Cliff fishing ..... .. Need Help

Started by Kain, March 07, 2008, 16:10:08 CET

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Well i agree that mating certainly beats food everytime... ;) but like Freeman said ive also caught fish all year round (especially sargi) so i think must just be a case of having an unlucky day...
Actually to be honest this time of year ive caught some really nice fish in the past few years, so i think the effect of the mating period on bottom fishing from the shore is fairly negligable as not all fish species mate at exactly the same time so usually you will still catch something.
In point of fact two freinds of mine from work were out fishing for klamari (boat) a couple of years ago in march and they came across a massive shoal of very big mullett in ghadira bay all around 2-3kg+ and when they caught a few they realised that some were female's full of eggs so they put them back.
But it goes to show that even when fish are in the process of mating they can sometimes bite too! although i admit this probably a rare occurance.


Idd martin, I always remember catching nice fish from Feb to april, mainly becouse the little fish seems to be less at this time of year, so u have a bigger chance for something deceant, but as i said this year is looking like nothing before, the bait stands in the water for half an hour and u find it still there when u reel back. This morning I had shrimps and hniex ta limperial using paternoster and running ledger rigs and nothing :/. gona go tomorrow by boat for some bottom fishing in the north part, hope my luck changes a bit.


Well they say good things come in three's mate! why not maybe take a spinner or a lure with you and give it a whirl on the way going out and/or coming back.. & if you gonna be still out late  afternoon/evening there's some nice kavali around.
A friend of mine caught a few nice ones last week.Also there are a bunch of nice sized sawrell (and big volpi obviously) around the fish farm pens if your gonna be near there.
Good Luck & tight lines mate  :)


just 1 week ago i caught sargi and let them back. we caught 7 in total ranging from 700 to 200 grms. i don't take any photos as my mobile is rubbish as the one i used to have was stolen from me when i was diving at zonqor point. if i find the stealer (impossible i know) i will curse him to death lolĀ  :-X

also i went some cliff fishing at night with a good success....let me just ask you a qustion i think i can solve your problem... at what time do you go fishing????

right now i am doing a report and i have a really clear habit of fish biting but i won't disclose it now as it would beĀ premature ;)
Good season so far.....


I usually go early mornings, cast the first rod at around 6:00 !


ok i got it. not a lot of fish are biting at those times. i reckoned that the best fishing action right now is being from 11.30pm to 3.00am then little bites early morning nearly nothing sometimes you may hook a big fish like what happened to me. try those times  ;)
Good season so far.....


Hmm so u recon that they are getting laid in early mornings ? Could be I'll try to give it a go, thx for the tip :)


duhh i think so.. i cought a sargu that day that he was leaving some whitish substance which i concluded it was sperm and left him living even if the boy was a 700 grms  :-\
Good season so far.....


700gr is a nice fish, but who knows maybe it will do someone's day when he's a kilo :) releasing fish is always good, I rarely took a fish home unless it feeds 2 ppl, and that happened 4 or 5 times in 7 years of fishing


a sargu of 700grms does feed two people.....but right now i m not fishing for the reason of the mating season. it does affect the fish. shame on those who throw nets at this time of the year
Good season so far.....


I see them all the time at marsakala, no wonder there is not a lot of fish anymore .... its a pity 


For fish at Marsascala at the moment they seem at WW3 since practically they are closing the bay with nets every day every evening till sunrise. Occasionaly they even cast their nets further down the bay where it is illegal all year round.