Liċenzja tal‐Yachts

Started by Gazzetta, November 04, 2008, 08:23:40 CET

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those who were s and now are mfc have to pay 2 licences. those who are new registered mfc pay only one. we have to do something because now we you have less than 9.9 and was registered s and now mfc we have to pay 120 euros for a number that we dont use. its not shown on the boat. 7 euros was not a lot but to pay 120 euros for nothing is just robbery


insomma il qarnit meta ikun bil guh idur ghal subajh ma hemx flus minn xinkien iridu jigu man.........jien mandiex ideja ta kemm sen nhallas imma jekk ghada ma gholitx ma tantx nohoda bi kira li jivvintaw xi taxxa

the octopuss eats its own tentacles when hungry.....since there no money they have to come from somewhere.....I dont know how much i have to pay and if mine is still the same i wont be surprised that they will make a Tax to get somthing out of us too.

(sorry guys the thread was started in Maltese but it seemed to switch to English so wasnt sure what to write in and its not worth translating all the threads.)


do you think a petition will help?? its nonsense to pay 2 licences
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


once again this tax is for those who can bearly afford to have a small pleasure boat. All Yachts under Valletta registration will not be effected.

Flimkien kollox possibli
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


if so lets go for a petition. Its unbelivanle to much increase. Anyone know how to work a petition?


who will be in charge of such a thing guys? i don't know what is the format and what is needed. is there maybe a fishing lawyer?? lol

im sure that many people will agree with this thing. heq im sure all small boat owners are willing to sign
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


I dont know if anything will happen ganni,forget petitions,they are for nothing.With this gov you dont have chance to say something.Bunch of A....... especially Austin Gatt.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


well said camkev. Before I used to pay lm15 for mine 9.9 outboard every 5 years. The new rates are now annually or not?


Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


ma hemx xtamel fishfinder irridu naqbdu aktar hut forsi nifdu jew ninfdu il but??

theres nothing to do fishfinder we have to catch more fish maybe we make ends meet ??


Thanks bro ,good solution  :) but still in my case 130 extra euros i could have bought a safety device , or fuel ........................

if they want to prove eco awerness  they minisrty should incentive tldi and 4 stroke by lowering their price not taxing all across the board ........
always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


I fully agree with you Sirena. that's Malta! Most probably that will be the next step now - to increase again the licence for 2 strokes blaming the pollution!
I'd rather be fishing.....


probably that will be the next step .   

f...k it ux  we pay , its our hobby
always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


This letter was sent  by my friend  to the minisrty concerned , a reply was sent , may be if we do sign a petition they  will re consider the tarrifs ... :-[ :-[

Dear Honor Fenech,

Considering the present situation in the world, I agree with most of the implemented things in this budget especially the clauses regarding the environment.

In my opinion the new boat licenses are unfair as all small vessels that cost from Euro1000 to Euro14000 will have to pay 3 times as much or more, and the huge Yachts that cost millions pay much less, although they can afford.

I think if you really want to promote the saving of the environment you should consider that many people are investing in expensive four stroke outboards that cost much more than the usual normal two stroke outboards, these four stroke outboards are more environment friendly and consume less fuel with much less emissions. This would be very similar to the new car regulations. (the more you pollute the more you pay).

I think you should seriously consider the above, as around the world many engineers are trying their best to help the environment with these engines and you are putting the same tax burden as the conventional two stroke and this may look as a contradiction.


THIS mail  was sent to the ministry  concerned  , any similar suggestion pls mail on .

always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


boats who have a 9.9hp or less the license increased by 17 times not 3 times.a complete robbery. these people have these boats because they dont afford bigger boats and you make them pay these fees its complete madness and the those who have yachts there is nothing about them. maybe the minister used the word yachts so that those having a small boat will think that they are not effected until they receive the paper that they have to pay the new fee. and those who are being made to pay a double license now have to pay 120 euros and more for a number that its not shown on the boat. does anyone know what one can do about this.