Costs of owning a boat

Started by clutch_kick, October 04, 2009, 18:14:39 CET

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Hello Guys.  I would luv to buy myself a boat since I have this chronic illness called Jiggingtus Acutus.  Having never owned a boat I need some help. Jigging opportunities are hard to come by, so I'd better get my own mode of transportation.

My aim is an 18ft, centre console boat. Maybe a 50 or a 75 horsepower outboard.  Not withstanding the cost of the boat, what are the yearly maintenance and running costs that i would expect to be paying?  I would also need to include the cost of keeping the boat somewhere since I do not have a garage big enough for it.

So any help?
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


well i have more or the same size...with 75hp. I service the engine once a year 140euros + 350euros for a garage space that's all...oh and i forgot inscurance + liscence

Triumph 170cc - Evinrude 75 E-TEC


What is the cost of the license, and how about insurance? approximately?
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


License depends whether S (€82) or MFC (€23) assuming up to 75hp

Insurance approx €200-250 depending on value of the boat.

I would then add in anti fouling around €125, and at least another €100 for misc stuff.

On an 18ft boat 75hp is a bit small depending how much fuel you're going to me that size is more suited to a 16-17ft boat.


Owning a boat has been described as standing under the shower, getting soaking wet whilst ripping up 20 euro notes! I'll second the motion! :(


Quote from: blueskip on October 04, 2009, 23:08:23 CET
Owning a boat has been described as standing under the shower, getting soaking wet whilst ripping up 20 euro notes! I'll second the motion! :(

Are you tryng to keep me off the sea and my hands off the fish :) ???
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Not at all! but getting yourself on the sea in a boat doesn't always result in you catching a boatload of fish ;) there are things like local knowledge, experience, ability to know the trolling speed, set the drift properly, set the anchor properly (so that you end up fishing in the right place), seamanship (so that you get out & back in one piece) a bit of knowledge of mechanics (just in case something goes wrong, because you cant call the AA out).
So there are other things to consider after you have done the easy part, (which is getting the money together to buy the boat) that's only the beginning, the hard work has only just started! Enjoyment? Fish? getting out & coming back safely & without mishaps are the main objectives, anything else is a bonus! ;)