Well come to Ivan From Bulgaria

Started by EmicMalta, November 27, 2007, 16:54:38 CET

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Hi Rob and Simon,

Today we have a new member from Bulgaria. Welcome Ivan. Ivan is that guy that we meet 1 month ago at Kemuna and we gave him and his girlfriend a lift to Cirkewwa when we where spearfishing there.

I saw him swimming and must say that Ivan have a very nice apnea and really is calm. When I saw him diving, I invited him to come with me for a short dive. he use to swim in different way as in thier country they use mainly aspetto technick. I must say that he is really silent in water and when I use to go down, he use to come with me and must say that also the fish didn't scared from both of us doing an aspetto together.

In his country, Ivan use to catch seabass, merge, mullets and turbot.

Ivan you are well come to come at Malta and enjoy our  hot beaches. (Bulgaria sea temp is 10 deg at the moment) :o :o :o




Thanks for your nice words. I want to say that Malteese are REALLY hospitable and warm people. I hope soon to have the opportunity to get to know you better.
First I have to thank Edward for his kindness and responsiveness. I saw very different and beautiful environment and fishing technique-more dynamic than in our sea. You have better visibility and more and different fish-spearfisher`s paradise. 
Then we met Robert and Simon-also extremely nice and helpfull guys. I heard, that one of them is hunting over 40-respect.
Untill now all the underwater beauty is in front of my eyes, as if it happened yesterday.
Today I saw pics of some of your `07 catch-great variety and respectfull fish.
I am very glad knowing you guys. I hope soon to have the opportunity to visit beautiful Malta.
Good luck to all of you.
Best regards Ivan


As I told you by PM Ivan, we are looking forward to meet you again and spend a couple of days spearfishing together. I am really impressed by your determination - diving in 10 deg isn't really my cup of tea! To be sincere I am already complaining about the water temperature here and it's still 20deg!  :-[

Good luck and regards
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


Hi guys,
here most of us dive during the winter with 7 mm wetsuit, with temperatures falling to 5-6 degrees Celsius. Usualy, we find only turbot, and by accident some mullets.
And how are the current conditions in Malta.
Do you have difference during the year, migrations, season species, different hunting strategies. How is your winter hunting. Do you expect the same fish on usual places. I guess you use 5 mm.
At what dephts do you usualy hunt. Do you often go to 30, 40, 40+, and what do you find there. Do you think, that the big pellagic fish is close to the surface.

Take care guys.

Best regards Ivan


Hi Ivan,

here it goes down to 16 deg and then it begain to go u again. Yes some guys use to have a 7mm for winter but say it onestlly, I dont lik it cos its to thick. I have some made to measure suits that use them as new ones for each winter and then with the work and with the sea pressure it goes to 3mm.

In winter we have the sea bass and the auratas, sea bream, dentex and squids. Also it is coming time for mullets. Those big ones from 3-5kg. But the mullets need to know from where to catch them because some time they use to be in dirty areas. Also it's caming time for the cattle fish.

The only problem in Malta is that mainly it is Nw so we don't have a wide area where to go. As for the currents, they only come May-June, and in some specific areas. Simon G and I have a place really, but really good. Its problem is of the current. In this place one can also see big pellagic fish by the shore. This yearour target is a tuna. Maybe from this spot we can meet one, but still we need some oher ork to do bcos its too strong.

We go at that depths but we use only falling technick cos its toomuch risky to make aspettoes down there. Also for grouper, we only shoot them if they are from their hole cosalso it will be too risky.

Yesturday I went with Jon106 for a small dive but did't found so much fish. There was a corner that there was some sea bream, but the fish was really scared. got only one. Then I saw a amberjack and came for the first aspetto and after a second it was on the spear. 700gr.  Then Jon106 called cos he saw a school of 8 nice ones but was out of breath cos was just getting up. Then I went down and they didn't wanted to come and didn't see them again. There was also 2KG+ ones. After a bit I was doing some agauto in 14-18mtrs and at a time when I was getting up, it came another 1kg Aj. Re went down on the rock, and saw a fish caming next to me and I shoot from long distance. I taught it was the Aj but instead it was a dentex which I missed. I was getting out of breath so I didn't calculated well. Then at 14mtr I saw a grouper of around 2kg, but was far from the float so I went down with the 104 and missed it. Then I decided to go for the other 4 piont gun, loaded it and went down. I shoot it well but it is strong to hold it and she went in with the spear. After all this going down and up again, she use to escape. Then on the way in we found a couple of nice octupus. Sorry no pics cos was raining when we get out from the water.




What kind of technique is agauto.

Regards Ivan


Aguato means: search by the rocks. Most safe for beginners The only problem with fish is that they get scared very much

Deep aguato means search by the rock at 20mtr+. Most dengerous cos you use a lot of energy.

Apetto means: go down and wait for fish to come against you to see what happen. (this tecnick I really like it cos you can see the fish eyes looking around and if you are mimetic and well hidden some times they come too close that you cannot shoot) If one can perform it with a buddy that is watching him, this is safe too.

Fallen tecnick means: or when you go perfectly vertically on a fish and use long guns to make long shots. Difficullty is that needs a perfect shoot. It is safe too if done 20-40mtrs but not in open water cos you don't feel how deep are you and will have problems going up again. Not for biginners

Saying for me, I thing i do the aguato in 1-6mts best. For Robert I saw him as really good in aspetto, and Simon on aspetto and deep aguato. And Jean as a really buddie cos when he's with me, he's always worried about me for safety reasons. Where are you boss???? we didn't hear you Jean. Prepare for Saturday so we do a nice one for some big mullets.



Thanks Edward, nice explanation. Here aspetto rules.
Good luck on Sat. Take care.
Regards Ivan

Simon G

maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Thanks Simon,
Good luck with the catch
Best Regards Ivan


Here it looks that we have another friend from Italy.

Well come Tonios in this forum.