Cooking Scabbardfish (Xabla)

Started by ramio, September 30, 2008, 21:15:22 CET

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Hi guys, Anyone can tell me if Scabbardfish (Xabla) is good to eat? If so any suggestions as best way to cook it?
I have a feeling it is full of small needle like bones!

Can't wait to go fishing


No Ramio,that fish is great to eat. it tastes better than Lampuki and it's very good fried in oil.
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


Thanks fishfinder. Ever tried it grilled or baked as my wife would prefer it with less oil. I personally like fish fried with garlic.
Can't wait to go fishing


I've tried it BBQ and it tastes goog too. :P
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


I never ate it in malta, unfortunately it is underestimated and you rarely find it for sale at fishmongers.  It tastes excellent.  I ate it in Sicily, coated with flour and fried.



its also very nice if cooked cartoccio style or poached.


thanks guys, will defenetly look forward to eating it.
Can't wait to go fishing


Hi Guys, as you well said, the fish is very good. Its flesh is very delicate and has got a good taste. Will be looking forward to other catches of the fish.
Can't wait to go fishing


Hi Guys, i've eaten it once, it was chopped up in small cubes, like the size of 2/3 matchboxes, dipped in eggs and flour and fried in olive oil with a couple of crushed garlics. with fried potatoes, fried tomatos and grilled aubergines. MMmmmm... zul minn hemm my friend!
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


halli ghalik bmamo l-ewwel tiehu biex tara biex se thammeg idek eeeee  ;D


mandekx x'tghamel in t kenn ghux taqbad man-nies!
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu