Deep water fishing

Started by Simon G, June 21, 2006, 22:13:02 CET

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Interested but I think its pretty serious money to get geared up for serious extreme bottom fishing!! When I've got some money will give it a whirl for sure.


with the eletric reel you have to leave the weight about 10ft above the bottom so that you reduce the chances to get the weight stuck. the terminal should be at least mono .70 so the braided has to be stronger than that for sure. on average these reels can wind up 80mt per min. skip if you are fishing in more than 600mt you use 9 hooks with 1.80 mono 3ft apart from each other and the rest u use the orange nylon. if you are fishing in less depth you use a konz with 100 hooks. you need a winch to pull them up


shanook mister fish has miya epoch x4 it was about LM275. the daiwa i dont know how much it costs or who has them in malta. but for nearly the same price i would go for the kristal fishing xl410 and if you dont have a downrigger you can use also as a downrigger. an eletric downrigger i think costs more than LM120 so you would have saved that money. and the rod has to be all roller because of the braided line


SKIP see the pictures i posted in photos of your catch of the cipulazz


Sorry I posted in the wrong part! Wonderful real fish!! What do you use as bait when fishing so deep?
I'd rather be fishing.....


Thanks for your advice busumark. It is a matter to ponder on. We shall see which way my mind takes me. I have rod with rollers its an 80Lb Mitchell.


Where do you buy your rods from? You dont tend to find 80lbs rods here so am curious!


Quote from: skip on February 11, 2008, 20:50:11 CET
On the Miya Epoch X-4 (CX4) can put a max of 44lbs of drag and spool 350yards of 50lbs mono. Using that as a reference and the line calculator at you could get 949 yards of 80lbs Spectra Braid which should be more than enough to start off with. You'd only be able to get 567 yards of 150lbs Spectra on that reel.

The tanacom TB1000 shows 900 yards of 80lbs Spectra.

My question however is, why would you need 50kg line when bottom fishing? I mean thats basicaly a winch then not a reel. Never been bottom fishing, so curious

for a fish like this or perhaps bigger it would be safer if you had a 50kg braided line. caught yesterday altough we were lucky we caught it with a number 9 mustad hook and a .70 mono braccol. 40kg dott


Thats a nice dott u have there busumark, well done. How deep were you fishing. Was the mustad a circle hook. Nosey shanook.........


were fishing in 200mt. mustad hook 'tal-label hamra' normal hooks not circle. they are very strong hooks. i spoke with people who use circle hooks some told me they are good and others told me that fish also get away with them.


with circle hooks the fish are supposed to set the hook themselves as with deep fishing its difficult to set the hook. But as I always say you have to try urself to know.


that is what they are supposed to do but they are expensive also. but like other things ie lots of coloured lures and many more things finally the manufacturers make new things to sell more and not always because are better to fish with


Well said!! I think the modern marketing machine is sometimes all hype to increase sales, though in this case circle hooks are usally very well respected but for used when presenting live or dead bait, not on lures.


Its true that most of the fishing equipment does its first job of capturing the User rather than the fish buttttttttttttttttt having said that it makes a difference for sure as when I troll and change the lures it makes a difference between catching and going empty handed even when trolling with multiple lures I get hit on a particular lure and not on another so there must be something that works.


yepp its true shanook there is something. BUTTTTT sometimes i found it to be that is not cos of the lure, its because of the weight aswell. i often troll two identical lures with different weights and i catch on one but not the other. Then another thing sometimes the more the lure is scratched and wared out the more strikes you get :)