spearfishing fins?

Started by malliadan, June 16, 2012, 18:41:47 CET

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xtrajt ir razor pro issa naraw kemm iservu......la nipruvom nerga nikteb u nejdilkom fuqhom



Jien Beuchat Competition ghandi. Ma ngergirx imma wara certu uzu jinqassmu minn mal pocket il-blades ftit l-isfel mill-viti. Kelli blades ohra beuchat sport imma ma taqdifx daqs il-competition bihom. U zvantagg iehor il-pocket mhux tajjeb ghal kalzetti 3mm ghax ifarrkuk.
Maltese to English Names visit www.renotonna.yolasite.com


jien dawk kelli ukoll il competition u kienu jaqsmuni ax jew huma dojoq wisq jew saqajja pala tal bajtar!!!


ghandi beuchat mundial competition fins for sale min irid (new)


on the end I decide to take C4 mustang 3 . Do anyone have an idea or info about this fins? Yes they are no cheap and I do not want to make a mistake. Please tell something about this decision.   

     thanks    :-\


Quote from: submarinov on January 17, 2013, 17:27:55 CET
on the end I decide to take C4 mustang 3 . Do anyone have an idea or info about this fins? Yes they are no cheap and I do not want to make a mistake. Please tell something about this decision.   

     thanks    :-\

Very good fins but you have to learn how to use them. I have the c4 too reallg good fins.
Good season so far.....


     Very nice to know this. When I own my new C4 , will check them , and is good to have my old fins there in case of difficult. I'm living far from the shore /300 km and more/. to ride long and miss diving - terrible .