2014 Bluefin Tuna Licence / Applikazzjonijiet għas-sajd rikreazzjonali tat-tonn

Started by skip, March 23, 2014, 17:55:06 CET

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Wiehed qal li nqabdet xi kwota ta tonn.. imma season ghadu ma nfetahx mhux hekk? Veru jew qed iharref??
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Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


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Hi everyone,

So I have some very interesting news from Dr Carabott regarding the use of a handline  (if it is illegal), and what is exactly meant by "rixa":

Dear Mr. Pulis Kristian,

No, hand line with or without floats is legal once the line diameter is observed.

"Rixa" is the Maltese translation of trolling as for frigate mackerel (tumbrel), dolphin fish (lampuka), albacore (alonga) etc.... Occasionally tuna is caught by trolling.

Hope that this helps.


Hope this clarifies a lot of queries that were asked earlier in this thread :)
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins

Kevin G

The Sea Sweeper :D


Fejn il-farms tat-tonn tista toqod il-barra mill-habel li jkun hemm imdawwar jew forsi hemm xi distanza li tista toqod il-boghod minnhu? Thanks


Mela bil qazba bifors irid isir issajd! Tks Kris salvajt xeba nies
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Quote from: bonell on June 11, 2014, 22:50:19 CET
Mela bil qazba bifors irid isir issajd! Tks Kris salvajt xeba nies

Le bonell jista jsir ukol bix-xlif fuq l-idejn u jistaw jintuzaw anki floats. L-importanti li l-hxuna tax-xlief jiqba skond ir-regolamenti.

Clayton...diment li izzom il-barra mill-boundary tal-fishfarms tista toqod vicin jew il-boghod kem trid.
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Ghandek ragun Kris issa qed naqraha sew.. mela ahjar ha nifranka qazba gdida :p
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Kris ahjar ktibt il-mistoqsija biex nifhmu ir risposta ahjar..
Grazzi Xorta..
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: baghira on June 12, 2014, 15:18:43 CET
Kris ahjar ktibt il-mistoqsija biex nifhmu ir risposta ahjar..
Grazzi Xorta..

Baghira hsibt li ir-risposta kienet self-explanatory...insomma ha nippostja kolla mela :)

My Question

Good afternoon Dr Carabott,

I need some clarification with regards to the allowed amateur fishing methods for Bluefin tuna. On the fishing regulations there is written that one can fish by rod, "rixa" or harpoon. Does that mean that one who is not in a financial position to buy the very expensive tuna gear (rod and reel), and thus resorts to a handline and floats, is doing something illegal? Also, can you further explain what is really meant by "rixa"...does it mean trolling?

Can you kindly clarify this point? Of course by handline I still imply that it falls within the stipulated line diameter specified by the regulations.


Best Regards,
Kristian Pulis

Answer from Dr Carabott

Dear Mr. Pulis Kristian,

No, hand line with or without floats is legal once the line diameter is observed.

"Rixa" is the Maltese translation of trolling as for frigate mackerel (tumbrel), dolphin fish (lampuka), albacore (alonga) etc.... Occasionally tuna is caught by trolling.

Hope that this helps.


15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Nispera li it-tabib Carabott ma kienx qed jifmek ghal pratika fejn wiehed juza il-metodu tal-landa waqt li jkun qed irrejjex ghal-alungi.  Sa fejn naf jien, l-uzu tal landa jew fender zghir ghas-sajd specifiku tat-tonn fi-vicinanzi tal-fishfarm huwa ipprojbit.  Li kont minnek nikkonferma ma l-awtoritajiet koncernati, iggifieri fisheries.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Najd il-verita' batt email il-fisheries ukol Joe imma qbajt bla risposta...

Milli nista nifhem l-enfasi hi fuq il line diameter. Issa nara ux l-kas li nerga nibat it-tabib Carabott mela ha nikkonferma l-punt.
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Mela din hi mill gdied il-mistoqsija tieghi u r-risposta tad-Dott. Carabott:

My email

Dear Joe,

With reference to my previous email, can you kindly confirm that one can make use of floats (laned, fenders, etc.) to catch Bluefin tuna (even in the vicinity of a fish farm)? Again I emphasize that the proper line diameter stipulated by law is observed. What I mean by this is that instead of one making use of a rod and reel to fight and tire a tuna, a jerry can or fender is used.

I am asking this since I personally do not own any expensive tuna gear, apart from the fact that this is almost exclusively how people fish for Bluefin tuna by the fish farms.

I have also sent an email to the fisheries but I have not received a reply so far.

P.s. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I do not wish any 'surprises' i.e. heavy fines for breaking the law.

Kind Regards,

Dr Carabott's Reply

Dear Mr Kristian Pulis,

During our meetings with the Fisheries Directorate re regulation of Amateur Fishermen Tuna License, the use of floats to tire the catch was not considered illegal provided that there is one hook and not a serious of hooks and floats as that will be a long line which is prohibited.

You can fish by the fish farms provided you are out of their perimeter marks.


Jigifieri din il-kwistjoni tal-handlines u laned suppost 100% cara issa :)
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins