Fuel prices

Started by Spirit of Jason, January 14, 2010, 22:26:45 CET

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Spirit of Jason

Hello Everyone
Back in Malta now after an extended stay in the U.K. due to some lovely snow closing down most of the airports.
One quick question, as I am still trying to find my way around..
At the moment I am buying my unleaded fuel from garages at approx €1.11 per litre.
Has anyone ever used the fuel barge in the Taxbiex area, if so what is the price of unleaded from the barge and is the fuel clean.
Or indeed is there anywhere I can buy unleaded fuel apart from a garage.

Thanks fpr any help or advice you can give me.



Cornflower Shipping - Fuel Barge

+356 2125 1448 or Mobile +356 9944 9217


€1.11 is the standard fuel price http://www.enemalta.com.mt/page.asp?n=newsdetailssearch&i=1742

The barge will charge you more plus a coming along side fee but the fuel is clean and the service 24x7