Started by spearerr, June 03, 2009, 20:20:34 CET

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Isimaw naqra! min isuq id dajjes jekk jogobkom ta tistaw 1. issuqu bil mod u 2. meta taraw il ballun bil bandira hamra bfaxx abjad, afsu il barra mhux taddu min fuqna! Hawn min isuq id dajjes u lanqas jaf xi tfisser dik il bandira! Zommu min ta lanqas 100m boghod ghax qatt ma tafhu min fejn jista jitla buaddas!! thanks


it is very good to start an argiument on this topic because lot of boat drivers does not now what it feels like coming up from the bottom of the sea  and a boat is passing on your head. Important guys we don't dive in shores only we dive even open water so don't be sure that out there, aren't divers because we usauly don't dive inshores but most of the time we dive open water. thanks to every one take care pls because we need to enjoy the see as any one wants thanks again.

Mark ;)


@spearerr...jien nifmek imma tippuntax subajk lejn kulhadd siehbi..hafna minna kolla inzommu mar regoli,imma ghad hawn hafna nies li lanqas biss jafu xinuma regoli.Jien meta inkun qed insuq naqla ghajnejja inhares l hemm u lhawn u hafna drabi nara vera stressanti gurnata fuq il bahar..rasi ma nkunx niflaha ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


alekk titfa l iskipper isuq hux :P


al min andu dajsa andu limitu sa kemm jista jidhol malart fejn ikun em inies jowmu idivers andom xi limitu kem jistu johorgu il barra ikun fejn ikun?
silver craft 395


Jien qtajt qalbi nitkellem fuq dan is sugett u kultant nahseb ahjar towm bla ballun !!! Jien l ballun nihdu biex npoggi l affarijiet fih u biex jekk nigi milqut ghalinqas ma jejdux li kin tort tijej ghax l bicca l kbira hadd ma jaghti kasu , sakemm ma sibx xi GAHAN jigi idur mieghu biex jara xinhu jew xi qbadt !!!

Sa l gima l ohra stess delimara dajsa geja ghal fuqi nxejrila u nitbellah umbad kif waslet dawk it 30m boghod dawret u ghadit daqs 15mtrs boghod minni u la taw kas xhin kellimthom bil kwit u laqas xhin kellimthom hazin ghax jilghabu ma xibka kienu u jilghabu ma xibka baqaw !!!! tant ghada vicin li stajt nara in num ta daghjsa ..  

Darbohra l istess qieghed nowm ma sihbi u nara daghjsa gejja lejna tkalla parit u min tant postijiet qabad vija u baqa gej ikalla bejni u bejn sihbi li konna mux iktar min 15mtr boghod min xulxin u ma kienx bizejed dar maghna u kompla jkala min bejnitna ghal fejn kin l ballun fost l hafna hars ikrah li taghna qisna ahna konna qedin naghmlu xi haga hazina!!!!!!!
Dawn huma biss 2 stejer ma 2 daghjes ta xlukajri!!!! ghax barra dawn ghandi hafna iktar grajjiet li laqawni ma nies hnizer u injoranti li kienu qedin isuqu jetskis u speed boats u iperikolaw hajti jew hajjet haddiehor!!!! U nahseb l istess ghandom shabi l ohra l ghaddasa
In nejka tafu x inhi li nies bhal dawn qatt ma jibilaw xi sikka u jhallu l qiegh warajhom ha jitalmu jifthu ghajnejhom fuq l bahar!!!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Il dawn in-nies ma tistawx tirraportawom??Imsomma naf li al xejn hawn malta ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


guys seeing this post i had an idea to do- a very practical scare to these people.

if we could use a dummy acting as a diver and bottles full of blood, while someone in scuba , just imagine the scare and the lesson they would learn. one could just come up and say- you hit my buddy as*****

definitely it would need organization, but that will teach the bi**h

and gganto you are a policeman and they don't give a shit who you are at sea. not even if you hypothetically dive in uniform, they don't give a shit
Good season so far.....


