Xtahsbu dwar l outboards selva/yamaha?

Started by dedin, April 10, 2012, 19:56:34 CET

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Thajjart ghal selva outboard 40hp Hawn xi hadd ghandu xi selva 40hp outboard 2012? X'parir ittuni hekk jogobkom? U haga ohra jekk is selva huma yamaha ilghala il yamaha irhas mis selva? U bhala garanzija yamaha ghandek 2years u selva 3years?
*** Fish now - Work later ***


Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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The_gaffer ghadni kif mort illum ghandom. Tal yamah40hp talabni €5353 u selva 40hp €5475
*** Fish now - Work later ***


Mhux nixtri Yamaha allura mill-ewwel jew!!!!!!!!!!!
Anke il kulur tal-Yamaha hafna isbah milli nofs abjad u nofs blu, anke kieku l-istess prezz.
Kieku hemm differenza fil prezz sewwa immur ghas selva la min gewwa Yamaha xorta.
U jekk ghandhom il commercial edition ghlih immur...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Go and check the Suzuki..... from the reviews I saw on the internet they are the no.1 on the market so far. I have the DF90 and it's a great engine
Petecraft 17 Sport with Suzuki DF90..............


Quote from: dedin on April 10, 2012, 22:43:21 CET
The_gaffer ghadni kif mort illum ghandom. Tal yamah40hp talabni €5353 u selva 40hp €5475

Mhux tazel l yamaha. Niftakar jien meta kont qed nara xi prezzijiet, kulhad jajdlek ara is s@@@@ ax dawk irhas, u huma l istess bhal yamaha. U filfatt rajt b ajnejk id differenza. Personali nhoss li anke differenza ta 350e inqas kont nmur al yamaha. Ghand min mort tal yamaha? Smajt li issa qed jibda jimpurtahhom Malta dak ta portomaso.


jekk hu hekk, ghandek ragun habib.  Dejjem kont tal-idea lis-Selva hafna irhas mill-Yamaha!, imma kelli zball.  Li nista nghidlek huwa dan li gej:  Fuq hafna discussion boards tas-sajd ta barra, issib hafna nies jahilfu bil-Yamaha. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Petecraft 17 Sport with Suzuki DF90..............


12 il-sena ilni nahdem b'outboard Yamaha. Qatt ma kelli nkwiet u dispjacir. Dejjem jekk tibza ghalih ogett.  Xi hmistax ilu dak ta portomaso kellu xi sale fuqhom. Ma nafx ghax qatt ma mort . Rajt l-avviz fuq il-gazzetti. Ara ftit.


icekja l yamaha ta liema sena ikun ax generalment l yamaha ma ikunx l mudell ta dik s sena imma l mudell ta xi sentejn qabel


Quote from: dedin on April 10, 2012, 22:43:21 CET
The_gaffer ghadni kif mort illum ghandom. Tal yamah40hp talabni €5353 u selva 40hp €5475

As Busu said, what model year is the Yamaha 40hp? I ask because it's not the first time that you might think you are comparing the same, when in fact the Yamaha could be old stock and the Selva a new 2012 model year. Sometimes that's how Yam and others are able to keep the price down so I would def check, get confirmation in writing or visually inspect the sticker on the o/b that also shows the model year.


Hi Guys.. good to read all the comments.. the facts are Even tho the SELVA is a complete Yamaha my imports are all 2012 Models.. this can be confirmed by the Tag the Engine has and even by the certificate of conformity which clearly states 2012.. plus all my models come with 2012 Digital Gauges and all the harnesses and also supplied with the Stainless steel steering arm. and as mentioned above we offer 3 years warranty and not 2 years.. Again I dont import the Older models.. only the Latest Yamaha's.. the only Selva branding is noticed on the hood cos all the accessoires are still branded Yamaha.. the control box, gauges, keys, etc.. The Price is Euro 5425 but still can be discussed depending on when the outboard is required.. We currently have a Pre-Summer boat Sale so i would advise to come down and have a look.. it can also be booked at the pre summer price and taken when the customer wants..


Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


kif tista tkun taf l annu tal mutur? kont addej mir rabat u in naha tan nigret fetah wiehed bl ingenji tal bahar. Andu kemm Yamaha u kemm Selva. Issa personalment ma saqsejtux jek hux hu l agent propja, pero tal Yamaha 40hp qalli li ta 2011 u talabni 5300e.

Hemm xi differenza bejn l annu?
