
Started by Ken007, October 20, 2008, 08:55:44 CET

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I have recently arrived in Malta and living here now and have bought a speargun set up and just starting out in the sport. I went diving with the gear on Saturday but I seem to spook the fish when i fire the gun. Can any one give me some tips on how to avoid this? Am I getting too close to the fish?

Also, does anyone know of any spear fishing clubs as I get a little intimitaded going out in open water and I here it's safer to go with a fellow freediver.

Malta Rocks!!! ???


No problem mate. Call *9444865. This guy will helps you find the right way better then all of us in this forum. He is a pro...

On Monday I saw you with a training session with one of the best spearos in Malta. Isn t he not good enough for you? Don t know who caught that denetx but I saw your float out side and his plancetta 100mtr apart. And who shoot that grouper!!!


mate i dont know the guy your talking about ? I have never dived with anyone, always been solo? any tips would be good from, pro or not? do you have an email address as opposed to the phone number wihch is missing a digiit.


its hard to get an email address due that he use internet cafes and use to make accounts on accounts, and always with different address or user names. One of his msn account is kenny_latino@hotmail.com

Your always the same Mr K. Bugeja

text me on 99593775. I ll call you back