fuq din is site qed nisma li l ahjar hu li jkun full mooon.minix nitlob ghal xi postijiet jew hekk,imma ninsab vera konfuz fuq din il haga.rigward is sajd filodu,jien inhobb immur bil qasba ta l idejn u nuza harira 22 u comba ftit il fuq ta 2 grams b qasba ta 7 metres.billi jkun hemm xi vopi,cawl,etc etc,inhobb nuza bhala liska,ta l awrat u inzidila ftit ful mithun biex inwebbisa ftit.imbad nilliska mas sunnara u nghatti c comba ukull bl istess liska.din s sistema narahha ahjar milli bil gambli,ghax bil gambli l hut iz zejr jikxiflek is sunnara.gieli uzajt is slice cheese ukull l orange u inzidlu il ful mijew.minix xi sajjied kbir,imma gieli hadt pjacir.biss l aqwa sajda tibqa l ewwel wahda filodu.qbadt disa sargi sbieh,u marzpan kbir.lanqas temmen,dak in nhar il bahar kien bnazzi zejt.imbad bqajt immur fl istess post ghal xahar shih u lanqas sargu wihed ma laqqat.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: fisheye on October 19, 2008, 17:38:30 CET
Is-sargi matul il-gurnata dejjem f bahar imdardar stadejthom wara xi grigalata tajba. Harira l-inqas li qatt uzajt ghalihom hi 20 imma inkun nissogra li immisni wiehed sabieh u nitilfu. Jien niddejjaq inhalli il-huta tithabat hafna fl-ilma inhossa li xi ftit jew wisq tharbatlek il-hut li ikun hemm madwar ghallura inkun irrid intellghha malajr kemm jista ikun. Lixka matul il-gurnata inhobb nuza il-granci jew imhar. Xi bebbux tal-granc u gambli hajjin insiebhom tajbin ukoll. Imbghad issib min isemmilek zalzzet mir-roza mghagun mal-hobz, hobz abjad insomma hemm l-ghazla. Jekk inkun ser noqod f'post wiehed nuza l-ghalf, hafna drabi ikun jikkonsisti f'hobz imxarrab u mieghu inzid frakk tal-ghadam nixtrieh min ghand tal laham. Illum ghawn x'tuza kemm trid ghawn hafna prodotti tajbin li tixtrihom min ghan il-hwienet tas-sajd. Dejjem nghamlu ftit tqil biex jeghreq u ma joqodx jigrili. Jien ghanke il-lixka iktar ma inzzomma mal-qiegh u ma tigriex mal- kurrent insiba hafna ahjar. Imma zgur li ghawn tista issib ohrajn li jghuzaw metghodi ohra forsi aktar efficjent min tighie ukoll. Imma mil-kappel li kelli sellimtlek habib. ;)         
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: sargu xih on October 22, 2008, 13:38:03 CET
tafu b'xi postijiet tajbin fejn jaghmel is-sargi?
Wied il-Ghajn sibtu tajjeb, u l-Ahrax tal-Mellieha ukoll.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: ruman on October 22, 2008, 20:27:33 CET
hdejn popey village min fej johrog id dranagg tajjeb hafna man
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: gozitano on October 23, 2008, 09:28:40 CET
m ghetli xejn dwar il qamar fish eye!fil kas inhalsek lol.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: fisheye on October 23, 2008, 11:00:17 CET
He he ghandhekk ragun imma qbizta bi zball ::). Il-qamar jien ma tghandx insibbu itellef pjuttost fl-ahhar kwinta, stadejt jumejn qabel u jumejn wara il-kwinta u mort ftit ahjar mis-soltu pero kont f'post li kien ilu ftit ma jkun mistghad ghax jista jinstad biss fil-bicc hafif il-bqijja b'ebda rih ma tidhol jew il-bahar irid ikun fierah hafna. Izda il-bahar fierah ma nsibux tajjeb ghal bil-lejl.
Meta xi snin ilu kont ninzel snorkling bil-lejl ma hija konna ninotaw li f'hafna dawl ta qamar il-hut jibqa jiekol u jirgha barra  u ftit itik cans tersaq lejh, mentri fid-dlam specjalment is-sargi issibhom taht il-gebel u fl-iskolji.    
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bamba on November 01, 2009, 11:44:01 CET
ghadni kif xtrajt borza klamaretti tal friza ghax sajd bil qasba ta l idejn.nixtieq inkun naf jekk humiex tajba.nixtieq inkun naf ukol jekk tilliskahx shih jew inkella taqtalux rasu.thanks.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: camkev on November 01, 2009, 23:22:47 CET
Nahseb shih ikun wisq al tal l-idejn,kiku jien naqtahhom strixxi u namilon fil friza...halli meta tkun sejjer tihu ftit mijak mhux toqod tohrog kollox mil friza kul darba ax jihzinu inkella...u il klamaretti ma tantx jinqalaw minn mas sunnara,ahna gieli amilna nofs ta nhar nistad al tal qiegh u kull ma nuzaw zewg strixxi ax taqbad il hut u il klamari jibqaw mas sunnara!!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Reelin on November 02, 2009, 08:18:32 CET
klamaretti min fejn tixtrihom?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: shanook on November 02, 2009, 17:59:55 CET
Rita Mxlokk, minn ghand tal hut igifieri,Attard Hdejn in Nikolsons, San Pawl il Bahar Azzopardi, u connie. Insomma issiebhom kwazi kullimkien fejn ibiehu il hut
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Reelin on November 02, 2009, 18:07:53 CET
thanks shanook!
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kevin G on November 02, 2009, 18:20:52 CET
camkev andek ragun tal-klamari li jibqaw mas-sunnara, jien gieli grali hekk specjalment meta nkunu qed naqbdu is-surran, imma inutajt li qat ma qbadt fuq klamar li ga kont qbadt fuqu.
Tejd ghax kont qbadt ga fuqu jew ax ma ikunx irid imiss fuqu?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: maltembu on November 03, 2009, 15:50:06 CET
Meta tibqa il klamar mas sunnara generalment dejjem nibqa naqbad.. Gieli hallejt bicca mizera ghall kurzita u xorta naqbad.. La jkun irid siehbi... ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kevin G on November 03, 2009, 16:22:22 CET
heh ok man mela forsi ma jahmilnix u ma jkunx irid jitla jejd hello, memx xtamel!! lool
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Ganni 1 on June 29, 2010, 20:53:58 CET
what is paternoster  technique please
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Carmelo on June 30, 2010, 16:28:06 CET ....there is not a real need of swivel,beads and line crimps (like in the image ) if u know how to make a proper knot on the main line
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: blueskip on June 30, 2010, 19:38:40 CET
It also pays to make the snoods moveable, for instance by wrapping several winds of fine copper wire around the main line above & below the "stop" beads shown in the diagram (instead of crimps), that way you can deepen or shallow the depth that you are fishing at.
For example in the UK when the tide is running hard the bream feed tight to the bottom, when the tide run eases they come off the bottom to feed higher in the water, sometimes when there is very little tide run they will be 12-20ft up from the bottom. With fixed paternosters you have to guess where they are by winding the line up, with moveable snoods you merely slide the snood up to the depth you want ;) It is also thought that the addition of a little blood red transparent bead directly above the eye of the hook attacts them even more, so I always have one above my hooks when fishing for bream ;)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kevin G on January 27, 2011, 10:20:11 CET
Ghandi mistoqsija fuq konz tas-sargu. Dak kif lahjar tamel il medda tal-kurlin (habel kanela) u brazoli xlief jew kollu xlief u xi hxuna?

