Rixa Tat Tumbrell

Started by Tatanka, February 13, 2009, 06:32:22 CET

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Can anyone onpass any info of how to rig up for tumbrell ???. I personally never fished for them before so do not even have a clue how to do the rigging.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


just made rixa yesterday, hope for good weather to try it out.
items needed are:

.80 medda 20m
swievel heavy duty
200g comba addjustable
.60 tarf 30m which includes 12 white featered single hook lures 2 m apart each fergha 50cm long
10g weight added every 2 lures to have different depths.

selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


to tie it on sufra , if lets say your  retriving your line from left to right, when the fegha comes you hold the medda and put the fegha from right to left. in that manner when your trowing back at sea youl know which hook is next
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


i dont like your method of the way you positiond your lead pupu.

I have 2 tumbrell rigs, 1 with 30 (Made it last week still have not tried it) and another one with 38.

for you guys if you are using a 20 feather rig i would use this setup:

A lure in the beginning then 4 feathers and a 300g weight, another 5 feathers and a 200g weight another 5 feathers and a 100g weight (this can be changed to a 50g if the fish are biting at the surface) and then another 5 feathers. 4m away from the last feather attatch a heavy duty swivel and then le out another 30m.

Ps put swivels in between the weights.

Any more info contact me and we can also meet up and i can show you my rigs !


Bigboy good weight setup aldo its better from smallest weight to biggest since at the last rixa the rig is always getting higher(Going to boat) so it will need more weight..like 100g-150g-250g


that is the setup i always use lapsi ;) Anzi taf meta tlaqnija fil competition :P



so what your saying with regards to lead setup is 100g for lead closest to boat then 200 them 300g furthest away and another thing
why do you use swivel for the lead
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


Pupu you got it the wrong way because think...The closer line of the rig the boat the higher it will get...so the closer to the boat the heavier the lead ;)..Sort of like rixa for dentex


tistghu titfghu xi stampi kif tkun armata mqar fergha wahda ha nara r rixa kif tkun marbuta mal harira?
Translation: can you please post a picture, atleast showing how to attach the rig to the main line



Ifimni Msell ma tantx em wisq xtara ax jin Norbot sunnara ma fera harira u narma ir rix fuq is sunnara (narmaha jin ir rixa). Imma nahseb meta tixtri ir rix at tumbrell ikunu rixa bil fera tkun parti mir rixa. Tfajt ritratt tar rixa.


This my dad made (without lead [Removed])30rix

This I made (Has lead)20 rix

Both are home made rix, Dont forget at the end put a bigger rixa Or even a spinner. Maybe a nice passer by will see it (Ive caught lots of kubrit even plamti and most times on the last one).These have caught fish ;)


Will post a photo of my 2 rigs tonight


goode method but i prefer if it is in maltese words