Xtahsbu mil mercury 40hp?

Started by dedin, March 15, 2012, 16:56:39 CET

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Behsibni nixxi outboard mand il mecca mercury 40hp xtagsbu minnom tajbin bhala outboards? Grazzi bil quddiem.
*** Fish now - Work later ***


mercury ditta tajba habib - mill esperjenza li ghandi muturi tajbin hafna, pero l mariner l istess outboards taghhom.

Qabbel ftit il prezzijiet u fuq kollox, ara l prezz tal parts. Hafna mill kumpaniji kbar u suppliers ta outboards jaqilaw l maggoranza tal flus mill parts.

Jekk tfittex ftit fuq l forum hawn x taqra fuq x ghandek tara meta tixtri outboard
Good season so far.....


jajdu li mercury u mariner l istess. Iccekja il mariner. Jien il 40hp hallijuwli hafna inqas min 5000e komplut b kollox, u wara kollox l agent tal mariner ragel ta vera. Rigward tal mercury qas addili min mohhi nicccekja.


sew qallek emic il mariner muturi ta vera jien kelli xi 5 outboards u qatt ma kelli trouble, u l agent ta zokkor, staqsi ghal bernard, after sales bomba.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


jien mariner ukoll ghandi u dejjem sibtu u qdini sew  Bernard meta kelli bzonn


Grazzi hafna hbieb ghada imur nitawal wahda ghal mariner!! Il mercury 40hp 4stroke ijed 4,500
*** Fish now - Work later ***


icekja l mariner bhal ma qalulek kugin tijej ghandu wihed u m jgerger xejn la minnu u lanqas mill agent
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Quote from: dedin on March 16, 2012, 18:40:50 CET
Grazzi hafna hbieb ghada imur nitawal wahda ghal mariner!! Il mercury 40hp 4stroke ijed 4,500

4500e bil power tilt inkluz? kollox inkluz?


MERCURY 4 STROKE 40Hp EFI Salt Water Outboards:

Complete with:
MERCURY Harness System
BLACK MAX Propeller
FREE Installation
FREE Seal Trial
FREE 10 Hour Service Check Up!

MERCURY 40Hp 4 Stroke EFI EPL (No Electric Tilt) Euro 4799 Now only Euro 4499
MERCURY 40Hp 4 Stroke EFI EPT (with electric tilt) Euro 4950 Now only Euro 4599
**********SPECIAL OFFERS EXTENDED till TODAY WEEK!*****************

Available for immediate installations at:
474, St Paul's Street,
St Paul's Bay
Tel: 21573278 | 79732783
Monday to Friday: 8.30 - 13.00 & 15.30 - 19.00
Saturday: 8.30 - 17.00


meta tajdu 5 Years GUARANTEE, xi tfisser? x tinkludi?


Mela ma tifimx bl ingliz jew. 5 year Guarantee tfisser li jekk jinqala xi hsara li mhux tort tieghek tmur u jaghtuk mutur iehor hux. Insomma, hekk nahseb jien


il-MERCURY OUTBOARDS huma kollha backed with 5 years Guarantee.
Meta inti tiehu hsieb il-mutur tieghek u taghmel registered service kull sena ma Mercury Marine, taht din l-iskema kwalunkwe hsara jew difett li johrog fuq il-mutur jinbidel taht il-garanzija bla hlas!

Semplici: 5 Snin Garanzija Parts u Labour.

Offruta min MERCURY MARINE fuq il-muturi:
Mercury Portable Outboard: 2.5Hp sa 20Hp
Mercury 4 Stroke EFI: 25Hp to 150Hp
Mercury Verado 4 Stroke Outboards: 135Hp to 300Hp
Mercury OPTIMAX Outboards: 75Hp to 225Hp.

Issapportjata hawn Malta minn:
474, Triq San Pawl
San Pawl il- Bahar.
tel: 79732783



MERCURY 40Hp to 60Hp - Your new Trolling partner! Lowest RPM 700 with TROLL CONTROL!

MERCURY OUTBOARDS: 2012 models in stock and readily available for immediate installations in same range:
2012 Mercury 40Hp 4 Stroke EFI : 98Kgs
2012 Mercury 50hp 4 Stroke EFI : 112Kgs
2012 Mercury 60Hp 4 Stroke EFI : 112Kgs

FourStroke 40 EFI: Out of Sight, Peace of Mind

Mercury Four-Strokes have long led the pack with clean, quiet, fuel-efficient outboard power, and now the gap has grown even wider.

Mercury engineers implemented a new shift design which provides easier shifting. We refined the throttle resolution setting for smoother low speed operation. Plus, all the 40-60hp Four-Strokes feature new styling, graphics, a cowl latching system and much more!

The 40-60hp are available in both Standard and BigFoot gearcase models.

The Mercury 40-60hp Four-Strokes models distinguish themselves with many features you just won't find on other engines. Features that make your boating experience a pure pleasure.

Easy starts. Smooth running.
The 40 - 60 hp Mercury engines are Electronically Fuel-Injected, which provides turn-key starting, increased power, improved fuel economy and spectacular reliability.

Take it slow
On 40-60 hp equipped with SmartCraft, the TROLL CONTROL feature allows you to set your rpm as low as 700 for trolling or running through extended no-wake zones.

Less fuel, means more fun
The 40-60hp models deliver up to 40% better fuel economy than carbureted 2- stroke models and up to 20% better than directed injected 2-strokes.

Peace of Mind
ENGINE GUARDIAN uses more than 40 sensors to monitor functions of your engine. If the proactive operator-warning system detects a potential problem - such as overreving, overheating or low oil pressure - Engine Guardian sends out an alert and automatically reduces engine power to prevent damage.

Easy Shifting
A New PRECISION ENGINEERED SHIFT system delivers smooth, positive shifting for an improved driving experience.

5-Year WarrantyFive-year limited non-declining, factory-backed. Conditions and exclusions apply. Not applicable for commercial and racing applications.


Kelli Mariner 9.9HP 2-stroke tal-1984. Xtrajtu second hand u ghamel 10 snin ghandi. Startja u itlaq u qatt ma naf li kelli nitfa trouble bih. Segwi l-pariri ta' min kellu wiehed  ;)
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP