December 2009_Cudas and Bass, where r u?

Started by Tracina, December 16, 2009, 19:54:14 CET

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Hi guys,
SUMMARY: I caught 1 fish that I believe is called in Maltese, Wizgha Tat-Tikek and in English, Risso's Dragonet. It was about the same size as the lure... hungry little thing!!! I returned it unharmed. No bass, no cudas :'(. Any suggestions? Is this a good time for them? Has anyone ever caught them in Sliema Creek? ???

I just wanted to let you in on a fruitless evening of spinning in Sliema Creek. I started in front of Cpt. Morgan cruises on the Strand, Sliema. I followed the "bank" past the bus terminal, all the way till "Il Fortina", past the big ramp, and onto the rocks (I don't think it is possible to go any further by land on this side). I took three casts every 15m there and back. I alternated between a Rapala Magnum Red Head 11cm and a Slalom 8cm 11g. I started fishing at 16:30 and ended at 19:00. Sunset was at about 16:30. I was using 0.30 mono.
Strong wind gusts (26knots) from west to east. Casting was a beauty he he (that is why the light lures)!!!
Air Temp: 13-14 degrees
Air pressure 109.7 mBar and rising (yesterday was raining, today was nice)
New Moon (i.e. no moon).
High tide was @ 15:30



forget the conditions just try and try.

.... but i think you were not using good lures.
I would prefer floaters or mid water rather than the magnums which are good divers.

I would suggest trying the place also on sunrise as for some reason sometimes in some particular places cudas strike only at sunrise or the other way round.

I'm not a spinning expert but that is what my mind thinks

By the way any of you who haven't yet tried the strike pro floaters i recommend spending just 6 euros on such a lure.

It's a killer ....... at a very good price
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Tracina if you want we can meet up for some spinning for Spigole! There is a place i need to test, which I think might be productive.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Hej all,
     I love this forum! There are lot of "fishing-sick" people just like me; always someone friendly ready to reply (please don't get offended)! I am going back to my PhD in Ireland tomorrow  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( You see my parents live here, and this gives me the opportunity to come fishing here (in this paradise) every month. I will be back in January... and I have already signed an appointment with another bass/cuda outing!
PLACEBO: I think you're right: dawn here, seems to be more productive than sunset. I know this might sound mad, but I have been fishing twice a day since last Saturday, and my best catches have come at dawn (bottom fishing for Sargi and Awrata using gambli and "dutch worms".... (sorry, I was too tired to write a "topic" or post pics, but believe me they were great! I even used a Carpfishing rodpod! ahahaha seriously: my new toy!). Precisely, I found that bottom fishing in Sliema Creek seems to be very productive between 5-6:30 am (not before, not after). Spinning has yet to give me a "serious satisfaction" over here. I will definetly try the strike pro floaters, how much do they weigh/size? Any colours to suggest?
CLUTCH_KICK: ..."Quando Vuoi!" no problem man! If you have patience until late January I will be back for another week-ten days... just for fishing (don't tell my parents!). I would love to come along and learn more. Usually, I use live bait for the Bass (live shrimp I catch the night before), mounted on a size 14 hook, line between 0.14-0.18 (depending on how weary they are), and float with starlight. But I am looking forward to some serious spinning. I was "flipping" in the white foam today, hoping to catch a bass that was hunting, but nothing. Big Giampa is somewhat of an expert in this field: we went fishing together at the estuary of the Tiber river in Rome but nothing... again! Actually, I think it's almost a year I don't catch one. Please help. But most of all it will be a pleasure to meet you.

Ciao a tutti



@ placebo

you think so that we have to forget about the conditions??  :o

all experts world wide say the other way round (i.e. that it matters). and from my experience it does ;) high tides make a difference, even the wind direction and the moon, dont know regards the atmospheric pressure but im sure it also plays its part.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


@Tracina: Ti aspetto fine Gennaio! Intanto io vado in Sicilia :D

@Ganni: Atmospheric pressure plays a very big difference on certain fish.  For example when it comes to spinning for SeaBass.  In high pressure conditions the seabass seem to be very lethargic and apathetic.  In low pressure conditions, especially when the pressure is dropping rapidly during the passage of a cyclonic system ( Maltempata ), and after it passes, the Seabass becomes very active.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


sorry but i will never go that far in fishing. I just enjoy sometime free by the sea and that's all my friend.

i told you i'm not an expert my friend.

they were just my thoughts. Sorry Ganni.

I remember those spnott freedive. In sicily they are very common.
That was the time before the Spnott from fishfarming was introduced i think.

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Yes Placebo, in Italy they catch two types of Spnott.

The common Seabass that we (rarely) see in our waters ..

and the Spotted seabass, which seems to have become extinct in our waters.

Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


hey guys , any suggestions where i can spin ,, at the time im living in gzira so somewhere near. Or maybe we can meet and go for a spinning session. chhers and beers ,, Tutu
u l festi it-tajba lil kulhadd

Diplodus Sargus

jien naqbel ma palcebo fuq dak li qal rigward il kundizjonijiet. xi kultant ma tridx toqod tati kas u tmur tiprova xorta wahda. mhux l ewwel darba li mort niprova b kundizjonijiet mill aqwa ghal xi lizzijiet u lanqas tara wiehed ahseb u ara kemm taqbad. Imbad immur niprova f bahar zejt bla kuragg ta xejn u intella xi tnejn hut igennek......PERSEVERANZA irid ikollok! bhal per ezempju l ispnotta li qbad dan lahhar bahar zejt kien u xorta attakat lanqas biss kont qed nistennija kont ilni ma nara wahda snin.
Ma tridx toqod tara il barranin x jghamlu jekk tara il youtube fuq l ispining igennuk. Joqodu jistudjawh il hut jaraw fejn jahbat ifawwar u jitfawlu go fieh u mill ewwel imisshom. Pruvha hawn malta bicca xoghol bhal dik u tara jekk imissekx. Nista intik il garanzija jien li ma jmissekx ghax pruvajt u mhux darba lanqas biss jghati kas lol. U B kul tip ta lure u liska li tista tigik f mohhok pruvajt u xorta wahda ma jmissix! Jista jkun il post ukoll imma adni ma nistax nghid xi jku qed jigri ezatt. Biex nalaq b cajta jista jkun il kas li l hut hawn malta imur jistudja l universita b hekk andu dawn il kapacitajiet....min jaf?!
Sargu imperjali

Kevin G

Diplodus Sargus nahseb il-hut ta' Malta haxej bhall mawn hafna maltin. fbahar teritorju malti qed jghix igifieri jaf jimxi skond luzanza tal-maltin hehe.
The Sea Sweeper :D
