Hydrofoils on outboard motor

Started by Breathless, February 05, 2012, 11:37:29 CET

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These are the ones i bought, it seems that they reallly make a difference especially on small boats.


Not that I know much about these things but if it were my call I would definitely not drill through the plate of a 4000 or 5000 euro outboard to fit 16 sterling worth of hydrofoil!


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


come on just drill it! you are speaking like your going to drill in the palm of your hand lol.  use some anti corrosion liquid and that's it


Whats the big deal about drilling the outboard ???????
Drill, use anti corrosion liquid (brunox is very good) and if needs be mask out the area where the hyds will be attatched, sand down and re spray with suitable paint...... and you will surely not have any corrosion problems. To be extra cautionate apply marine grease to the holes aswell before fastening the Bolds.


TEFGEL is the best, you can buy it from dagata marine , or else DUROLAC from gauci borda, they are liquids made to prevent corrosion between dissimilar metals . what happens is that stainless steel in contact with aluminum will create galvanic erosion and sea water will work as a conductor,  the anti corrosion liquid will isolate the dissimilar metals , be sure to NOT USE COPPER PASTE on aluminum


These are made of plastic I assume!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I had used iron bolds on mine since iron does not create any reactions with aluminium


baghira the bolts to hold it in place are plastic too ? lol

bigboy good move to use steel, but galvanized bolts are not good for the job.


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


 If hydrofoils improve performance significantly, why don't outboard manufacturers simply design their outboards with a bigger cavitation plate in the first place ? Just wondering...  :-\


I have fitted a pair on my Tohatsu 30hp 4 stroke and made a big difference. It planes sooner than before it stays on planes at lower speed, it stabilizes the boat on plane better. I fully recommend them. I have on my  Albatross 390 with Tohatsu 30hp 4 st.
1988 Albatross 390, Tohatsu 30 4 Stroke


What brand are the foils u installed? U got them from Mecca? As i believe that the shape the foil has make a huge difference


Lalizas LZ-Hydrofoil Gullwing Stabilizing System , these are very good over 50hp