Deep water fishing

Started by Simon G, June 21, 2006, 22:13:02 CET

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It's something I tended to agree with when trying to work out why one lure is doing better than another if they are the same, but one thing to pay attention to is that of lure type and placement within the spread. To get this right I think you need some knowledge but above all experience based on weather conditions, species targeted, what the fish are feeding on etc.

Even if you have identical lures at identical depths you will still find that only certain ones get hits and thats why in a four rod spread you have different types, contrasting colours and different placements. I for one, have lots and lots to learn in terms of getting this right, and further reading to get ideas might help but ultimately its about trying it out and gaining the experience.


back to bottom fishing, (love to continue this about lures, weights and what have u somewhere else as I dont like to post in wrong topic).  I am open to suggestions rigging set up and what have u, as my intention is to try this out in coming season. Busumark has convinced me in placing at least 100Lb line. next comes the weight, trace line, hook size, swivels, lights and I suppose one needs bait!!!!!!!!!!  so busumark take note I am about to get u fed up with questions LOL


Take Busu out with you tackle shopping and then out on your boat, probably the quickest way of getting it done lol!! But would be nice to read what he suggests.


yep better to get posts here so that way anyone interested will jot down notes without having to ask questions.  grrrrrrrrrr


shanook i dont have first hand expereince with eletric reels because when we go deep sea fishing we go with konz or hjut. but i searched a lot on the net and spoke to two persons who have been using them for a number of years. yesterday i went to camilleri marine in bir id-deheb he has the miya epoch x4 HP. its line capacity is 800mt of 80lbs braided. the price is LM275 but when we were reading the instructions it wasnt very clear how much weight it can pull up. i once found a site that explains everything how to fish and make the rigs. i will try to find it again and post it.


Thanks busumark if you find the site it will definetly help. I found sites and fishing rigs but would prefare first hand information with fishing in Maltese waters. Its a bit different. I know that 1Kg is good as weight. 2Kg when with some current. The hooks would be the same as with konz as well as the line and bait. I can always ask Josef of Mr fish or Ta' Bormla (Mosta shop). I have to put my heart into it and move my ass and go looking at our shops in Malta to see what it really entails. I must be getting lazy in my OLD age.....
I really really appreciate your interest and help in the subject.


there are ready made rigs from kristal fishing.  i think they are good for malta. kristal fishing is a product of italy so it will be good also for malta

the owner of the big pet shop next door to fgura goes deep-sea fishing and cathes a lot of fish but i never spoke with him and i dont know if he will tell you what you have to do. you can do the rigs yourself but to do them properly you would need the tool to press the aluminuim crimps to use them as stopers for the beads and swivel. for light above the terminal you can use a swordfish light if you dont want to buy a deep-sea light but it costs about LM13. if you use bait that comes off easily from the hook like big shrimps or lacci has like 'spag' that strecthes and you wind the bait with it. the 'spag' than dissolves in water. the most important thing is the reel first make a list of what you found on the net and than go in the shops with it and see the reels and after you have all the information you can decide what to buy. when we meet we can speak more about it


You guys are making me go crazy about deep sea fishing lol. Id really love to try deep sea fishing and ieventually i am going to rig up my boat to be able to carry this kind of fishing out. Busumark you fish with hjut right?? I have 2 kinds of winces one with plattini (which i think would be ideal to pull up the collin) and then i have a winc tal lakstu (tal pixxispad biex niftehmu). Do you know of any good areas deeper than 100fa in the NW - NE of malta?


Yep I have used the stretch thread (spag) when I fished in USA. I have the crimps for the Aluminium sleeves. Regarding the lights I will use the water activated ones they are quite cheap at Lm2 and they work only while they are in the water. Will have a look at the ones you suggested to see how they work and if they are more worth it then the disposable ones.
All I need now is the distances which i presume a Metre length between one hook and the other would be ok with trace of .5 metre, and a 7/0 circle hook. I might try pieces of Kavalli as bait. I am thinking of using 80/100Lb braided line. If I like it and it produces some catch and I have fun they I will look further into the matter and upgrade. But i think it should be fun as an initial tryout. 
Hey we got Big boy interested already and we have not even started fishing yet...... imagine if we get lucky and catch a decent fish like Busumark did ehhhh


big boy we also have a winch tal-plattina and one tal-pixispad but we use tal-pixispad even for bottom fishing its better. in the NE i dont know if there is anywhere more than 100fa and the bottom is sand or mud. you will catch mainly mazzola and hamim and some gallini or maybe a cipulazza if you are lucky. in the N  NW you can fish anywhere from 100fa to 375fa if you have a fishfinder that reaches those depths. you have to try different places we sometimes catch fish from a place and when we go there the second time we dont catch anything. shanook for LM3.50 you can buy a swordfish light and it take 2 pencil batteries. you can buy it from ernest marsaxlokk. you buy the batteries from him also because they where about 20c each


Busumark I would like to ask you some questions.
What do you mean  "hjut"? and if possible explain the set up of these hjut ???.As I can see it is also important to use light for this kind of fishing why and where these light will be attached to the rig? ::) ::)
If the weather permits what you are waitng for? GO Fishing/Spearfishing


a hajt is a like a paternoster rig but you make at least 6 hooks using 1.8 mono. the rest you use the orange naylon. with hjut you dont use light because more yes than no they get caught between the rocks and you end loosing everything. you use lights only when you are fishing with eletric reels. you put the light with the swizel that connects the braided line to the rig


Oh yes forgot all about Ernest will pop in to have a chat and buy a few things.Been a long time since I shopped there. Used to keep boat in B'Bugia now I moved with tal Puliti (bugibba).......sorry guys no offence meant.


went on monday with long line. caught 7 cipulazz 3 gallini 1 bazut and some hamim and cintorini. on sunday there were about 5 boats fishing with eletric reels. they are going to catch everything before i buy one. LOL


Well busumark u better hurry as I just got my electric reel as well. Will talk to u on the 13th wherever we are meeting.