Data transfer - GPS/Google Earth

Started by benri, April 09, 2013, 14:25:53 CET

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Does anyone know of a "cheap/shared" program where you can read/transfer data and waypoints from an sd card in a lowrance gps to google earth and vice versa?
I'd rather be fishing.....


Try this:

Got this info from:

Google for:
lowrance to google earth

There are many more links should this not work for you.
Good luck!  ;)

You will need the following tools to accomplish waypoint importing and exporting.
            This program converts different companies' waypoints to other companies' waypoint formats.
  • You must be able to import and export waypoints from your Lowrance (always save as Version 2 for now)
            HDS models
            LCX/LMS models

Google Earth labels waypoints as Placemarks.
The Places folder on the left side of Google Earth is where you access them.
  • Import Lowrance waypoints
  • Convert Lowrance file (.usr) to GPXXML in GPSBabel
  • Select Tools on the top toolbar of Google Earth, select GPS, import from file and OK
            They will be loaded to the Temporary Places in the Places folder
  • Navigate Google Earth to view your waypoints
  • Create Placemarks

The top toolbar in Google Earth is where you select Placemark to create them. Select the Placemark tool, and use the pan cursor to click and drag the Placemark to anywhere on the map.

To Export Placemarks to lowrance from google earth:
  • Right click on your Placemarks
  • Save Placemarks as .kml
  • In GPSBabel import as Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language
  • Export as Lowrance USR

Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


prosit bmamo ma konc namlek daqsek hiteck .
Regards Saviour


Heq jekk city boy ux skond int! :P hahaha
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


Regards Saviour


thanks bmamo. Great! I'll try it out
I'd rather be fishing.....



Nice research/links Bmamo, very helpful. (Topic Stickied)


Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


Great write-up man :) much appreciated!
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