Police confiscates my speargun!

Started by Tracina, August 10, 2009, 09:57:48 CET

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Hi everyone,

        I want to share this new "experience" with all of you. My parents have recently moved to Malta where my dad will be working for the next 4-5 years. They moved all of our stuff from Italy: furniture, clothes, pc,... and upon my pressing request, all of my fishing equipment (a lot). Among the fishing equipment that was put in the container, was my SEAC SUB ARROW 55 (nearly a toy for all of you experienced apnea divers). They didn't know it was considered a weapon and just shoved it among the various rods...
        When I finally reached them here in Sliema for 3 weeks of vacation my hands were "itchy" and I really wanted to go and explore this magic coast as soon as possible. Having read here in the forum that I needed a license for the speargun, I proceeded to call police HQ in Floriana. Here is the result: the police officer went "ballistic" when I told him I needed a license for a gun I already possesed and that was already here in Sliema: "illegal posession of firearm". He told me I had to bring the gun immediately to police HQ (it sounded like otherwise he was coming to my house). And, of course, I did. I would like to point out that I was just trying to respect the local laws, otherwise I wouldn't have called them... no? Anyways, the gun was confiscated from me and I was told that I need to wait 2-3 weeks (yes!!), before I can get it back with a proper license. Moral of the story: maybe next year I will be able to do some spearfishing... ahahahaha
         My question is: if most tourists tend to stay for 1-2 weeks, I guess coming to Malta to practice this wonderful sport, is out of the question? My personal advice is to try and contact the police MONTHS in advance.... and whatever you do, DECLARE that you are going to import a gun at the customs ;D !!!
         I have read various polemics about illegal fishing with scubadiving gear here on the forum: I hope the police is as EFFICIENT as they were with my confiscation!!!  ::)
         P.s. I was at the Blue Grotto in front of Fifla on Friday, and a massive fishing vessel was trolling right there in front of everybody (didn't have my camera otherwise I would have had some wonderful video).
         I am a Biologist, I love the sea! Let's all respect it. But the sea is of everybody, remember!

My nickname is Tracina, not by chance, and I am not letting this one go this "easy"! I am a tenacious little S.O.A.B.  ;)

Ciao a tutti



I think they did what you asked for! You must have taken any precautions before bringing the gun with you. Another thing is why don't you go and practice spearfishing in your country!!!!! >:( You have much more fish there than we have!


Quote from: wahx on August 10, 2009, 12:07:50 CET
Another thing is why don't you go and practice spearfishing in your country!!!!! >:( You have much more fish there than we have!
For the same reason that a lot of Maltese fishing enthusiasts go to fish in Lampedusa, Sicly, Ingland and anywhere else in the world for the fun of fishing new grounds and having new experiances. you are more than welcome Tracina  
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


well said fisheye.... don't forget Australia, America and Mauritius amoungst many others....
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Please translate

Flopinjioni tieghi iva ahjar ma jigux jaqbdu hut aktar minn hawn. fpajjizi ohra emm hafna aktar hut minn hawn! il biza tieghi hi li minn jigi minn barra u jaqbad ilhut jerga jigi. dawn qed jamlu hsara billi jaqdbu hut millbahar tana u ibihhuh lir ristoranti lokali. darba wied ilghajn rajt daghjsa bxeba hrapan. dawn kienu kolla barranin, taljani biex najd issew. dawn kellom dajsa mimlija dnieci griebel u crien kolla mdaqqsa. ma nahsibx li ser johduom mahhom l-italja jien. wara skoprejt li ibihhuhom lirristoranti. jien minalija ma tistax tbihh hut li jinqabad bilharpun. wisq aktar millbarranin!


naf li ili ma nikteb imma jien qed niprova nipprotegi dak li hu tana. minn imur sperfishing barra imur ghal kompetizzjoni!


did you report this illeagal fishing to the authorities ??

i agree with you that its illeagal to sell any fish caught by harpoon, but there are differant ways and means to tell a marine biologist who is coming to live here!!!! I'm sure he knows how to respect our marine life.... more than ourselves who are still catching undersized fish and small octopus and squid etc etc etc........
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


u leeeeeeee.... this is why we never seem to progress,,,, My opinion is that you do not mess with laws... each country has it's own laws and EVERYONE espescially if you are a visitor must follow these. Once you are within the laws.. then you are welcome to enjoy and participate in your hobby and do the hell you like with your catch (so long as it is legal!)... as obviously we know that when we are abroad we expect the same treatment


Anyone in here thinks he will go to UK or any other place and expects anything different? Of course the police is duty bound to inform you that you are infringing the laws.... at least he was reasonable. Whether it is a good thing to wait for two weeks for your license / permit is another matter .. however... there would laways be embedded reasons.. (criminal records etc).



I just wanted to tell an anecdote that was funny (at least for me), and didn't mean to create havoc. Stevea, you are right too: "ignorance is not an excuse in front of the law"... In fact, I handed the police my speargun and am happy to have respected the law. During these days I have been limiting myself to admiring the wonderful underwater life of your island. By the way Wahx, I really don't think there are more fish in Italy... Unless you are referring to those places where only rich people can go to. OR ARE PROTECTED.
Fisheye and Robby017: thank you again for the support. It is easy to tell people with broader scopes and culture ; )


at least in malta u only need a cheap license, but try to go to croatia spearfishing and see how much does it costs there... unbelievable...

u ghal; biegh tal hut, mux ahjar kulhadd jara tieghu??? jien qatt ma bieghhejt hut, pero naf hafna li jghawgu l ligi.... :-\ :-X

u wahx jin int ma nafx x taghmel int lol.... ma tantx fadal minn dawk il qabdiet ta wied il ghajn..... u naf x jien nghid flimkien ma hafna minn shabi... griebel sbieh ili ma nara zmien.... crien 2 ghandi f mohhi f post immaginabbli u perikoluz u anqas imishom, ghax jien cerna ta 8kgs zgur mhux ha naqbada ghax mux ha nikola.... anqas biss tidhol fil forn.. u huta bhal dik mux ha tqattaha ghax trid tkun skarpan ta veru biex taghmel hekk
Good season so far.....


Quote from: Tracina on August 10, 2009, 14:10:48 CET
I just wanted to tell an anecdote that was funny (at least for me), and didn't mean to create havoc. Stevea, you are right too: "ignorance is not an excuse in front of the law"... In fact, I handed the police my speargun and am happy to have respected the law. During these days I have been limiting myself to admiring the wonderful underwater life of your island. By the way Wahx, I really don't think there are more fish in Italy... Unless you are referring to those places where only rich people can go to. OR ARE PROTECTED.
Fisheye and Robby017: thank you again for the support. It is easy to tell people with broader scopes and culture ; )

there is no more fish in italy cause u catch every bloody living thing in your sea for money so some of u come here for such thing. if u came on holiday I dont c it as a bad thing to practice spearfishing but can u do the same in your country keeping in mind its not a competition (that is a sport)


wahx...where did you get your nick from?