Excellent Weather forcast site

Started by Dave, April 16, 2007, 09:28:02 CET

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Excellent site, includes sunshine, rain, wind all at once...... http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/luqaRgs



the best site for forecast. Most fisherman use that site for long period and it dosn't fail so much



Le xlimsida dak bicca tender andu il vecca hahah :P dak andu lanca ta qziz haha


Perla 165

veru lol kem tiehu il moll tal vecca wehida! ;D
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!



mela hadt zball jien ax inkun l gnejna jien u nismahom isemukom u kont minalija li qeda limsida. zeppu l-iswed isemikom tafu sipost. liema wahda ija takom gieli ninzel shemm jien. hu t tfajla jorbot l vecca. chalie ta baziku tafu zgur.


Sorry but I cannot understand if we are talking for the same forcast. Just today I was out and had to get in after just an hour. On the forcast it says at a max of 5 Knots and I can say that it was also force 4 infact had to get in. At the moment where I was at Lapsi it is SSE where the forcast is SSW.

This had happen also time ao where I had taken this forcast to go at the far end of gozo. A lot of the times if compared with the MIA forcast they doesn t say the same and even with big difference


Ed remember you are looking at a forecast over land specifically at Luqa. You need to then cross reference with the MIA 3 day Marine Forecast and also SDweather to help build a better picture.

Sadly we don't have any offshore buoys transmitting weather data like they do in the US and I don't think windfinder have access to the wind speed/direction stations around Malta that are shown on the MIA interactive map.


I understand what you are saying, as as I access to this foum very often I take this wind finder to my reference a lot of times. If itsonly luqa which I taught that only Luqa cos its in the middle then I can assume that I cannot stand on this anymore for when I go fishing. So its just an idea for us..

thanks Nick.


It's an indicator definately should not be your only source no. Use it in conjunction with other forecasts to help build a picture.

Perla 165

Busumark jaqaw dan chalie baziku kellu fi zmien dajsa 18" bil perkin phaser jorbota il vecca ukoll?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Tal maxxat L-MFA 75 likbar lanca li em il vecca :)


perla 165 iva kellu wahda darba tat 18 ax kellu dajjes mhux hazin. bhalissa andu wahda ta hexa tat 26"