
Started by boneshaker, October 26, 2008, 17:49:45 CET

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Jekk ma andekx min awaslek sinjal li il karozza tal Linja tuza. Aqbad tar Rabat u twafqek ezatt hedej Spitec. Worth it


@boneshaker veru worthed ghand spitec siehbi !! u jtik pariri ta habib..
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.


naqbel perfettament ma maltembu u emic... u bil flus li tiffranka min ghandu ixtrijom karozza jew skratacc !! ;)


hehe jin mux al flus ta.....imma bhalissa mohhni fil kacca nkun


nifmek siehbi...issa c cans li tispara 2 tiri ;)
imma jkollok cans ghaddi s'ghandu ax prezzijiet bomba.. :)


heq...sakemm ma jaqtawx kollox...awn xi hadd delittant tal kacca f dan il forum?


L'ahwa, ghaw xi hadd jista jtini parir ghal jigging xtip ta qasba l-ahjar tintuza. Insiba naqra problema ghax nahseb li trida tkun ratba biex il-lure iccaqlaqa sew, pero trid tkun nagra bsahita biex tiehu kedda ta huta mdaqsa. Grazzi

Translation: Hey guys, can anyone please advise me what kind of rod is best used for jigging. I find it a bit hard to imagine a rod with a soft flexibility to produce a good lure movement, and still be strong enough to bring in a good sized fish. Thanks
Can't wait to go fishing

Kaptan Jr

ramio  saqsi naqa lil camkev dak jaf xjigifieri huta mdaqsa bil jigging!!!!!!!!
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


ramio,mr fish ghandu qasab tajbijn al jigging u mhux gholjijn,jien meta mort jigging fuq qasba normali tat trolling qbadt.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


imma int kev nejdlek jien ghandek il H***** mal patata :P


Bigboy, jealosy gets you nowhere!!!
Can't wait to go fishing


Ramio i am surely not jelous of kevin ;) at least i know from where the accola was caught :P Huduwa ma saqajkom


I think he was only joking ramio,he is my fishing buddy........... :P ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Bigboy for that matter even i and Ramio know where he got it from ............and for all those that are saying from Azzopardi of St pauls i say nooooo.......


Shanook,why did you tell them that i sold you the gps ;) :D :) ;D
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.