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Nixtri dghajsa

Started by fishreason, February 10, 2009, 19:11:52 CET

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hi ppl hawn xi hadd forsi jista jejni xi ftit fuq xi dghajsa? nixtieq dghajsa ta xi 14ft b xi mutur mux daqstant kbir.jekk tkunu tafu lil xi hadd msg me.10q


If you want I have a 15 rubber dinghy with a 9.9 engine. If you are interested you can e-mail me on
jekk trid andi 15 rubber dinghy b' 9.9. jekk interresat email


15 what?
Rigid hull angler jew? Jien nixtieq nixtri dinghi ta xi 14 foot, rigid hull, basta prezz tajjeb>
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


baghira naf wiehed irid ibigh dingy sabih hafna 14ft imma mhux 15ft pero. Prezz tal genn man 750Lm. Cempilli 79729653


Aw hbieb hawn xi hadd jaf b xi dghajsa tal fibre ta xi 14 ft u bil mutur outboard?


King qieh tal fibre jew?? Rigid hull I mean??
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Mort rajtu dak king ta'.
Prezz tajjeb hafna kieku, izda mhux rigid hull (fibre), u antik ftit jidher.. Min dawk l-orange. Pero fih mutur 25 yamaha short shaft, u steering, trailor, cover, etc. Xorta worth it.
Pero xtaqt xi haga bil-qih tal-fibre.
Thanks xorta man
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Baghira, illum ghadu kif gie rriklamat dinghy fuq il-website tieghi li nahseb jaf jghodd ghalik.
Ittawwallu u ara x'jidhirlek:
---- ----
The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


Shi....... Very nice dinghi, but that's exactly like the one I have but mine is grey and 11 foot, with same motor, and in same condition.
I am loking for rigid hull please.

Thanks jonathan.
I phoned you as regards a reel last week for a friend of mine, and I will try to come by this week cause you couldn't make it.


Har..... dinghy sabih hafna imma ezatt bhall li andi jien, listess mutur u kondizzjoni
died infitx hull rigidu

Grazzi Jonathan
Cempiltlek rigward reel il gimgha li addiet ghal siehbi, nipprova nigi din il gimgha ghax inti ma statx

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Fishreason ibghat wahda lil freediver ghax kellhu wahda ghall bejh kif tidha int man.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Baghira fibreglass hulls can be made locally and attached to your rubber dinghy or at least they used to be done. There is a boat biulder in Gozo on the way to Rabat in front of the big super market who used to do them. They even widen the dinghy with few inches if you want to. 
There was someone else at Manouel Island doing this work too but I do not know if he is still there.   

Baghira hulls tal fiberglass jistaw isiru lokalment u jitwahhal mad dinghy jew allinqas kienu isiru. Hemm wiehed jibni id dajjes ghawdex quddiem supermarket li kine jamghilhom. Ikabbrulek id d inghy bi ftit pulzieri jekk trid
Kien hemm xio hadd manuel island imma ma naf jekk ghadux hemm
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


I know another guy, Bigboy knows him i think. James  he has a garage close to the liquid club he makes hulls for dinghies an also fibre boats.

naf iehor, bigboy jafu. James andu il garage hdejn il liquid club jaghmel hulls ghad dinghies u dajjes tal fiber



Thanks guys but mine is small 11 foot, It snot worth to do a fibre bottom i already checked.

Translation (Grazzi hbieib imma tighi 11 piedi, u mhux worth li mnaghmillu qih tal-fibre, diga iccekkjajt)
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh