VOPI Sabiha

Started by matrix, December 17, 2008, 15:29:37 CET

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Alli jista jkun hawn xi hadd li qabad xi naqa vopi min dik is sabiha?
Niftakar bhal daz zmien sena kien hawn vopi kbira, konna ninzlu ghalija San Annart, xghira limita ta Marsascala.


S'issa ghada ma dahlitx hemm. Li smajt huwa li qeghdin jaqbduha minn Popeye Village u Armier! Triq twila ghalija biex nmur nipprova. >:(


Bugibba sa issa xejn man


i caught a couple from south while fishing for kahli last weekend.....
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Biex nghidilkom is sewwa, jien min naha tisfel, u ma tantx nitla in naha ta fuq sakemm ma nkunx cert li hemm xi haga. Biex qisni nitla niprova post in naha ta fuq u ma naqbadx, stajt pruvajt in naha tieghi. Placebo min fejn semmejt jien qbatthom alli jista jkun?


Ftit postijiet tajbin ghal vopi in-naha ta' isfel huma il-kalanga u il-kalanga iz-zighiera, il-bajda u is-sewda ras il-fenek imma hemm ghandhekk ftit mixja u wied ix-xoqqa bhal dan  iz-zmien mill-kalanga konna naghaqbdu dik is-sabiha, nieghdila jien daqs flixkun tal-koka kien ikun fiha ftit pjacir mhux hazin. Jekk hux jaghqbdu bhal issa ma nafx imma jekk tmur u issib in-nies iffisser li xi haga hemm. ;)   
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Ix Xghajra ma dahhlitx dis sena u la ma dahhlitx s'issa ma nafx kemm se tidhol


probabli jdawwruwha qedin....
Good season so far.....


thanks fisheye, as soon as the weather permits, I will go to Kalanka as i used to catch lots of kahli and vopi from there. I almost forgot of that place since i found more comfortable places to fish, but some places never die! Kif titghazzen meta tikber hux!


hey guys, fish hawkers are selling vopi, so it means that yes...it is being caught...
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Ma nahsibx Granitu ta ix Xghajra ilha daqqa ta 3 snin tonqos is soltu anke f settembru gieji qbadna wara xi taqliba tajba Dis sena ma resqitx lejn l art


Sewwa qed tghid Chalie, 3 snin ilu tiftakar kemm kien hemm vopi kbira, konna naqduha bir runnin float, dik kienet lahhar sajda sura li ghamilt ghal vopi, ottubru ta 3 snin ilu!


naqbel mieghek habib pero fejn konna nistaduwa ahna bis sistema l antika konna nistadu qasab ta 5metri u biz zewg issa l anqas jekk tmur b dghajsa ghax ghalxejn :( :(


guys you know what strange experience i had this summer?

well in july me and my family where in marsalforn gozo and as i do every year i go down to menqa to fish for vopi. well that one time i decided to stay till really late and at about 4 in the morning i could hear strange sounds coming from outside menqa.

these noises were becoming louder as time passed and i soon realised that the sound was of boat oars going in and out of the water. i could hear them as at 4 all restaurants were closed and there was no one in the streets. well guess what happened...two men in a small frejgatina were throwing a parit. but they knew exactly what they were doing as they surrounded ALL the menqa...they passed by boats throwing the net in a circular fashion to close all the vopi inside the net (as they do for lampuki).

as soon as they reached again the entrance of the menqa they came in very fast making all sorts of noises in the water to scare the fish into the net. after that they hauled in the parit really quickly. it was packed with vopi! i just couldn't believe my eyes. you know how much they took to throw in the parit, scare the fish and collect it? well less than 10 min! just unbelievable guys :o :o :o
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Typical maltese people !