New Boat & Motor!!

Started by camkev, October 08, 2009, 13:21:37 CET

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take down notes kev and dont look at the boat (that can be done outside the water) concentrate on how it handles, how quick it is to plane, when stationery (like when u are bringing in a fish) does it feel safe, does it get u wet when on a head wind or cross wind. U know things that u usually do when fishing.
Good luck mate


Still undecided about the motor,will go and have a look at suzuki and e-tech next week!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Just came back from hi-tec marine,had a look at the ranieri voyager 17,marinello fisherman 16 and 17 which i was impressed by the finish and storage in the boat...this boat is 2.3 mtrs wide,for a 16 and a half feet boat its very wide.One problem that i found is that daniel told me that it will be very difficult to go for a sea trial cause most of his customers already put there boat up!!Regarding the prices there is only a difference of about 1000 euros from the 3 of them.Regarding the difference in price to the petercraft 17 open its stil 1000 euro difference here and there,but the thing is that the petercraft is priced with a suzuki motor and these other 3 with a selva motor.So all 4 boats are in the same price region of 16330 euro and 17350 euro,for the boat,motor and trailor!!!Still not decided,and for sure i will not rush even if i buy it in a years time  ;)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Kevin, if you're not that in a hurry, I would still insist on a sea trial.  How can you buy a boat without giving it a sea trial.  Ranieri are very reliable boats, great finish, and Hi-Tec are also pitching in a road trailer.  Selva outboards are really Yamaha on the inside. 
You still have to look at the Northstar boats as well, equipped with an E-Tec outboard.  Definitely worth a sea trial too.   Demand a sea trial....Hadd ma jixtri l-hut fl-ilma!!! (maltese saying "nobody buys fish while the fish are still in the sea")
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Will never do that,that's what i told daniel.Regarding northstar i still have to go cause they were very busy with the middle sea race.I called them last week and that what they told me.Will have a look on the net as well maybe i find a bargain!!No hurry!!!Filkas nigi mijak al alungi!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Kev there is also Quicksilver boats they are made by Brunswick (USA). Same manufacturers of Mercury outboards. The agent is in Ta Bulebel industrial estate. I dont know if he has boats available for a demonstation and sea trial but asking never hurt anyone. I already contacted him before the boat show and had to go over to have a look. A quick search on internet and u have an idea of the boat. I know Marinello by hitech is a good boat, ask Benri he has a 19' one, but his is in the garage for the winter (hibernating). He can tell u speed he got out of it as well as fuel consumption. He has a 140 susuki


go for the one you try i thing is the best in all as they tolyou""""Hadd ma jixtri l-hut fl-ilma'''''' from axpiriance be cerfull  dont be sorry after is to late
sorry for spelling


I went to see the selva 4 stroke,the name doesn't sound that much but when they opened the cover it's all yamaha.The price between a suzuki and selva is aprrox 1600 euro with same hp.Now i have to go and try one on a trial and willl have a look at the consumption,weight and torque!!What do you think guys?Anyone knows someone with a selva motor maybe i can have some feedback??? TKS  :)
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Camkev..I recently bought a Ranieri shark 17 with a 60 HP SELVA from hi-tech marine. I am still waiting documets to use the boats..(MFC registration). I have only had a 15min trial after purchasing.
I found the engine very smooth and powerful. About consumption I cannot comment. I cannot promise you anything for the moment but if you are still interested later on, I can tell you to have a watch. I am very one can imagine how many preparations needed after buying a new boat so that it is ready for use!


Thank you snapper,i sent you a pm.If anyone wants to join we are going to hitech and rlr tomorrow morning!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Take your time so that you purchase the right boat for your needs. At first you will be confused but with time you will have no more doubts about the choice.


Tks Snapper,i received you pm.I went to hitech this morning and had a look at the selva motor,it's all yamaha but much cheaper then yamaha.I like the ranieri boat,but i still like the petercraft most....sometimes when you see a boat and you like it you will know thats your boat and no use seing other boats.Regarding the motor i think i will go for the etec 90,but still didn't decide yet.Does anyone know what the cost of the yearly service for a four stroke engine??the etec comes with a 3 year maintanance free agreement and after the 3rd year you only have to change the gear oil and impeller.

@snapper..i still think you made the right choice cause yor boat is very nice and the motor looks good...It's also my second choice after the petercraft!!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.

Destination Sea

biex jkollok x taghmel kev reviews fuq mutur biss ;D

ghazel il mutur li trid mill gemb (left  screen) biex issibhom aktar mghalajr
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20

Destination Sea

Running cost comparision dawn in AUD w scroll down   etec  w yamaha 4 stroke
appx div by 2 ghal euros  4 ghal maltin

f din  is site hemm ukoll info dwar etec   . running cost part minnha. ;)
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Petercraft daghajes sbieh hafna wkoll...baqghu jimxu l- quddiem u jhabbtuwha ma produtturi barranin fil- kwalita.