Deep water fishing

Started by Simon G, June 21, 2006, 22:13:02 CET

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any one has any ryobi or daiwa tanacom bull? if yes what are your comments about them?
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


when i ordered mine from Japan I asked whether to get the Daiwa or the Miya and the shop although having both suggested the miya epoch. Said they are more powerful and reliable than the Daiwa. Thats the shop opinion.just passing it on.


@ Yogi

Please check about that as nothing can be bought from a shop and not given a garantee for it ???  ???
Petecraft 17 Sport with Suzuki DF90..............


Quote from: digger0579 on October 06, 2011, 08:50:09 CET
@ Yogi

Please check about that as nothing can be bought from a shop and not given a garantee for it ???  ???

what he doesn't give is the commercial guarantee.. The legal guarantee of 2 years is available on anything sold..
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.


Hi guys this is my first post in this forum.  I'm interested in starting to practice the deep fishing but i need some tips. 
Regarding the reel, i'm going to buy the epoch X5.  Can you please tell me how to set up the rig and what type of braid i need to spool the reel?

Another question is regarding my boat.  I have a 15ft shetland powered by a 40hp outboard.  Do you think i will be able to that far for this type of fishing?




It depends on many factors - weather and sea conditions, reliability of boat and engine and most important - your guts. I know I have a very good boat and engine but I don't have much guts to venture very far out. And without an auxiliary, I'm much less inclined to do so.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Hi all, I go deep shore fishing using running float , pater noster and .22 flora carbon, tajjeb hekk jew minflok pater noster nuza iz-zewg jew sunnara wahda, ikun ahjar? grazzi hafna.


Hi maria running float mux ideali ghal deep sea fishing u anke jekk ic comba jirnexila tasal mal qiegh jekk ikun hemm naqa kurent ma thosux imisek.l ahjar ghal fond ijkolok qasba li tehu naqa grammi mux hazin u tarma xlief naqa ohxon.


Grazzi Tin, allura r-running float tuzah ghal tal-wicc biss. Qieghda nitkellem fuq 8 metri fond, mhux fuq xi dghajsa ta' hehe.


When fishing with running float I don't put led at the end of the rig like when fishing the paternoster. I use 1 hook at the end than I put led beads distributed  evenly according to the float I am using. I set the stopper according to the depth so the running float will stop at the right depth. If your rod is a fine action you can afford to go lower on line diameter sometimes down to 0.10mm or 0.12mm. there is another good topic for this subject in the forum put "set up for running float" into the search or click here,887.0.html
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


HI maria kif spjega ruhu sew il fisheye ghalija l ahjar mod umbat jidependi ghalxiex tkun ha tistad.jien meta semejt deep sea hsibt li tmur fil fond hafna.


Grazzi hafna fisheye u tin.


isma guys...bir-rispett kollu tin pero meta qed tistad bir running float (i.e bis-sufrun mhux ha thossu imissek is sufrun irid jindikalek jekk missekx jew le). Ovvjament kif qalulek awn fuq l-ahjar al tal-qiegh, paternoster bic-comba fil qiegh jew running ledger...pero jekk tuza running float tajjeb trid tamel meta tigi tuza ir running float al hut tal qiegh...trid tara kemm emm fond ezatt u tamel fergha qama u ic combad tikkalkula li qeda metru jew metru u nofs il fuq mil qiegh...imbad trid tvarja skond il mess ovvjament


Kif qal tajjeb is-sur Ghaxqi f'din is-sajda importanti li titfa ghajnejk fuq il float, u trid tkun fast bizzejjed biex tahsad dik in-naqa x'hin tarah qed jinzel.

Running float b'paternoster normali bic-comba l-isfel jghinek issib il-fond u tkun preciz jekk ma tkunx familjari mal post li tkun qieghed. Meta jkollok ic-comba mserrha mal-blat il-float jigi lagenba u jindikalek li tkun trid tnizzel l istopper izjed l-isfel.  Jekk tkun taf izjed il post u tistad bic-comba qabel il-fergha jkollok izjed cans taqbad xi haga sew. Jekk ma tiehux float spare ara li taghmel stop knot sew qabel is-swivel, halli jekk b'xi mhod jinqatalek kollox il-float izomm mal-istopper u ma titilfux.

Il-vantaggi tar-running huma li tkun ed tistad fliem fond trid b'inqas bizgha li tehel mal-blat u thalli kollox warajk. Pero mijiex teknika facli daqskhemm tidher.
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


Grazzi ta l-informazzjoni ghax bhalma jghidu nikber u nitghallem. x'jigifieri taghmel fergha qama u x'hinu running ledger? forsi mistoqsija banali ghalikhom imma la ma nafx ma nafx heq.