Zoni protetti u Zoni ghas Sajd

Started by owenbullu, April 28, 2009, 21:40:08 CET

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As far as I know, currently, terrestrial Filfla is protected, it's coastal area was protected too but the law has been uplifted and Filfla's coast is not protected any more. I stand to be corrected since when it comes to law there are many shades of grey.


You can always call the MMA or AFM Operations Center and confirm:

Tel: (+356) 2291 4130 (MMA)

Telephone: +356 2249 4202/4206/4207 (AFM)



I highlighted those two organisations because technically MEPA have nothing to do with the sea.


But MPA's are under MEPA :)


ma nafx jien............
gerfixni ha nifhem...................
Isma dawn tal patrol boat ikunu biss impjegati bazwija, iili mhux jafu il-ligi, izda xi darba jkun mar xi kaporal :-\, u qalilhom li hemm ma tistax taghmel hekk, U sakemm ma jmurx xi hadd iehor jghidlilhom kontra, dawn ma jkunux jafu x'qed jigri!! Tghid mhux ser jiehdu interess huma u joqghodu jaqraw kull regulation li tohrog.

U isma Arti.......... hallik mil closed season ta'' Tivvintax.................
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


sa fejn naf jien... l-ebda persuna jew daghjsa ma tista tersaq anqas min mil min filfla, i.e. nobody may enter within 1 mile radius of filfla...
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Quote from: robby017 on May 02, 2009, 01:00:48 CET
sa fejn naf jien... l-ebda persuna jew daghjsa ma tista tersaq anqas min mil min filfla, i.e. nobody may enter within 1 mile radius of filfla...

Yes it was 1nm radius off Filfa...as far as I know, that regulation has been uplifted.


This is what the wikipidja says about Filfla.

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?  Uninhabited Island  ?

Filfla on the horizon.

Location within Malta
Coordinates: 35?47′15″N 14?24′37″E / 35.7875?N 14.41028?E / 35.7875; 14.41028
Country  Malta
- Total 0.06 km2 (0 sq mi)
Filfla is a small, barren, uninhabited islet 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) south of Malta, and is the most southerly point of the Maltese Archipelago. There is a small rocky islet next to Filfla, called Filfoletta.

The name is believed to come from filfel, the Arabic for a peppercorn.

Filfla has an area of just 6 hectares (15 acres) and is a crumbling flat-topped limestone plateau surrounded by 60 metre high cliffs. The only known permanent structure on it was a chapel built inside a cave in 1343, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1856 that also sank part of the island. Until 1971 the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force used the island for target practice. It became a bird reserve in 1980. Three species of sea birds breed on the islet: the European Storm Petrel (c.5,000 pairs), Cory's Shearwater (c.200 pairs) and Yellow-legged Gull (c.130pairs). A type of wall lizard (Podarcis filfolensis ssp. filfolensis) and door snail (Lampedusa imitatrix gattoi) are endemic to Filfla. A large wild leek, growing up to 2 m high, also occurs.

The Filfla Natural Reserve Act, enacted in 1988, provided for further restrictions on access and use, including a prohibition on fishing within a nautical mile (1.9 km) around the island due to the possibility of encountering unexploded ordnance. Access to Filfla is only possible for educational or scientific purposes and visitors must get prior permission from the Ministry responsible for the environment.

On the Maltese coast opposite Filfla are the archeological sites of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, the Hamrija Tower (one of 13 watchtowers that Martin de Redin built around the coast of Malta), and a memorial to Walter Norris Congreve, one of Malta's British governors-general, who was buried at sea in the channel between the island and Malta.


However since 1990 boat fishing within 1 nautical mile off filfla was once again permitted (Gov Notice No 173 of 1990)

please also read this paragraph 4.4 site designation http://www.mepa.org.mt/environment/nature_protection/protected_areas/Natura2000_mapsanddoc/FilflaCard.pdf

maybe someone can give more light on what exactly means
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Thanks for the interest.
Kieku l-awtoritajiet jkunu jafu kemm hawn min b'mod genwin jirrispetta l-ambjent, waqt li ma jixtieqx jaghmel hsara u jobdi l-ligi u kemm knowledge ghandna zgur nirbhu l-green flag. Nemmen li hawn min jaghmel hsara, imma fdal forum tinduna kemm hawn min jirrispetta l-ambjent u jobdi l-ligi anke jekk xi drabi l-istess ligi mhix cara.
Prosit & grazzi mill-gdid.


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


but why filfla is protected? in the past years filfla isn't protected !!!


I read somewhere that fishing was probihited because of the risk of unexploded bombs, that are in the area. filfa itself is protected because of the many species of birds that inhibite the area. this is as far as i know.


Dik hi r-raguni fish-noob. Jezisti dokumentarju intensiv sabih immens fuq Filfla.  Bil-malti. Tajjeb xi darba tarawh.  Hemm ghamlu hsara kbira l-Inglizi meta kienet tintuza target point waqt training militari! Iz-Zurrieq ghandu vittma Diver li halla hajtu waqt li kien qed jghodos fl-inhawi. Jidhirli ismu kien Reno. Kont ghadni tifel Qed nghid xi 25 sena ilu. Ghamlu hafna hsar ukoll sajjieda li kienu jistadu bil-bomba dak iz-zmien. Imma kien sajd popolari ma xi erba' sajjieda "kriminali".


min fejn gibtu dad dukumentarju habib?? ax jogbuni affarijiet hekk
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today