Need some help on a project

Started by kurtfalcon, February 23, 2009, 14:54:43 CET

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Kurt if i may ask at what school are you ????


If he is doing a SOK project most probably he is at JC.


I am at JC. Did mine last year on sustainable fishing.


Quote from: bigboy on February 26, 2009, 22:57:17 CET
I am at JC. Did mine last year on sustainable fishing.
That is very interesting bigboy would it be asking too much if I ask you to provide us with the conclusions from your project?


Hey bigboy I am at De La Salle sixth form first year. Must be interesting yours about sustainable fishing, my friend who's in second year did it on fishing. She's from Marsaxlokk and she did it on methods of fishing. Quite interesting. I chose my topic since I believe I am the first and only one doing such a project. My tutor said that he never had any student doing his project on my topic. I like being original. So you are in second year at JC?
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


one cannot base one's conclutions on a commercial video!

I am not particularly interested in favoring 4 or 2 strokes (there are much bigger issues to be concerned about) but from what the links that were pasted here there are keywords in the documents provided that should make one ponder...are there any vested interest by the authors, were the comparisms and statistics correct and placed on level grounds? No direct citations for science studies provenace? Are the authors considering future restrictions? Are the authors considering the feasability of catalytic converters for more restringent restrictions? Are the authors presenting unbiased accurate data?

In no means I am favoring 4 or 2 stroke, but one should always question the objectivity, method, provenance and timeliness of data collected.

Destination Sea

I think catalytic converters on outboards is a bit difficult since if it touches the water when hot the honeycomb inside will break which houses  Rodium platinum and palladium. Even this is sometimes mentioned on vehicles manuals to avoid running into large (large)paddles of water. To keep it completely shut would generate to much heat (ok for optimun performance considering that Cats where first used in california where average temp is 25degC) but I think it will be exessive. More so  would they make it in open loop or closed loop system which then requires 2 lambda  sensors. in the exhaust pipes.Considering all, the cost will rise quite a bit apart from being complicated , but who knows what technology will bring. 
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20

Simon G

this might sound stupid but have you considered running outboards or inboards on lpg which is much cleaner then petrol ?
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Quote from: Destination Sea on March 03, 2009, 22:07:29 CET
Considering all, the cost will rise quite a bit apart from being complicated , but who knows what technology will bring. 
platinum and rhodium are very expensive catalysts...but in a world potentially awaiting a major catasrophe due to climatic change in the near future, the immense reduction the respective catalysts bring upon HC,CO2 and NOx emissions justifies the cost.


Isma SPNOTTA mhux al xi haga ta. Int thobb issib ix-xaghra fl-ghagina wisq man ta. BTW I wish to thank KaptanJr, anglers, Destination Sea, gottie u skip ( people in the order I contacted them) for promising me help in my project. 10q very much. If there are any other that can help me, don't hesitate to send me a PM because your help is very much appreciated.
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


Quote from: kurtfalcon on March 04, 2009, 20:43:58 CET
Isma SPNOTTA mhux al xi haga ta. Int thobb issib ix-xaghra fl-ghagina wisq man ta.

LOL... joking apart, I consider a half truth worse than a lie and also I believe if one has to go on about doing something... better to do it proper. The sorry present global state would improve immensely if the majority of us would scrutenize, challenge and evaluate every piece of data that is thrown at us.

This is not a case of finding the needle in the haystack but research approach.


Isma ppl. Ma tafux min fejn nista nsib xi apparat li jkejjel l-emissions ux?
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water


Kurt you started the topic in English please stick to English.

DJS might be able to help as the ADT have equipment to measure emissions.

Destination Sea

if you require emission equipment for outboards i think its a bit difficult since if its a thru prop it will also measure  the air around..Pls note that air measures the same as exhaust gas with 2% Co.In vehicles when the probe is inserted it than differs with the amount of Co. Moreover cars are measured with a 4 gas analyiser.Thus in my opinion if you require emissions for outboards you have to get the manufacturers specifications.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20