
Started by owenbullu, December 08, 2008, 23:29:13 CET

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QuoteI was at Bahrija last night and at 2am(this morning) the person/s responsible for those pariti came over with a small boat without lights to inspect their pariti signs or whatever.
Then it wasn't the owners of the parit for sure! as they have a large 21ft luzzu as they put down a serious ammount of net!  >:(
Unfortunatly they are allowed put down nets there so not much can be done....But then again they only plus side of this is they don't put down nets too regularly as they don't catch much with them! (i fish regularly at/around bahrija area & i (& alot of others) have never seen them catch anything "worthwhile" from that close up to the shoreline.
Personally i don't agree with 100% ban on net fishing as it dosen't make any sense and is waste of a natural resource (& no im not & never have fished with nets) and just isn't a viable option IMHO.
What should be done is net fishing should be only permissable at a decent distance away from the shoreline (say 3/4 mile out onwards) and certainly should be banned from ports & harbours
Also the laws about mesh size on the nets enforced.Basicalliy it needs to be better regulated and the rules (present & future) need to be enforced.
But thats the entire crux of most of the problems here in mlata.
No enforcement of the rules = chaos and i just don't see this situation changing anytime soon...


Quote from: Skars on April 04, 2009, 21:41:52 CET

I am not very knowledgable on pariti but to my understanding pariti :
1. Are srewing up our HOBBY.
2. They pose a danger to juvenile fish.
3. They can pose a life-threatening situation to speardivers.
4. They upset the coastal eco-system.

Valid points!!!


Last time I was spearfishing in the area of Zonqor point and I couldn't believe the amounts of gill nets that were in the sea, starting from 15 m out.  Even when I attempted to go further out and dive deeper I found the same situation.  It was so ridiculous that I had to call it a day with the doubt that I'll ever fish the spot again. 


@ MartinB.
I think you should review what you said. I said that the law should be analysed, revised and enforced. If need be, YES ..the use of pariti should be suspended until the law is corrected. In the meantime if any of our apnea colleagues gets trapped in one (God forbid)....who gets to blame...the government who probably doesn't even understand what a parit is.

In a matter of years the situation will be so drastic that the government will have to intervene.
I think that the pariti are scavenging the whole system and eventually the same thing as happened to the hunters and trappers will happen on fishing.
Of course coastal fishing will be the first to be stopped because we have the lesser say at the fisheries!!

Happy Sunday.


You have all got valid points but unless you can take photos and inform authoraties immedeatly, we can stay here writing and wailing over this situation. reports are registered, they can be reference in the near future. With everyone's help mebbe we can arrive somewhere.


I agree with what your saying about our apnea members 100% mate! but it goes back to what i was saying about lack of enforcement of the law..if a diver is using a marker bouy/flag (and they ALL do im positive) then boats are supposed to keep a certain distance away! Never mind coming right next to it and start dropping nets! What can you do with an idiot like that? except maybe shoot a harpoon up his a**!
Quotethe government who probably doesn't even understand what a parit is.
YES they do mate! whether they choose to feign ignorance when it suits them is another matter.....
QuoteIf need be they should suspend the use of pariti until a proper scientific analysis is done and an environmental impact assessment on marine life through the "improper" use of pariti is completed
How can they do this if they don't know what a parit is?  ::)
No offence intended mate! but they have done LOADS of studies on this.I found a few a while back from a google search and there are also some on the MEPA site.Alot of these studies were initially done when they were deciding where to locate the marine conservation site.So i don't think it makes sense to waste more tax payers money on another study as it would just be a case of "guilding the lily".
They have all the information scientific or otherwise (surely they have eyes in their head?!) what they lack is any decisive action!

The way nets are being used at the moment i agree also 100% that it does have a HUGE impact on the costal waters as ive posted loads & loads of times about it before.
And in an ideal world i agree with you they should be banned.
But i still stick by what i last posted and that is you can't just clean cut say.."No more net fishing for the sake of our hobby" as that just isn't feasible or realistic mate.

