Good and Bad Comments about thermoplastic fins.

Started by baghira, November 11, 2008, 13:34:10 CET

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Hi guys and gals.
I need to buy a new pair of fins (thermoplastic ones) for this winter. I presently use the XXone anax carbon, (medhard)but I am finding them a bit hard for surface swimming in bad weather, and I also need them for diving in shallows, and in rocks.

I was thinking bout either one of these below, so if anyone has tried any of these, or is currently using them, his comments would be greatly appreciated:

1- Mares Razor Pro or Razor
2- Cressi Gara Professional or Gara 3000 or Gara 3000LD
3- Beuchat Mundial Competition or Mundial Sport
4- H.dessault composite

The Omer Millenium I have already tried them, but I found them a bit hard (stiff) and the footpocket does not fit me properly.

Any comments on the above guys.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The Cressi are very good and durable for shallow water fishing, but since I got my carbons I stoped using them.  Are you finding it difficult to keep up with partners on the surface ? Cause I also have the same problem :p

If I were you I would also consider the picasso plastic fins, they are also very good (feedback I got from a friend.) 


I suggest you keep using the same fins for all type of dives. Different material ~ different finning.

As Markcam said Are you finding it difficult to keep up with partners on the surface ? Cause I also have the same problem :p I suggest to use the ancle weights and you will feel the difference. It will boosth your fin nearly by 200% and helps you not to make noise in the surface.


I have the Beuchat Sport (the competition are harder) - mine are size 40-42. If they fit you you can try them. I got used to them but they might not solve your problem when the sea is a bit rough.
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


Markam which cressi did you use?
You are right, I find it a bit hard to keep with the others in the surface. I might also need some training, but what I feel is that the fin takes its time to go up and down, (you canno fin that fast). The reults is that at the end, the face of my foot starts hurting me, like as if you overstressed the ligaments.
As emic said the ankle weight might help, but I did not find a pair that I like, or at least I cannoth find from where to buy the ones I liked. Has anyone any idea from where I can buy the SAPLAST.
But the thing is that in winter, more currents, more shallows(like for spnott), so more probability to break the fins, and my budget cannot withold another pair of carbons!!

About the h-dessault, I do not like the round end, and I never heard any comments about.
The beauchat stil???
Many said the cressi, but when I saw them, I was not convinced!
The razor felt nice, I heard that fabrizio uses them, any comments fab.!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


i also found d jb esclapez like edward use i found very good at least they last me for a year and ahalf , i hate carbon fins as i told u i like that strong push , even from going up from d bottom .

as regards ankle weights if u are not trained to use them they tire you more quickly, i rarely use them , only for sea bass in shallow water. Personally I do not recommend them for the whole dive.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


Has any of you guys tried the Tigulio Fins, as it seems that no one has mentioned them.


with th eplastic fins like the esclpaese you need to use the ancle weights even due they tend to rise you feet up from your line. This is the second reason I use the ancle weights. I use a piece of lead under the suit on my ancles and I dont feel tiered with them cos they make me neutral


I have a pair of esclapes Ifound them very good in rough sea they will give you a good spin. My dive range is about 15m to 18m and I feel comfort with them at that depth too.The problem is you need weights at your ankle cause your feet will rise up. regarding your budget the Tigulio will cost you half the price of mine but I don t know if the fins are good


I am also sceptic about tigullio for apnea. They for sure have some nice and reasonably priced items for scuba (mind you salvatore is a good friend of mine) but as regards apnea  ???
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh