Fly fishing

Started by Simon G, August 09, 2006, 21:08:32 CET

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Simon G

I have been fly fishing for about 7 years and only met 2 more maltese fly fishers here does any one else fly fish or is interested in fly fishing. ??? ::)
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


yes i would like to know something about it... seems nice
Good season so far.....

Simon G

just let me know when we can meet up and try some fly fishing
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


basically i have no idea how to practice it plus i have no tackle of this kind... only some feathers i think my canadian uncle gave me used for trout fishing i think.... just let me know when you are available... shouldn't be a problem to me
Good season so far.....


if u can , i'd like to join in . i know nothing of the techniques used for fly fishing though , so i'll be a total beginner


I never knew people practised fly fishing in Malta! What species do you target Simon? Garfish?
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.

Simon G

we targer bass, barracuda, amberjacks, sawrell, garfish, strill and sometimes mullet and xilep from shore.
out with the boat it works well for lampuki, tunnagg, tumbrell, fanfri and imsell tal imperjal
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Dear Simon

I have just posted a question regarding fly fishing in Malta on the forum and then read your comments.
I flyfish in england regularly for trout but come to Malta yearly. I would love to try flyfishing for Lampuka. Any advice on tackle and tactics


Jon Camilleri

Simon G

yes for lampuki the best is to get on a boat and head towards the tuna farms outside st pauls bay the best lure i found are poppers as it bounces on the surface they usually come up, i use a slow sinking line and cast out about 40ft, as a tippet i use fluorocarbon about 25lb as the lampuki get big.
my rod action is a 7-9
(you can also catch some lampuki from land in certain places or go for a trip with chris fishing mania )
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman