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Toyota 2CT

Started by shanook, January 29, 2011, 18:02:59 CET

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Does anyone know how the water circulates in the toyota 2CT. Does the thermostat close the water circulating to the oil cooler when it opens.
A rough pencil sketch would be of help.


Shanook - are u referring to a "marinized" version of a Toyota 2CT cos I have one of these in my Kajjiek.


yes mate i am mate
how is the connection of the exhaust manifold connected with the flow of the system.


I know what you mean but difficult to explain on paper, best to come and see it "physically". The exchanger feeds/circulates the "Toyota coolant" into the engine block and the sea water goes via the "sassla">>> sea cock>>>Johnson pump>>>exchanger thus cooling the exchanger unit. The sea water, which ONLY cools the tank never finds its way into the engine itself, it then runs into the exhaust unit tru a s/steel 3inch tube connection between the exchanger and exhaust manifold....which is totally different to a vehicle one of course. Thes Toyota diesel engines are amazing. FYI -The boat/s are in the garage, so pls. do come visit me mate!!!


I have to take up your invite mate so anytime u feel like it let me know and I pop over at your convenience.  


Fine Shanook - will contact you next week.I do have coffee at the garage and if you need a bite of some sort let me know!


Seafox do you have an idea at what temperature your Toyota runs at approx. three quarters throttle? and maybe normal operating temperature?
I'd rather be fishing.....


well since you insist Colin:
1st:  prawn cocktail and dont spare the mayonnaise
2nd: lasagnia
3rd: Steak prime, medium to well done, jacket potato, corn and selection of veggies
4th: Dessert: Apple pie with Ice cream
5th: selection of cheese and butter buscuits
I leave the selection of wine to your choice.......

NAAAAAAAAAAAA I prefer coffee and a chat with you



Wow...dont you know about something called  "food moderation" sive diet? Int tiekol iktar min Robby..dont sit near me at the fenkata cos you will take my share too!


what u talking thats a snack LOL ask Robby

Destination Sea

shanook take a camera with you and you can take pictures of the layout and easy to view later.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Isma Shanook, I am not going to charge you for the coffee but will do so for the pics..this is industrial spying eh!!!..will phone you this evening to arragne for a visit.


yep look like it.............well  give u tinkle tomorrow


@ shanook and SEAFOX...... kif ezatt dhalt fil kredu jien hawn ?????????
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Ghax fejn hemm l'ikel jien u int dejjem min ta quddiem hi. Bil kemm ried caffe illum Shanook, haseb li irid il flus!