Running Float

Started by grei77, November 21, 2009, 03:29:12 CET

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Hi everyone!

I'm Grei, 32 from Mosta, fishing was always my hobby since I was a kid and it's been on and off since I can remember, but now it seems that I'm really hooked, bis serjeta, going up and down to fekruna almost everyday, spending more money at mr fish than at supermarket but it's all worth it, it makes up for all the stress, qazba, bahar, ipod, xi trid iktar? 

Anyways, I've been going through this forum for quite some time and it's really great, tips and all that, links, posts and most af all, everyone is very helpful, so I decided to join 

I just bought a really cheap rod and reel combo from ebay, it's good to begin with as I've always used the classic pole.  I'm gonna use it with a running float, mostly at night using Korea worms.  I don't really know the fishing terms so I will try to explain, the line is 25 and I have a 25g runnung float, what is best to do?  A 15g running sinker under the float and a fergha, attached to a swivvel with a 2 hook paternoster and a 5g sinker at the end, or just a 20g sinker at the end of the paternoster, or a 20g running sinker under the float and just a fergha attaced to a swivvel with just 1 hook?  For the fergha I'm using Trilene sensi thin ultra+ 18mm 5.8kg.  Which hooks should I use?  Will fluorescent beads help?


25g running float, jiflah 25g and how much is heavy the float?

Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!


grei77, i think that you can make one sinker at the end of the paternoster,you don have to make one under the float if the sinker is heavy ,, it is my oppinion.
Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!


boq i don't know, it just says 25g on it but i assume xi 4g or so.  what i did, a running sinker under the float and another 5g sinker at the end of a 3 hook paternoster.  issa naraw jihabbilx kollox hehe :)  i'm off to ras hanzir to try it out, bil laham tas sega forsi jehel xi monstru :)

thanks for the reply, kif jitaqqad namel kif ghidtli inti :)


check this site it shows the different methods of setting a fishing line
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


xtrajt suffrun ar running float 20g u nixtieq inkun naf kif nista narma ix xlief mieghu ,pls,aghax dik is iste li hemm fuq mix suffrun hafif bhal tijej 10x
Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!


Il-principju huwwa l-istess pero jekk inti ghandhekk float ta 20g uza comba ta 15 jew 20 g. Importanti li il-qasba tkun ferh irqiq bejn wiehed u iehor tkun bejn 10g to 40g or 50g action.

Use the same principle as in the drawing  but instead use a 15g or 20g running lead. You also need to match the rod. You need a rod suitable for light to medium tackle a 10g to 40g or 50 gr action will be fine. Using a rod with bigger action will definitely result in a shorter throw.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


hey bikri, thanks tal pdf, li ma fhimtx, il bead ta qabel is sufrun, trid iddawwar ix xlief maghha?  hekk ma nahsibx li tibqa running ux??


Lis-stopper ikun qisu fuq pipe irqiq, tghaddi xlief min go dan il-pipe li fuqu jkollu lis-stopper u tara fejn tkun trid tpoggih u slidjah il barra al fuq ix-xlief. Xhin tkun sibtlu l-post idejahli sikah. Imbad tithol dik il bead ta qabel is-sufrun, ix-xlief jghaddi minn go fija dik, ma dawrux mahha.


The first one is a stopper, the stopper is held on a thin plastic pipe. Insert the main line through this pipe, slide the stopper from the pipe onto the mainline. Next thing to do will be the bead, pass the main line through the bead (don't wrap the line).


xi haga hekk sipost. At least dak li qaluli.


check this pdf, it says to go through the bead 3 times!


You are right, the last bead will act as a stopper at the end I guess, that would help the weight not to go upwards and cast better. Anyway in my case the weight is different has a hole at the bottom and at the top so it doesn't run through the line.


chrifene, il pdf dik x namel bix nidhol  go fiha ghax l ewwel ikollhok find jew save
Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!



Sejjer ghal tal qiegh!!