Liċenzja tal‐Yachts

Started by Gazzetta, November 04, 2008, 08:23:40 CET

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Budget quote :

Wara li s‐sena l‐oħra ntegrajna l‐liċenzja ta? l‐opri tal‐baħar
mal‐liċenzja tar‐radju ta? fuq id‐dgħajsa u neħħejna l‐ħtieġa li
jsiru żewġ pagamenti fis‐sena lil dipartimenti differenti,
qegħdin issa nirrevedu l‐ħlas tar‐reġistrazzjoni annwali talyachts
indikat fit‐tabella 3.1, li nitlob lill‐Kamra tieħu bħala

Tabella 3.1: Liċenzji tal‐Yachts

Yachts Reġistrazzjoni Annwali

Liċenzja (?)

Aktar minn 3.64 u mingħajr magni 90

0 sa 9.9 hp 120
10 sa 25 hp 140
26 sa 50 hp 165
51 sa 75 hp 185
76 sa 150 hp 190
Aktar minn 150 hp 200


means that having a 9.9hp need to pay 120euro every year or just one for the registration?


does the definition of yacts also  includes perse open boats ,cabin boats and speed boats ,or they are  a separate category .
always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


I presume its a one off payment but then, one really can't say!!! Do you know otherwise gazetta?


I have a suzuki 55 and i pay 82 eruos yearly now it will be  euros 185 i assume .you cant pay a Lm75 as 1 st reg it's too cheap. i think those were the new charges .........

any one can help......

always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


The document quoted above talks about annual registration, which I understand means every year i.e. the annual registration renewal

Unless there is some mistake in the above table, this is clearly daylight robbery in the case of the smallest boats.

Till now boats with small engines (up to 9.9 hp) pay 34.94 euros (LM15) every 5 years for registration renewal - it works out at about 7 euros per year.

So does it mean that I will now have to pay 120 euros every year for my microscopic 10 foot boat with a 3 hp engine when up to now I was paying just 7 euros per year?

This would be a ridiculous 1600% increase. On the other hand boats with larger engines will have more reasonable increases (although probably still rather unwelcome) - for example boats with engines above 150 hp will see an increase from 139.76 euros to 200 euros, which works out at a somewhat more reasonable 43%)

I am only hoping that this is some sort of error and that the new fees for boats without engines and boats with engines up to 9.9 hp also refer to five year periods as in the current MMA schedule of fees (


always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


Apparently the above quoted figures are the correct new annual fees......
I'd rather be fishing.....


always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


Mela le...Nice Gvern ;), This is just ridiculous! I think we should prostest ...I dont even use up 120euros of fuel per year ! >:( >:(

Perla 165

just a perfect bugett !!! se jiklilna id delizju bl-ispejjes..
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


the least he should do is to tax the 4 stroke engines , they are up to standard regarding emissions what the h...
always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!

Kaptan Jr

who is registered mfc he should pay like this also?????
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


i have a 9.9hp engine and my boat is registered MFC. i pay 23.30 euros a year for the mfc licence and 7 euros p.a. for license of the motor, i don't know why i have to pay 2 licences.

those who have their boat MFC registered also pay 2 licences like me??
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


I have an mfb and mfc license and dont know what the FU** is happenining lol