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: robby017 on January 27, 2011, 11:15:15 CET
kieku int kont sargu, liema tahseb l aktar li ser jikxfu is sajjied?
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kevin G on January 27, 2011, 12:56:55 CET
nahseb li il kurlin jikxef sew
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: SPITEC on January 27, 2011, 13:19:32 CET
Risposta perfetta
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: LapsiBoy on January 27, 2011, 13:24:38 CET
Trid tara jekk tarahx bilejl...jien bil kurlin armat u qbat sargi ima jista jati il kas li jekk tarmah tal harira andek naqra zajra iktar cans imma tajjeb bil kurlin u bsahtu ma jinqatax uanke biex tigbed xhin tehel ma jaqtalekx idek
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: robby017 on January 27, 2011, 14:35:51 CET
trid tara ukoll fejn ha tkala...... jekk hemmx fond! jekk hemmx dlam jew dawl mil l art.... etc...... jekk tkala taht xi irdum bil lejl..... tista tarma bil korlin......... jekk ha tkala ma xi xatt imdawwal f'xi 10-20 metru fond.... ahjar xlief.......
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: LapsiBoy on January 27, 2011, 14:38:53 CET
Mil lirdum bilejl tkala konz as sargi? Ma nafx  qatt ma provajt...Jien li nista nejdilkom li min fuq  bajja qbat is sargi bkonz tal kurlin gifieri li kiku kellu jikxifni zgur kien jikxef imma xorta wehel il hut
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Kevin G on January 27, 2011, 15:20:33 CET
 jin smajt zewg verzjonijiet li bkurlin qabduh sargu u anke bix xlief kulhadd bil gosti tijaw hux.

