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Started by lorbsin, October 27, 2011, 14:42:10 CET

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Hi there i was wondering how much weight should you have for apnea diving? I already have 6 kilos but im not sure if its the right weight . :-\


thanks for the info freedive you are all very help full great people.really got some great tips.thanks for your help..


Weight is very personal.
Depending upon many factors as described above by freedive.
Positive at 10 meters is the rule.
But what if you do not dive down to 10 m??? and what if you dive down to 20, and today you need to dive shallow let's say 2 meter aspetto....
You need a schienalino and many wieghts,,,, but you have to be very carefull what you are doing since this type of equipment is very dangerous if not well trained.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well honestly the most I can dive is around 8 mtrs  :-\.Ive just started this hobby thats why i am asking a lot of questions, which you guys are very helpful thanks. I really want to take extra caution cause i know how dangerous it could be.thanks once again. I will just leave to six 6 kilos for know until i can get some more experience. :-X