l Dawn in nies tiprova tedukom trid u taghlimom specjalment meta jigu biex jihdu licenzja hemm bzonn jaghfsu iktar fuq da sugget !!!! erhila li hafna drabi ikun kollu ghalxejn ghax la bnidem ma jkunx midhla ta l ogett ma jifmekx hafna nies jimaginaw li meta jkun hemm ballun l ghadas ikun 5m biss l boghod minhu ma jimaginax li bnidem kapaci jinzel iktar min hekk!!!!
Isa  camkev prova immagina jetski jew daghjsa ghadeja xkanata min mijak kif ser tehodlu in num !!!! dak l hin iktar ikun mohhok fej ser titfa rasek biex ma jolqtokx tqisx dawk li semmejt hawn fuq ghax dawk kinu bl mod immal bicca l kbira  xkanati jaghdu !!!!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Quote from: Granitu on June 04, 2009, 00:06:01 CET

and gganto you are a policeman and they don't give a shit who you are at sea. not even if you hypothetically dive in uniform, they don't give a shit
Di x ghanda x taqsam granit ma li qedin nejdu????? jew ma tafx li irezenjajt
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


le ghadni granit nicajta qijed !!!!
Naqbel mijak bhal ma diga ghidt qabel Imma dawn in nies qabel jinataw licenzja iridu jigu malma sew u ghal bzon ghanka jerga isirilhom test kull tant zmien ghax l bahar vera sar ta periklu specjalment fis sajf mux ghal ghaddasa imma ghal kulhadd min sempliciment ghawima sa nies ohra li jkunu qedin isuqu dajes ohra
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Kif qeghdin fis suggett lil ghawwiema min ghandu jurihom li fiz zoni fejn jidhlu u johorgu id dghajjes mandux isir ghawn?Qed nitkellem fuq il Gnejna fejn il parti minfejn jittellaw id dghajjes invasata bin nies tkun fis sajf.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Ghandek ragun moonwalker, ghal il-gnejna nahseb l-aktar slip misera li hawn fil gzejjer maltin.
Pero xejn ma hija dik il-problema komparata ma dan li qed isemmu shabi. L-anqas idea ma ghandkom xi thoss meta tisma dghajsa gejja fil-bahar fuqhekk. Specjalment meta tibda ixxejjer bhal mignun fil wicc, u qas biss jindunaw bik. Esperjenza tal-biza. Biex ma nkomplix inzid illi darba lili ghaddew kwazi minn fuqi bid dinghi b'kollox, ghax kelli id dinghi ankrat kemmuna, minn fejn is soltu jhobb jghaddi boat tal-comino cruises, biex jghidli "Tergax tipparkja hawn".

Dawn ma jaghtux kas li jaf joqtlu lil xi hadd, ghax jghidlek "Min tridu jarani" u jtik daqqa u jibqa sejjer.
L-anqas timmaginaw, x'jghaddilek min mohhok dak il-hin, u x'jista jigri, u allahares jieqaf ghax min jaf.............

Hemm bzonn naghmlu xi haga.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


This summer I will abstain from diving the north side of the island unless there is rough seas.  Not worth the risk, had to many near misses last year.   

Does anyone see anyone making an effort to stress this issue ?  Or else even worse, about the issue of how far out from land you can drive at certain speeds?  I gave up!!


My opinion on this issue is balance and caution.  No one can argue that the number of seacraft has greatly increased over the past years.  With that comes increased boat activity close to our shores.  On the other side of the spectrum, we have divers/spearos who practice their hobby in a responsible way.  The dwindling number of fish/octopus close to shore (thanks to over fishing using long lines/nets/explosives) has forced the spearos to seek their catch in deeper waters, thus venturing out even further then they normally do.  However, we have then the irrisponsible individuals from both sides, be it boat drivers and divers.  I often see boats hardly skimming the surface at 40kts plus within the 100mtr zone from shore, and divers using a plastic 5ltr recipient as a marker (landa tal plastic bajda tal gallun). Moreover, the dark wetsuits divers wear often act to camouflage the diver in the sea, especially if the sea is a bit choppy.  So, you could be cruising close to shore and encounter one of these recipients only to find a diver popping up and waving his harpoon at you.  Balance and caution my friends....and a lot of education. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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