
Started by owenbullu, December 08, 2008, 23:29:13 CET

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lol bomba mela ahar minni ghax meta mmur ftit ghalihom zghir biss nsib.

meta mmur ghal awrat jigi jmissek wiehed sabih

allura issa spiccajt immur al awrat u jkolli by catch tal mulett.. il hut...
Good season so far.....


dejjem tgerger granitu irringrazja l alla :P


Meta tridd ejja mijaj granitu,jien kont sa najdilkom biex immorru il hamis bil lejl,imma jider li ha jqum ir-rih :(
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Quote from: LapsiBoy on April 07, 2009, 09:53:25 CET
i too am against pariti but i have open eyes..i threw 3 pieces in... what about those that throw 10  :o 15  :o 20  :o : 25 :o :o that go Everyday after each other constantly  :o 

Lapsi boy ahjar ma tiftahx halqek ax billi kalajt l ghazel xorta kalajtu illegalment insejt li b malja 24 kalajt int ? :P Tinsiex li l malja trid tkun 35 ;)


Do you drive a car?
You used a parit to reach the Lm600 MFB target as per previous posts.
I felt that pictures related to parit catches should not be posted on this forum as BOTTOM FISHING. If you want ask Skip to create a new category for such pictures....LAWFUL PARITI FISH PARTY.
I did not mention that I saw lights. I just said that a boat came over at 2am to inspect their signals/nets and this boat was WITHOUT LIGHTS (is this illegal?).

Come on are a very good fisherman according to your post and comments in this forum. I am sorry that you took it so time I won't mention your pictures...but think twice before posting pictures with parit does not look good on you.

Apparently the parit of last Friday ran from Bahrija to Dingli right under the cliff drop. No wonder that nobody could fish from the cliffs. The authorities told me that at the moment the parit should be dropped at least 1 mile outside the coast and this might be revised to 3 miles in the future.


Quotedejjem tgerger granitu irringrazja l alla

ija dik marda tas sajjieda bigboy :P. ax ma tgergirx int jekk tmur b xi kons u ma tqbad xej.... ;D ;D

marda ohra li innutajt li bhala sajjieda ingenerali hawn min huma nfettati bija hija l gideb imma jien m inix infettat biha 8)
Good season so far.....


My friends, parit is no sports. Its nice to put miles of parit and go to haul entangled fish. What kind of satisfaction is this? There is no special technique or knowledge in throwing nets. I have never heard of parit fishing competitions organised by fishing enthusiasts. Pictures of fish caught by pariti should be abolished. >:( >:(
Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


I also agree 100%.. Pariti should be banned..

Diplodus Sargus

L ahwa pariti apparti.........rega hawn il lizzijiet.... u kbar.....(rajthom b ghajneja) morru spinning ha taqbdu tnejn qabel idawruhom u ma jivdal xejn ;)
Sargu imperjali


Diplodus in-naha ta fejn hemm il-lizzijiet?


mux tal post eh?? liema naha qedin man forsi ma tafx kif....


jien mort bil liska hajja l bierah. dort il port ta marsamxett u l port il kbir kollu u xejn qas messa wahda.


FEJNHOM IL LIZZIJIET GHAX INSEJT KIF INHU JIEN!!!!!!!???????  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


saqsi lil talpariti sihbi dawk zgur ifakruk xejn ma halew filbahar :(
silver craft 395