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on January 27, 2011, 15:31:09 CET
Jien ghalijja dejjem bil harira armajt

kif jaf Robby ;) u sargi dejjem qbadt b ammonti sbih
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: LapsiBoy on January 27, 2011, 23:02:31 CET
Mhux gosti hux dan mhemmx xi erf biex tarma konz tal harira jien armajtu tal lazz ax dak kelli fil garrax mur ara xorta mawx xtaqbad ta :P
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Robby9 on February 06, 2011, 13:52:04 CET
Ha insaqsi xi haga.kif tarmalom l ahjar is sargi bil qasba tal-idejn? ax jien armajt xlief 0.22 fluorocarbon sunnara 3 u comb xejn qisu speci tal kahli.u l ahjar mal-qiegh?

Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: placebo on February 06, 2011, 19:36:29 CET
tajjeb armat robby. Ghalef u itlaq mal alf fir rima. Jekk ikun hafna kurrent zid ftit comb.

Forsi tiflah titla naqra fil hxuna tal harira. Sa 0.30mm ok.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: benri on February 06, 2011, 19:38:42 CET
xi kultant ipprova xi bicca cheddar maghgun ukoll :)
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: fisheye on February 06, 2011, 20:13:42 CET
Dik is-sistema li semmejt  hijja tajba u l-armar tajjeb ukoll, jien inhobb nuzha hafna fil-portijiet u bil-lejl bil-hniex ta limperjal snanar nuza bejn 6 u 4 u harira invarja bejn 0.20 u 0.25. Pero jekk naghrma bl-0.20 hdejja inzomm kopp ftit twil. Jiena din is-sistema ma nsibiex effetiva f'postijiet fejn il-qiegh ikun fond li ix-xlif ma jasalx mal-qiegh imma jibqa imdendel. Tinsix dejjem li jekk ma jkunx hemm hut tista tghamel l-Angli jzfnu ghax kollu ghal xejn.   
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Robby9 on February 07, 2011, 11:23:37 CET
dik dejjem fisheye jekk ma jkunx post tajjeb jew ma jkunx hemm hut alxejn.grazzi hbieb
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: Robby9 on February 16, 2011, 20:02:30 CET
Kont ha nipprova nilliska tumbrell as sargi.tghid tajjeb?jien nahseb peress li it tumbrell fih id demm u riha nahseb li jmiss fuqu.
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: placebo on February 16, 2011, 21:18:50 CET
Title: Re: any tips for catching diplodus sargus?
Post by: bigboy on February 16, 2011, 21:26:35 CET
Fuq il kubrit gili qbadt xi sargu