Police confiscates my speargun!

Started by Tracina, August 10, 2009, 09:57:48 CET

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I really wish the only problem with my country was "over-spearfishing"... I respect the sea and come home empty-handed most of the time. I really think the major problem is pollution and COMMERCIAL over fishing, even though you are right; there are lots of idiots around!
I guess Italian fisherman come here to fish? Commercially?


Wahx, your way of addressing people is tactless and disrespectful!

Who are you to generalise and address an individual saying "there is no more fish in italy cause u catch every bloody living thing in your sea"?

And who is this "u"? tracina? Italian recreational fishermen in general? Tracina is only responsible for his actions and not that of others who may or may not respect the law. And I am sure that many Italian recreational fishermen have huge respect for the sea.

Whether you like it or not, a tourist has every right to fish here, obviously following local rules just as we can fish in other countries after obtaining any necessary permits etc. Welcome tracina. Enjoy your stay and your fishing when your speargun permit finally arrives


lazyfisherman... well said...end of story


lazyfisherman, thank you. I hope to become friends with all of you! Spearfishing is a passion we share and that should bring us together! Grazie.


Wahx has a PhD in winding people up and his way of addressing people is probably reflective of how he is as a person!

If he breaks the forum rules (which in this thread he hasn't) his posts will be deleted and he will receive a 1 week ban like any other member would....although if it's a member's first time they get a warning. Wahx has already had all the warnings he's going to get. He is free to express his opinions however extreme they are, so long as he abides by the rules.

There's no such thing as your fish or my fish Wahx.....Tracina has moved out to Malta and will now be living here and once he has paid for his spearfishing licence he is free to fish like everyone else is.....plenty of people go with their boats to Italian waters and happily fish away.


wahx, mhux ahjar turina xi ritratt ta xi huta li qbadt ha nghidulek prosit....
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Quote from: Tracina on August 10, 2009, 15:04:27 CET
I hope to become friends with all of you! Spearfishing is a passion we share and that should bring us together! Grazie.
There is going to be a Bar-B-que for members if you want to join in it will be a nice opportunity to get to now each other. hope to see you there
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Please translate

jien ma nistax nifhimkom. mela meta jigu barranin jistadu u hawn minnom li jigu lpixkerija jittrakkaw malmoll lihemm . dawn filaxija tarom jitfaw xbieki u hadd ma jkellimom. imbad m barranin li jinzlu jikkacjaw biccilindri u perswaz li hawn membri talforum li jafu li jezistu nies bhal dawn u forsi gieli rawom u qatt ma tkellmu jew izommu kollox aliom. issa jien mux qed najd li ma jistax jipprattika ddelizzju tieghu malta imma leewl jigu lmaltin u mux imbad jiehdu lkunfidenza u jaqbdu kull ma jigi u jbieghuh.
possibli qatt ma rajt xi pjaneta mare intom u tosservaw kemm jaqbdu kollox ittaljani jew xi programm simili.
kieku ma jkunx m camera xjamlu!
issa jekk tridu amlulu translation littaljan imma jien ma rridx inkompli nizzikah. ahna lmaltin ekk konna u ekk nibqaw nilaqu lbarrani!!!!
U ta lahhar possibli filforum kollu mhawn hadd jaqbel mieghi?!?!!?!?!!?!


Wahx you are making a big sweeping generalisation! You haven't even met Tracina yet you have already labelled him and decided what he is like as a person, just because he is a foreigner. I don't know you mate but if this is what you do with everyone in life you won't get very far. I guarantee you that many Maltese (your fellow countrymen) are 10x worse!

Be at cause my friend and when you see people whether they are locals or foreigners doing the things you described, report them and follow it up. Here in Malta we like to complain but we don't take any action.


Any kind of illegal fishing should be condemned and punishable by law no matter who does it or whether it is done by foreigners or by local fishermen or anyone else. But you can't just take the first person you meet and blame him for all the wrong doing being done by the true culprits around the rest of the world. Ps, this has nothing to do with accommodating or not foreigners but it is a matter of judging only on assumptions, which is wrong.
The least you could do is to write in english so at least he could understand what you said and answer you back.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Wahx i side by you in some of your argument but that's not the way to address your arguments!

relax man! it's fishing time
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Perla 165

Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Quote from: skip on August 10, 2009, 15:05:11 CET
Wahx has a PhD in winding people up and his way of addressing people is probably reflective of how he is as a person!
He has a PhD in talking bulls**t too! Wow a double graduate!! My hats off to you sir!  ::)

If people,irrespective of their nationality,are fishing illegally then report it!!

But to lay some claim to the fish or the sea just because you are maltese is nuts!!!
If someone comes here to live,work & pay taxes and has the nessesary license then they have as much right as you,me and everyone else to fish...Duh!

In fact the only reason i bothered posting & typing all this out is i have a bit of carpal tunnel from to much spinning/jigging yesterday and i need to exercise my fingers...  :D;D cos otherwise its a total waste of time trying to reason with some people who's minds are as empty as a hermits address book!


ok then my apologies for hurting your feelings all of u. i'll keep my opinions for myself then! u know this is a damn forum and not all of u against me. u shoud have commented on my opinios not attack me. so i quit for now.


Quote from: wahx on August 10, 2009, 22:10:20 CET
ok then my apologies for hurting your feelings all of u. i'll keep my opinions for myself then! u know this is a damn forum and not all of u against me. u shoud have commented on my opinios not attack me.so i quit for now.
Yeah unfortunately for you mate however, one is in fact synonymous with the other! On account of your inspired opinions and delightful educated manner... ::) and actually we did comment on your opinions!..its just that its not what you wanted to hear i think?!
Even though your opinions do range (as usual) from biased & incoherent to down-right malicious slander...now you have racist babble to add as well...well done!
Quote from: wahx on August 10, 2009, 22:10:20 CET
so i quit for now.
Here nobody is "against" anyone,mainly because we aren't 4yrs old & this isn't play school mate!
However if you come on here,after god knows how long,and decide the first thing you should do is to post some slanderous crap aimed at a tourist/visitor to malta & then launch yourself into a rant,blaming this person for all the short-comings of their entire country (in YOUR own warped opinion at least) not to mention our own,i have to ask a question...What in the hell did you expect???!!!!  ???
Cos if you were expecting a 'well done' then please do quit for now.  ::)