Cimi in the south

Started by searover147, September 22, 2006, 17:56:07 CET

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Infatti malteser issa gili hekk namlu. Niskandaljaw il kurrent u nkalaw skond il kurrent. Insibu cima u nidhlu bilmod maghha, nollu l kannizzata u l palma u norbtu xiekel mal lett li jku8n sejjer al qih. natu 50 qama kurlin u f nofsu namlu mazrella zejra halli jereq u l ewwel zewg brazzoli ma namlulomx voltiggi umbad inkalaw mal kurrent. B hekk jekk dak li jahdem il lampuki jkun irid jdawwar ma jsibx xkiel u jkun jista jdawwara bla problemi.


This is EAGLE1 EAGLE1 approaching the BIG SHIP. Can I turn around you please? LOL!
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Actually it was aboard 'Never Say Die' my dads boat.....probably they would have less of a 'problem' with Eagle One being alot smaller!!

I always try and abide by the rules....getting frustrated when people like Malta VTS or Valletta VTS don't answer even though you're supposed to contact them. Last time we were out we had a large container ship that was going to cross our path and I thought let me call him and ask for his speed to estimate whether or not I needed to change course as he was coming from the right and I needed to pass astern of him. So we call him on Ch. 16, vessel in approx position xxx and of course got not answer!! lol


The problem with the forum for laying fads is that we come from different parts of the island. We can overcome this if we had to group into areas like the north, centre and south being: St Pauls, Msida and B,Bugia.
Regarding laying and transporting stones it can be done if the boats participating carry 2 stones each we will have more than enough. the Palms and rigging can be easily done by those who know and the others can participate so they will learn what it is all about.
all it takes is a bit of good will. Regarding permits we can apply as a forum like the amateur fishing clubs get their areas.


I agree with you shanook  ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


I agree to what you are saying but always remember to respect the other fad owners.

I know some will but I doubt of some also. 


I think if we vwill have our own fads we will minimize the risk of people going on other peopls fads.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Just joking Skip :)

Having forum fads is a good idea but the other idea about "renting" professional fads should be given a try too. I dont know why professional fisherman wouldn't want to rent the first 20 or so fads since the bulk of the fish is ususlly from 20 fads outwards.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


So if all have their fads what the need to lay them as a forum?

This is the point.  You can apply on your own throw 10 -15 and you will have enough to enjoy.

Let me put this scenario lets imagine an other member is before you on the fads and see to them all, what will one do?
Will he turn back? or will he turn to fads he has not contributed towards?

This is the issue how to regulate the use of the fads.  

@moonwalker don't generalise.  Sometimes it is onlt the first couple of fads with fish and believe me.

The issue some pros might have is giving waypoints.  How much people will continue even after the 20th fad?


Well if you dont rent them ppl will come on your Fads anyway so as we all know. If you rent them you get some of the expenses back. Laying fads is quite dangerous if you dont have experience, so you must be carefull to ask everyone to lay their own fads.
I personally may be more willing to pay say ?15 rent for 20 fads than lay my own.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Yes I appreciate that it is a very dangerous procedure. 

But renting fads with other people only gives you a right to go to an area. 

After giving it a tought it might simply be that some who want to rent or lay down fads only want so, to have an excuse to be out there were the other fads are.  And utilise the work of others.  (I am not addressing anyone)  But worth giving it a tought.

Somethink legal now to consider.  If I remember well (but I do not have this years rules) the waypoint of fads is subject to terms and conditions.  One has to check what these are when we mention clubs.


oh dear, sorry but here i go again, what is cimi and fads, thanks.


Quote from: mike.d. on August 12, 2009, 13:15:36 CET
oh dear, sorry but here i go again, what is cimi and fads, thanks.

Mike this question has been asked several times before. Please everyone do use the forum search function. Click on Home and then top right hand side of the page enter your query and hit search.

FAD is the international name for (Cimi), Fish Aggregating Devices


mike we place the fads (cimi) as Lampuki (dolphin fish) stay near them. Its a floating device usually jabloo in bags and held in place by anchoring them with a stone slab. They also have a Palm or two attached about a metre deep. these are layed in a row about a quarter to half mile in between. the first one is usually about 7 miles offshore. the location is distributed by the fisheries dept.


wow tecnology is a wonderfull thing, no wonder i never catch much with a pole, thanks for info tony, it has explaned it, i think.