So what imho needs to be done at the very least is it needs to be regulated better and controlled.First thing being is the size of mesh of the nets.Second who can use them (the whole part time fisherman debacle!) & where they can drop them i.e how far from the coast.
As i said i suffer alot at the hands of these idiots too! (point in fact last i went fishing i saw that boat picking up nets and turned back home...)
And if you really want talk about the major damage to the eco-system caused by net fishing do a little research on trawling nets/boats (tkaxkir).Where i go fishing often i can see them trawlling quite close to the coast despite the present law saying they have to be a few Kilometers out before they start trolling.
These nets are dragged along the sea bed with a heavy iron bar which literally smacks along the bottom destroying not only the fish stocks (these nets scoop up EVERTHING in their path) but smashing there natural habitat to pieces too! I & others are totally fed up reporting these idiots and nothing is EVER done.
Again laws without enforcement are useless.
And until the authorities get off there a** and take a stand somewhere it will just get worse.
From my experience in the decline of fish since i was a kid its may already be too late. :'(


Sorry for speaking now. I saw these posts just now as i was kind of busy latley with exams, Let me tell you Skars ... I havent thrown pariti for 4 years and i threw them again for this time since my father is leaving back to libja for work and he realy wanted to go once.
Nowwwww....Where i threw the pariti is NOT! illegal is in a place which is deffineataly not accesible by land ...I never saw people catching Gattarrel from land. So do as you like. believe me if you look at me you will be grabbing the situation from its toe...there are people who go ILLAGEL aread and in places that even a baby can swing a lead..anyway case closed ..skip do as you wish if you would like to remove my pictures no problem for me :)
And those light you saw at do you know ther where cheking there signs...dont be stupid mate the parit is never hauled or pulled at that sure no one is stupid enough to go stay addoring there signs..mabye they where fishing for can you judge do you have super powers and can see what they are doing from cliffs in the dark? lol ...let me tell you because i might be looking like the pariti guy over hear...i too am against pariti but i have open eyes..i threw 3 pieces in... what about those that throw 10  :o 15  :o 20  :o : 25 :o :o that go Everyday after each other constantly  :o  and the thrawlers...the thrawler not the fish have to go int hte parit but they scrape *literraly* the bottom and pull along every thing in there way. Just like a big bulldozer does on land.
Theres much to be desired  ;)


I am not very knowledgable on pariti but to my understanding pariti :
1. Are srewing up our HOBBY.
2. They pose a danger to juvenile fish.
3. They can pose a life-threatening situation to speardivers.
4. They upset the coastal eco-system.

I was reading some of yor......Why dont you stop driving your car to stop pullution ;)


lapsi you are right onĀ  the pathetic fallacy of us humans. everyone does harm to the eco system. if you ride a bus, they too emit a lot of pollution.. but don't be stupid and deviate from the topic.... we are dealing with fishing stocks and not pollution

it would have been better if you stated that most of the inboards installed on parit hauling boats emit more pollution than any modern outboard unless you install a quality manifold, which many don't... that is too pollution my friend

i don't agree with the part time recreational fisherman that throw pariti in our seas. it is true, they are legal but the fishing stock is long ago being altered and in particular many of you seem to disregard that. AND EVERYONE NOTICED THAT, BUT MANY CONTINUE CATCHING SMALL FISH.

  • there is an eco system in the sea with fish being interdependent on each other

  • fish migrate a lot- what you catch today in 5 miles in great depths will at autumn come close to land

Good season so far.....


I think one of the worst things is that a lot of fishermen are catching small fish.And come on guys,i am sure that everyone here in this forum have caught small fish and they dont release them.We should start by releasing any small fish caught.I am sure that 50% of fish caught is undersized.I used to catch small fish myself without realising them.But now i changed..........I am catching only big fish lol  :P ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


mela that is the spirit

hut li mhux hatkiluh bhal mulett u hekk,.... halluh jghix ha jiehu gost haddiehor jaqbadhom ukoll

Good season so far.....


Ha namila cara al kulhadd.Jien hafna mil mulett li naqbad nitilqu,imma ghandi hbieb tijaj li jiggennu nafx kif imma veru.Gieli iccempluli u jajduli ilek ma gibilna ftit ;) :P
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


jekk ha jikluh tijom tnejn why not.... imma mhux ikunu zghar he he he.. imbad aghmel li trid wara kollox

gieli tajt m,ulett imma hafna drabi nitilqu anke l awrat tal port

draba pruvajt nikol wahda imma toghma ta petrol giet
Good season so far.....


jien ma naqbadtx mulett zghir..bis serjeta,xi kultant nixtieq halli nuzawh al lixka ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Kev iz zajr dejjem jin nihodulek al lixka ;)