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Tuna quotas

Started by Destination Sea, June 14, 2009, 18:25:18 CET

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Destination Sea

Looks interesting this article especially the first paragraph
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Hmmm, does that mean that this applied to recreational fishers as well who were granted a permit? As after all I believe the permit was valid only during the tuna season which has now ended, but I could be wrong there.

Hopefully fisheries can clarify for us.

Destination Sea

To be honest on reading the said article my impression was that it is meant for the professionals only.But now I have my doubts if the said permit is linked to the tuna season.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Tuna quotas have been reached by the maltese fishermen. The thing though is that the perse seiners are still out !!!!

This is very bad for the maltese fishermen as many still have not reached their givin quota!

Was told today that tuna caught as a by catch by the pros can still be kept.


Skip, recreational tuna fishing season kicks of on Tuesday, 16 june. The quota reached is that allocated to professionals.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Guys  - Skip, you were right >:( >:( >:( >:(

Just received a call from a Mr. Ray Caruana (Fisheries Protection Officer) from the fisheries division that since the quota allocated to Malta has been reached, they are revoking the licience!!!....What a load of BS!!!!!

I argued with the guy about the quota allocated to recreational fishermen, but he insisted theat the quota has been exceeded.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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now we really know that malta is really Pajjiz tal Mixckey Mouse. just received a phone from fisheries that the tuna quota is reached and i have to return my permit to the fisheries. a day before it begins to be valid. the minister pullcino (lohxon) made a imiediatly made a statment on the media that sport fisherman were given a permit for tuna when rumours of needing a licence and new fish regulations. what he has to say now?  the real reason that all this happened is because Grupetta and the the president of the koperativa tas sajd Raymond Bugeja made a deal to sell half the quota of malta to foreign pursesuiners. go and speak with full time fisherman. they are some who havent even went to fish once and they told them that the quota id reached. they are very angry they are going to do everything possible so that Gruppetta and Bugeja dont stay anymore in their positiona. VIVA L HBIEB TAL HBIEB


Well gaffer as the maltese says mal hazin jehel it tajjeb :/

I have heard rumours yesterday that the guys of the tuna penns have used up most of the quota and Mr. Raymond Bugejja who is one of the peaple of the koperattiva who is sappost to safeguard his fellow friends who are fisherman has his tuna farms and he is thinking more about how much monay is gonna go into his pockets.

Gaffer its not only guys like you who have received a licence to catch a tuna who are disappointed. All the maltese fishermen are frustrated as they cannot even go out. Inspectors have to be sent on their vessels to see that they remove all the stuff that has to do with tuna fishing.

Pajjiz tal Mickeymouse :(


Well said busu !!!!

Bugejja ma jdumx wisq f dak is siggu ax daqt itajruh !!

Is sajjieda kollha bir rawa f halqom qedin is sibt kolla nizlu ghal laqa li saret marsaxlokk


I just received the phone call too! - Load of BS.......
I'd rather be fishing.....


does anyone know misirter's pullicino number. we phone him and ask to give us an explanation. SKIP if you have time phone him and tell him that you represent a big number of sport fisherman and want an explanation how the 3 tonnes of quota that were allocated to sport fisherman is finished a day before it actually begins.


This is really bad taste for a Monday. But I also suspect that there are second interests from the koperattiva too.
However the quotas allocated to recreational fishing are in the hands of the goverment and these should have nothing to do with the prof quotas so should not have been recalled.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


I have spoken to the director of Information, who attentatively listened to what I had to say and said that he'll get back to me, and also written an email to an MEP...I'll give them 24hrs, then as a forum, we officially start asking questions, and we'll contact the press ;)

This is the email I sent to the MEP

Please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Joseph M Baldacchino, a senior moderator/ member of the the
Malta Fishing Forum (, without doubt, Malta's
largest online fishing community with over a 1000 members.  Following the
debate on Tuna Quotas, the recreational fishing community in Malta was
allocated a very small quota for recreational BlueFin Tuna fishing, to be
exact 3 tonnes.  To put things into perspective, recreational fishermen do
not use long lines or nets to catch tuna, we either use artifical lures
trolled from rods on boats, or dead bait (mackerel) rigged on a hook and
line to rod.
Our licence is offically open form the 16 June, and lasts till 14 October
2009.  Each recreational fisherman was allocated a licence to catch 100kgs
of BlueFin Tuna, exclusively for personal use and not to be used for
commercial purposes.
However, I have just been informed via telephone by the fisheries division
that my licence, and that of the other 29 recreational fishermen granted
such a licence has with immediate effect been revoked.  The person on the
other line (Mr. Ray Caruana) cited that the tuna quota allocated to Malta
had been reached.  However, I beg to differ.  The quota allocated to
recreational fishermen who'e licence comes into effect tomorrow has not
even been initiated, never mind exhausted!.  So how come our licence is
revoked when the recreational fisherman has not even started to fish for
tuna yet.  Unless, of course, the Tuna Quota allocated to Malta was
exceeded and to make up for this shortfall the fisheries Division has
turned onto the recreational fishermen to surrender his quota too.  That
is the only logical explaination for this draconian decision.  I find this
decision to be in very bad taste.
I strongly protest against this decision, and the reason I write to my MEP
is to seek guidance and possible redress against this .

Kind regards,

Will keep you posted on developments
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Hey, what part of "Bring your own Beer" didn't you understand ?