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Started by ggantno1, February 05, 2009, 22:29:55 CET

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My name is Eman (ggant) and I am from Tarxien. I started spearfishing at the age of 10 but took spearfishing seriously  the last 5 years. 18 manths ago I had an accident that kept me out of the water for 8 1/2months and costed me everything I gained in in the past years. The last 8months I started again And I thing I'm doing fine nothing special but sometimes I sucseed in doing some nice catches ;) hope to make some frinds on this forum  :)
I will post a pic later if somebody shows me how!!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


welcome on board my friend i'm mark  ;D


Hi Ggant...I know exactly how you happened to me...starting all over after breaking my spine. WELCOME.


Regarding posting pics...go to GALLERY....MY IMAGES....ADD A PICTURE...follow instructions and voila it's done.


ii heard a lot from you if i recall well you are from tarxien. you have some photos with toni s selvagg if i am not mistaken

i ,m nicholas, pleased to meet you
Good season so far.....


Hi eman ... please to meet you too  ;) I know exactly the feeling of stopping spearfishing for a period of time. At the moment I stopped too. I have some problems I need to tackle before going back in. It all started begining of last year for me. I was ignoring my docs advice not to dive and still kept on diving risking my health everytime. For the time being I decided (a very sad decision) to stop for a while until I am ready again to dive. I really miss diving with all my spearo friends like Freediver, SimonG, Baghira, Dulli and so on  >:(. I am taking advantage from this idle time like doing a 4-day gym workout and stopped smoking so when I am back to the sea it is going to be much better than before.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @


Hi Thankyou guys for the welcome nice to meet you all :)

Thankx spnotta for the info

Hi granitu yes I had some pics with  toni Salvag not Hanzir don't let him hear you calling him like that :) . Before I got injured we were partners !! altough you seem to know me I can't understand who you are. Did we ever meet?

Sorry to hear that buddha at least you can mannage to go at the gym to do some cardio training  keep it up so when you get fine maybe we go for a dive :)
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Welcome onboard boss !!

Xi nzidu tan nies mir rahal hehe  Toni li jkun ma Michael qed tghidu hux, ghandu d dinghi hdej l garax ta siehbi dak hehe.

Chris  8)


Ija dak kollu kemm hu
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


xanna siehbi?? Issa anke awn malta qed nsibek?!!! Niccajta  ;) ;) ;)

ma awn hut bhalissa u qas qed nfittex ax vera kollox harab. Ninzel ftit kuljum imma kemm nzommu il libsa imxarba


aw emic
hehe jien pixicalda kullimkien isibni ta avolja ma taranix ejd em qijed mohbi !!!! ahjar mela m et nitlef xejn ax da xaghar ma nzilt xej u biex taxaq laqat cmajra tajba u nahseb baqali xi gimgha ohra xott xott .
Dak l laxtu x minu ta abelan  adni ma nsejtx ta :)!!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


i don't know you apart from some pics on another group(you know which group)

i happen to know toni s selvagg not hanzir... you're right.hope he doesn't see it :-\. i met him when he tried to sell me a scam of a, i knew he was into spear fishing. i am talking of maybe 6-5 years ago lol.

we could meet up some day and do a dive. the water is particular y cold and same like you i am stranded right now because i had a major traffic accident 1 month ago. i am keeping myself fit in a gym and using some of its pool facilities. at least i can do some apnea.

just today i ate my last catches and now i have no fish to cook, which is a shame
Good season so far.....


mort bieh al 3 darbiet imma sahh kbira pero ma jwassalx fit tuwl u il virga taqa. Smajt li andkom xi lastu tajjeb, qaluli kliem tajjeb. Nissugerixxi li thallieh stirat l lejl shieh. Tarahha id differenza. Jien bil picasso 18.5mm u 21mm qed nuza imma qed nistenna xi lastu min and xi hbieb min l italia. Jien nipreferi tiri fit tuwl. Infatti qed nistenna kanna al marlin 85cm u narmahha doppia b 6.5mm

Biex najdlek il verita bhaliss addejjin naqa busy ha ntajru ix xol halli issa la jibdel ftiti it temp nmorru nficcu ftit il kbar.


Kulhadd ifittex, imma bhal dan iz-zmien, ma tantx qed insib lanqas, inbarra illi il pali ta' saqajja qed nitla bihom blue. :o

Translation: Its quite hard this period of the year to meet anything with fins in the water, and the sea is really cold.

Nice to meet you here gganto1. SimonG mentioned you a couple of times, but we never had the opportunity to meet. For sure we will in te near future. It seems that the member rates is growing rapidly. ;D
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Irannga imma 85 al laxtu dopju u naqa qasir nahseb jien .
hi baghira For shure in the future we will meet and make a dive :)
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!