Need some tips guys please

Started by mellieha, March 30, 2009, 12:46:09 CET

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I use the computer because I come from a diving background.  I calculate depth to see what I am doing etc etc. 

Regarding the equipment I consider the suit and fins as the two primarily tools.  Although I believe in ''The Right Tool for The right Job" I think my current pc will do the job for now but on my next trip to the UK I will buy the watch you mentioned previously.

I was thinkling of going over to Chris at San Paul for equipment.  What do you guys think?  I also want to ask if their are apnea suits for females ready available in Malta.  I am asking so because the fit is extremely important and I intend to take my best buddy with me.  My Fiancee.  at least if their is no fish I can always have my prize. ;D

Baghira,  you came to my shop and had quite a chat, don't you think that if I wanted to play with different rules I would have stayed in the shaddows?

No worries mate no heart feelings.  I made the primarily fault.



for some really cheap ones go at angler centre. he had a sort of starting offer on apnea suits... their prices are ridiculous compared to their quality
Good season so far.....


if I'm not mistaken Angler centre is the shop in the old Hospitals road


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


I am currently using a spetton wet suite and I can confirm that its the best suite to buy for the price you are paying.

Regarding watches you should definately consider the suunto D3 and D4.  The D4 is kind of pricey, but in my opinion its a long term investment.


l arlogg ma tantx jamel differenza mellieha ,jew xejn , int se tmur tistad u mux izomm l hin , hemm aktar affarijiet fuq xix tkun qed tahseb ez postijiet u lqieh , importanti li timmemorizza l blat li jkunu produttivi bl ament GHAL DEJJEM jien andi certu blat li kont sibtom zmien ilu u meta nadi min fuqom dejjem nitawal, giel jkunu vojta u gieli mimlija hut , BLATA TAJBA DEJJEM TAJBA TIBQA JADI KEMM JADI ZMIEN , jien dawn l affariejit intijom importanza aktar mil arlogg u cucati ohra . qlibt ghal malti ax nikteb aktar komdu.

Translation (ramio): The watch will not make much difference. You are going fishing not keeping the time. There are far more important things to think about like places and the sea bed. Its important to keep a good memory of productive rocks in your mind for ever. A good rock will always be productive. I have certain rocks that I found a long time ago. Everytime I pass them I have a look under. Somtimes they are empty, other times you get fish. These are things that to me are more important than others.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


fabrizioviper, you are right and wrong at the same time. you mentioned tana technique which requires less stress on spearfisherman. doing an aspetto in particular can be beneficial having a watch.

if one goes beyond the 15m, even though this rule really depends on the person, we lose some of the feeling of oxygen availability due to the pressure that affects the nervous system by slowing it down. a watch, if well set, can remind us the time when we need to stop(when you elapse the apnea time-many watches have this function)

also the ability to monitor your session afterwards on your pc helps to improve the type of training one searches for. you get to quantify your limits, which is an advantage in my opinion
Good season so far.....


guys you are both very right. 

Since I am new I have to set limits to myself and believe me my eyesight of depth is not good.  What I mean.  Since I come from the scuba backgroung depth between 15 and 20 meters never made a difference but now it does.  The watch help me to guage depth if it is ok to go searching fish or if not.  I am sure that once I get use to depths the problem will not remain.

I already noticed this I prefer another place and the most productive place is in 1.5 meters of water.  There always is something big or small.  Unfortunately although I surpace the small ones others don't. 

I wish to find a couple of good spots but this will only be achieved by time and patience.



For the past 3 years I have been spearfishing without a watch and its true that I never saw the importance of getting one.  Infact I use to get angry at my diving buddies who actually use to go back to the car, or even home to get their watch when they forgot it (because I saw it as irrelevant). 

Now I'm venturing into deeper waters and its nice to actually know the depths I'm swimming and the times  (see improvments).  Also recently I'd like to start taking notes of the dives I made, depths etc.  As I said before, its only for my personal curiousity to see if I'm improving.   

Infact I never look at the watch when I'm diving because it will lose your consentration.  If yesterday I dove at 14 meters and did a 2min dive it doesnt mean that today I can do the same.  You should always listen to your body, its only you who knows what your limits are.